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5.4<br />

Pettersson, 0. (1928). A new apparatus for the taking of bottom-samples.<br />

Svenska hydrogr.-biol. Kommn. Skr., N.S. Hydrogr. 6, (6), 6-8.<br />

[Sampling area 400 cm 2 ; square impact corer forced into sediment by<br />

sliding weight of 20 - 40 kg; horizontal shield pulled across lower<br />

end to retain sample] R, M, Mar<br />

Prokopovich, N.P. (1966). Ecological sampler for soft sediments. Ecology<br />

47, 856-858. [Sampling area 232 cm 2 ; manual or gravity square corer<br />

closed automatically at lower end by plastic bottom with cutting edge]<br />

R, M, FW<br />

Reineck, H.E. (1963). Der Kastengreifer. (The corer-grab) (In German).<br />

Natur Mus., Frankf. 93, 102-108. [Sampling area 20 cm by 30 cm;<br />

frame-supported square box corer with hinged cutting area that closes<br />

bottom; weight 750 kg] R, M, Mar<br />

Reineck, H.E. (1967). Ein Kolbenlot mit Plastik-Rohren... (A piston-corer<br />

with a plastic tube) (In German). Senckenberg. leth. 48, 285-289.<br />

[Diameter 10.2 cm; plastic-barrel piston corer] R, M, Mar<br />

Rosfelder, A.M. & Marshall, N.F. (1967). Obtaining large, undisturbed<br />

and oriented samples in deep water. In Marine geotechniques (ed. A.F.<br />

Richards) 243-263. Urbana, Univ. Illinois Press. [Larger version of<br />

box corer of Reineck (1963); sampling area 600 cm 2 ] R, M, Mar<br />

Rzoska, J. (1931). Bemerkungen Uber die quantitative Erfassung der<br />

Litoralfauna. (Observations on the quantitative sampling of the littoral<br />

fauna) (In German). Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 5, 261-<br />

269. [Diameter 11.7 cm; manual corer] S, M, FW<br />

Sanders, J.E. (1966). Summary of research on the Atlantic shelf and<br />

adjoining coastal areas carried out at Hudson Laboratories in 1965-<br />

1966. Hudson Laboratories of Columbia University, Informal Documentation<br />

No. 123, 26 pp. [Describes 'Klovan-Imbrie' wedge-shaped box<br />

corer, closed by sliding side] S, M, Mar<br />

Thayer, G.W., Williams, R.B., Price, T.J. & Colby, D.R. (1975). A large<br />

corer for quantitatively sampling benthos in shallow water. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 20, 474-80. [Diameter 30.5 cm; hydraulically operated<br />

corer similar to that of Knudsen (1927)] R, M, Mar.<br />


[Weighted frames holding more than one core barrel]<br />

Fowler, G.A. & Kulm, L.D. (1966). A multiple corer. Limnol. Oceanogr.<br />

11, 630-633. [Five corers, each of diameter 3.5 cm; gravity corer,<br />

weight 110 kg but can be increased to 550 kg] R, M, Mar<br />

Hakala, I. (1971). A new model of the Kajak bottom sampler, and other<br />

improvements in the zoobenthos sampling technique. Annls zool. fenn.<br />

8, 422-426. [Three or six corers, each based on corer of Kajak<br />

(1965); upper ends of core tubes close automatically on contact with<br />

substratum; weight with six corers is 12.5 kg] R, M, FW<br />

Hamilton, A.L., Burton, W. & Flannagan, J.F. (1970). A multiple corer<br />

for sampling profundal benthos. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 27, 1867-1869.<br />

[Four corers, each of diameter 4.7 cm, gravity corer with upper ends<br />

of core tubes closing automatically or by messenger; weight 7.9 kg]<br />

R, M, FW<br />


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