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6.5<br />

Ekdale, A.A. & Warme, J.E. (1973). A diver-operated dredge for collecting<br />

quantitative samples in soft sediments. J. Paleont. 47, 1119-21.<br />

[Hydraulic suction dredge, similar to that of Brett (1964); sampling<br />

cylinder (surface area 0.10 - 0.25 m 2 ) inserted in bottom and then<br />

contents sucked out into underwater rigid basket] D, M, Mar<br />

Emig, C.C. & Lienhart, R. (1967). Un nouveau moyen de recolte pour les<br />

substrates meuble infralittoraux: l'aspirateur sous-marin. (A new<br />

method of collecting from loose substrates of the infralittoral region:<br />

the submarine sucker) (In French). Recl Trav. Stn mar. Endoume 58,<br />

115-120. [Self-contained hydraulic sucker powered by 12 v battery<br />

in watertight compartment, sample filtered through rigid cone of metal<br />

gauze] D, MC, Mar<br />

Gale, W.F. & Thompson, J.D. (1975). A suction sampler for quantitatively<br />

sampling benthos on rocky substrates in rivers. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc.<br />

104, 398-405. [Describes dome-shaped sampler (diameter 45 cm,<br />

sampling area 0.18 m 2 ) with arm-holes and pump to suck organisms out<br />

of sampler into bag] D, MC, FW<br />

Gulliksen, B, & Deras, K.M. (1975). A diver-operated suction sampler for<br />

fauna on rocky bottoms. Oikos, 26, 246-249. [A sampling bottle<br />

with 0.5 mm sieve is connected to a manual suction pump used to suck<br />

up contents of area contained by a sampling frame] D, M, Mar<br />

Masse, H. (1967). Emploi d'une suceuse hydraulique transformee pour les<br />

prelevements dans les substrats meubles infralittoraux. (Use of a<br />

transformed hydraulic dredge for quantitative sampling in the loose<br />

infralittoral substratum) (In French). Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters.<br />

15, 500-505. [Slightly modified version of suction sampler of Brett<br />

(1964)] D, MC, Mar<br />

Masse, H. (1970). La suceuse hydraulique, bilan de quatre annees de<br />

emploi sa manipulation, ses avantages et inconvenients. Peupleuments<br />

benthique. (The hydraulic dredge, a balance sheet of its advantages<br />

and disadvantages after four years of use. Benthic populations) (In<br />

French). Tethys 2, 547-556. [Discusses advantages and disadvantages<br />

of dredge of Masse (1967)] D, MC, Mar<br />

Smith, W.L. (1973). Submersible device for collecting small crustaceans.<br />

Crustaceana 25, 104-105. [Small hydraulic suction sampler with<br />

bilge pump powered by 6 v battery] D, MCLP, Mar<br />

Zimmermann, V. & Ambuhl, H. (1970). Zur Methodik der quantitativen<br />

biologischen Probenahmen in stark stromenden Flussen. (On a method of<br />

quantitative biological sampling in strong-flowing rivers) (In German).<br />

Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 32, 340-344. [Cylinder with sampling area of 750<br />

cm 2 pushed into bottom and then contents sucked out with pipe<br />

connected to water pump on land or in boat] D, MC, FW<br />


[Samplers that use air under pressure to lift<br />

substratum and animals from the bottom and into<br />

a collecting net]<br />

Aarefjord, F. (1972). The use of an air-lift in freshwater bottom sampling.<br />

A comparison with the Ekman bottom sampler. Verh. int. Verein. theor.<br />

angew. Limnol. 18, 701-5. [Sampling area 0.02 m 2 , samples to water<br />

depth of 8 m] D, MC, FW<br />


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