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4. GRABS<br />

4.1<br />

[Samplers with jaws that are forced shut by weights, lever<br />

arms, springs, or cords]<br />

4.1. EKMAN-TYPE<br />

[Box-shaped sampler with two scoop-like jaws]<br />

Alsterberg, G. (1922). Om provtagning med Ekman's bott-hamtare. (On<br />

trials with Ekman's bottom grab) (In Swedish). Skr. sod. Sver. Fisk<br />

Fbr. R, M, Mar.<br />

Bacescu, M. (1957). Apucatorul-sonda pentru studiul cantitativ al<br />

organismelor de fundun aparat mixt pentru colectarea simulanta a macrosi<br />

microbentosulia. (A grab-corer for the quantitative study of benthic<br />

organisms, a dual apparatus for sampling macro- and micro-benthos at<br />

the same time) (In Roumanian). Bul. Inst. Cerc. pisc. 16, 69-82.<br />

[Large grab enclosing a square corer; sampling area 0.1 m 2 for grab,<br />

100 cm 2 for corer] R, M, Mar<br />

Berg, K. (1938). Studies on the bottom animals of Esrom Lake. K. danske<br />

vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 8, 259 pp. [Ekman grab on pole with lower end<br />

modified to release closing mechanism] R, M, FW<br />

Borutskii, E.V. (1935). Vertical distribution of benthos in open-water<br />

lake sediments and the significance of this factor in assessing the<br />

food-value of water-bodies. (In Russian). Trudy limnol. Sta. Kosine<br />

20, 129-49. [Tall grab for very soft mud] R, M, FW<br />

Burton, W. & Flannagan, J.F. (1973). An improved Ekman-type grab. J.<br />

Fish. Res. Bd Can. 30, 287-290. [Has weighted top lids, kept open<br />

during descent] R, M, FW<br />

Deevey, E.S. & Bishop, J.D. (1942). A fishery survey of important<br />

Connecticut lakes: Limnology. Bull. Conn. St. geol. nat. Hist. Surv.<br />

63, 69-121. [Grab on pole, jaws closed by rope operated levers]<br />

R, M, FW<br />

Ekman, S. (1911). Neue Apparate zur qualitativen und quantitativen<br />

Erforschung der Bodenfauna der Seen. (New apparatus for the qualitative<br />

and quantitative investigation of the bottom fauna of lakes) (In German)<br />

Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 3, 553-561. [Original description<br />

of grab] R, M, FW<br />

Ekman, S. (1933). Uber einen neuen Bodengreifer fur marinzoologische<br />

Zwecke nebst Bemerkungen Uber die limnologische Bodengreifermethodik.<br />

(On a new bottom grab for marine zoology with observations on the<br />

methodology of bottom grabs in limnology) (In German). Int. Revue ges.<br />

Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 28, 312-329. [Heavier marine version of Ekman<br />

grab] R, M, Mar<br />

Hrbacek, J. (ed.) (1962). Hydrobiologicke metody. (Hydrobiological<br />

methods) (In Czech). Praha, 130 pp. [Grab on pole, used in shallow<br />

water with harder sediments] R, MC, FW<br />

Lenz, F. (1931). Untersuchung Uber die Vertikalverteilung der Bodenfauna<br />

im Tiefensediment von Seen. Ein neuer Bodengreifer mit Zerteilungsvorrichtung.<br />

(Studies on the vertical distribution of the bottom fauna<br />

of the profundal sediments of lakes. A new bottom grab with a dividing<br />

mechanism) (In German). Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 5,<br />

232-61 [Modified Ekman] R, M, FW<br />


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