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4.7<br />

McCullough, J.D. & Williams, S. (1976). Electrically powered sampler for<br />

benthic macroinvertebrates. Progve Fish Cult. 38, 186-187. [Light<br />

grab (6.8 kg) with jaws closed by electric motor and geared levers,<br />

sampling area about 500 cm 2 to depth of 8 cm] R, MC, FW<br />

Mann, K.H. (1965). Heated effluents and their effects on the invertebrate<br />

fauna of rivers. Proc. Soc. Wat. Treat. Exam. 14, 45-53. [Manuallyoperated<br />

grab on pole; sampling area about 400 cm 2 ; operates to depths<br />

of 4 m] R, MC, FW<br />

Mozley, S.C. & Schapelsky, 0. (1973). A Ponar grab modified to take three<br />

samples in one cast, with notes on Ponar construction. Proc. 16th<br />

Conf. Gt Lakes Res. 97-99. [Ponar grab (see Powers & Robertson,<br />

1967) divided into three compartments] R, MC, FW<br />

Okland, J. (1962). Litt om teknikk ved insammling og konservering av<br />

freshvannsdyer. (Notes on methods for collecting and preserving freshwater<br />

invertebrates) (In Norwegian). Fauna, Oslo 15, 69-92.<br />

[Modified vegetation grab of Macan (1949) for use in deep water (5-6 m)]<br />

R, P, FW<br />

Powers, C.F. & Robertson, A. (1967). Design and evaluation of an allpurpose<br />

benthos sampler. Spec. Rep. Gt Lakes Res. Div., Univ. Mich.<br />

30, 126-131. [Original description of Ponar grab] R, MC, FW<br />

Rieth, A. (1960). Ein vereinfachter funktionssicherer Bodengreifer. (A<br />

simplified, positively-fuctioning bottom grab) (In German). Mikrokosmos<br />

49, 252-6. [Grab kept open by very simple mechanism that is automatically<br />

released when grab touches bottom] R, MC, FW<br />

Ruttner, F. (1913/14). Uber einige bei der Untersuchung der Lunzer Seen<br />

verwendete Apparate und Geratschaften. (Some of the apparatus and<br />

equipment used in the study of Lunz lakes) (In German). Int. Revue ges.<br />

Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 6, 53-62. [Describes Ruttner scissor grab]<br />

R, M, FW<br />

Snerzhinskii, V.A. (1951). Practical oceanography (work in marine<br />

exploration) (In Russian). Leningrad. Gidrometeoizdat. 600 pp.<br />

[Describes Ulsky grab, weight 25 kg, and Ross 'Clamshell' or 'Telegraph'<br />

grab] R, M, Mar<br />

Thomson, C.W. (1873). The depths of the sea. London. Macmillan. 527 pp.<br />

[Describes the 'Bulldog' grab, a forerunner of the 'Clamshell' snapper;<br />

the jaws are held apart by a weight that falls off on reaching the<br />

bottom; jaws closed by heavy rubber band] R, MC, Mar<br />

Verneaux, J.. (1966). Sur une technique d'analyse benthique quantitative.<br />

Adaptation de deux modeles d'echantillonneurs de fond aux prelevements<br />

quantitatifs de la faune benthique en riviere profonde (type Doubs).<br />

(On a technique of quantitative analysis for benthos. Adaptation of<br />

two models of bottom samplers for quantitative sampling of the benthic<br />

fauna of deep rivers) (In French). Annls Fac. Sci. Besancon, Zool.,<br />

27-35. [Describes a "coupole" (= dome-shaped) grab; sampling area<br />

0.05 m 2 , weight 25 kg] R, MC, FW<br />


Rowe, G.T. & Clifford, C.H. (1973). Modifications of the Birge-Ekman box<br />

corer for use with SCUBA or deep submergence research vessels. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 18, 172-175. D, M, Mar<br />


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