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5. CORERS<br />

5.1. REVIEWS<br />

5.1<br />

[Tubes that are driven vertically into the sediment]<br />

Bezrukov, P.L. & Petelin, B.P. (1960). Manual on collection and preliminary<br />

treatment of samples of marine deposits. (In Russian). Trudy<br />

Inst. Okeanol. 44, 81-111. [Reviews Russian coring gear]<br />

Kullenberg, B. (1955). Deep-sea coring. Rep. Swed. deep Sea Exped. 4,<br />

35-96.<br />

Strain, K.M. (1938). Recent bottom samplers securing undisturbed profiles<br />

of the upper sediment layers. Geologie Meere Binnengewass. 2, 300-302.<br />

[Very brief and selective review]<br />

Wright, H.E., Livingstone, D.A. & Cushing, E.J. (1965). Coring devices<br />

for lake sediments. In Handbook of paleontological techniques (Eds B.<br />

Kummel & D. Raup). San Francisco, Freeman. 494-520.<br />


[Diameter less than 10 cm]<br />

Agassiz, A. (1888). Three cruises of the Blake. Boston. Houghton Mifflin.<br />

314 pp. [Describes Belknap-Sigsbee gravity-piston corer] R, M, Mar<br />

Baker, J.H., Pugh, L.A. & Kimball, K.T. (1977). A simple hand corer for<br />

shallow water sampling. Chesapeake Sci. 18, 232-236 [Diameter 5 cm]<br />

S, M, Mar<br />

Bou, C. (1974). Les methodes de recolte dans les eaux souterraines<br />

interstitielles (Methods of collecting in subterranean and interstitial<br />

waters) (In French). Annls Speleol. 29, 611-619. [New version of<br />

tube of Bou & Rouch (1967), internal diameter 2 cm; manual impact<br />

corer with pointed, pyramid-shaped tip and a series of holes above the<br />

tip; tube driven into substratum by sledge hammer and then water +<br />

debris + animals pumped out and filtered; used for sampling interstitial<br />

fauna] S, MCL, FW<br />

Bou, C. & Rouch, R. (1967). Un nouveau champ de recherches sur la faune<br />

aquatique souterraine. (A new field of research on subterranean aquatic<br />

fauna) (In French). C. r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris 265, 369-<br />

370. ['Bou-Rouch' tube, internal diameter 2.6 cm; manual impact<br />

corer with pointed steel tip and a series of holes (diameter 0.5 cm)<br />

about 10 cm from the tip; tube driven into substratum by sledge hammer<br />

and then water + debris + animals pumped out and filtered; used for<br />

sampling interstitial fauna] S, MCL, FW<br />

Bowen, V.T. & Sachs, P.L. (1964). The free corer. Oceanus 11, (2) 2-6.<br />

[Diameter 6.6 cm; attached to buoy] R, M, Mar<br />

Brinkhurst, R.O., Chua, K.E. & Batoosingh, E. (1969). Modifications in<br />

sampling procedures as applied to studies on the bacteria and tubificid<br />

oligochaetes inhabiting aquatic sediments. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 26,<br />

2581-93. [Diameter 5 cm; Kajak-Brinkhurst (K-B) gravity corer]<br />

R, M, FW<br />


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