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4.6<br />

Dromgoole, F.I. & Brown, J.M.A. (1976). Quantitative grab sampler for<br />

dense beds of aquatic macrophytes. N.Z. J1 mar. Freshwat. Res. 10,<br />

109-118. [Similar to Ponar grab (see Powers & Robertson 1967);<br />

sampling area 2 500 cm 2 , weight 35 kg] R, MCP, FW<br />

Ford, J.B. & Hall, R.E. (1958). A grab for quantitative sampling in stream<br />

muds. Hydrobiologia 11, 198-204. [Hand operated grab on pole,<br />

sampling area 77.5 cm 2 to depth of 5 cm] R, M, FW<br />

Franklin, W.R. & Anderson, D.V. (1961). A bottom sediment sampler. Limnol.<br />

Oceanogr. 6, 233-234. [Describes grab similar to that of Auerbach<br />

(1953)] R, M, Mar<br />

Guignard, J.P. (1965). Un nouvel instrument d'investigation limnologique:<br />

la drague a fermeture automatique. (A new instrument for limnological<br />

investigation: an automatically closing dredge) (In French). Bull.<br />

Soc. vaud. Sci. nat. 69, 93-96. [Describes a grab with weighted jaws<br />

that close automatically when grab digs into bottom] R, MC, FW<br />

Gunther, B. (1963). Ein neuer Bodengreifer. (A new bottom grab) (In<br />

German). Z. Fisch. N.F. 11, 635-9. [Light grab with bag attached<br />

to one jaw, weight 1.5 kg] R, M, FW<br />

Hargrave, B.T. (1969). Epibenthic algal production and community respiration<br />

in the sediments of Marion Lake. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 26, 2003-<br />

2026. [Wedge-shaped grab with one closing door] R, M, FW<br />

Hough, J.L. (1939). Bottom sampling apparatus. In Recent marine sediments<br />

(Ed. P.D. Trask). Tulsa, U.S.A. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol.<br />

[Describes 'Fish-Hawk' model of Ross 'Clamshell' grab; two small cups<br />

snap together by means of strong coiled spring when sampler hits the<br />

substratum] R, M, Mar<br />

Jackson, H.W. (1970). A controlled depth volumetric bottom sampler.<br />

Progve Fish Cult. 32, 113-115. [Manually-operated grab with guide<br />

plates; operated in deep water by extending arms] R, MC, FW<br />

Kellen, W.R. (1954). A new bottom sampler. Spec. Publs, limnol. Soc. Am.<br />

No. 22, 4 pp. [Manually operated grab, sampling area 225 cm 2 , weight<br />

3.6 kg] S, M, FW<br />

LaFond, E.C. & Dietz, R.S. (1948). New snapper-type sea floor sediment<br />

sampler. J. sedim. Petrol. 18, 34-37. [Foot-triggered grab with<br />

jaws closed by powerful spring; weight 27 kg, takes 470 cm3 sample]<br />

R, MC, Mar<br />

Larimore, R.W. (1970). Two shallow water bottom samplers. Progve Fish<br />

Cult. 32, 116-119. [Manually-operated grab similar to that of<br />

Jackson (1970), operates to depth of 3.3 m] R, MC, FW<br />

Lee, R.E. (1944). A quantitative survey of the invertebrate fauna in<br />

Menemsha Bight. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole 86, 83-97.<br />

[Heavy (135 kg) 'clamshell'-bucket grab; sampling area 0.56 m 2 ]<br />

R, M, Mar<br />

Macan, T.T. (1949). Survey of a moorland fishpond. J. Anim. Ecol. 18,<br />

160-186. [Hand operated grab, suitable for cutting macrophytes;<br />

sampling area 1225 cm 2 ] S, P, FW<br />


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