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5.5<br />

Holme, N.A. (1964). Methods of sampling the benthos. In Advances in<br />

marine biology Vol. 2. (Ed. F.S. Russell). London, Academic. 171-260.<br />

[Five corers, each based on corer of Moore & Neill (1930)]<br />

R, M, Mar<br />

Kemp, A.L.W., Savile, H.A., Gray, C.B. & Mudrochova, A. (1971). A simple<br />

corer and a method for sampling the mud-water interface. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 16, 689-694. [Three corers, each of diameter 6.7 cm,<br />

based on commercially produced 'Benthos' gravity corer, valves at<br />

upper end of each core tube; weight 28 kg] R, M, FW<br />

Krogh, A. & Sparck, R. (1936). On a new bottom sampler for investigation<br />

of the microfauna of the sea bottom. K. danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr.<br />

13, 1-12. [Six corers, each of diameter 2.8 cm; gravity corer,<br />

rubber check valves at upper end of each core tube] R, M, Mar<br />

Milbrink, G. (1971). A simplified tube bottom sampler. Oikos, 22, 260-<br />

263. [Four corers, each of diameter 7 cm; gravity corer, upper ends<br />

of core tubes closed by rubber bung when activated by messenger]<br />

R, M, FW<br />

Snerzhinskii, V.A. (1951). Practical oceanography (work in marine<br />

exploration) (In Russian). Leningrad. Gidrometeoizdat. 600 pp.<br />

[Multiple tube cable corer, each corer being a cable-type gravity<br />

corer; samples held in tubes by the suction of an overhead washer<br />

valve] R, M, Mar<br />


Fager, E.W., Flechsig, A.O., Ford, R.F., Clutter, R.I. & Ghelardi, R.J.<br />

(1966). Equipment for use in ecological studies using SCUBA. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 11, 503-509. [Manual corers; diameter 6.6 cm, closed by<br />

plate at lower end; also square corer with sampling area of 45 cm 2 ]<br />

D, M, Mar<br />

Kangas, P. (1972). Quantitative sampling equipment for the littoral<br />

benthos. IBP i Norden 10, 9-16. [Diameter 18.5 cm; Tvarminne<br />

manual corer with cutting plate inserted manually at lower end, see<br />

also Finnish IBP-PM group (1969)] D, MC, FW<br />

Kirchner, W.B. (1974). A SCUBA diver operated corer for determining<br />

vertical distribution in the benthos. Progve Fish Cult. 36, 27-8.<br />

[Diameter 9 cm; manual corer with plates that are inserted to divide<br />

core into sections] D, M, FW<br />

Walker, B. (1967). A diver operated pneumatic core sampler. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 12, 144-146. [Light, portable corer, based on pneumatic<br />

corer of Mackereth (1958)] D, M, FW<br />


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