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3.3<br />

3.3. DREDGES<br />

[Samplers that are dragged across and dig into the bottom<br />

to obtain a sample]<br />

Allen, D.M. & Inglis, A. (1958). A pushnet for quantitative sampling of<br />

shrimp in shallow estuaries. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3, 239-241.<br />

[Hand operated sledge dredge used to catch shrimps in stiff, rooted<br />

vegetation] S, MP, Mar<br />

Baird, R.H. (1955). A preliminary report on a new type of commercial<br />

escallop dredge. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 20, 290-294.<br />

R, MC, Mar.<br />

Beauchamp, R.S.A. (1932). A new dredge. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.<br />

Hydrogr. 27, 467-469. [The position of a tow net, suspended between<br />

and slightly above a pair of metal runners, can be altered, depending<br />

on the type of substratum] R, MCL, FW<br />

Bervas, J.Y., Potin, L. & Reyss, D. (1973). Realisation d'une draque<br />

epibenthique a fermeture automatique. (Construction of an epibenthic<br />

dredge with an automatic closing device) (In French). Document interne<br />

CNEXO, Brest (Unpublished report.) R, MC, Mar<br />

Bieri, R. & Tokioka, T. (1968). Dragonet 11, an opening-closing<br />

quantitative trawl for the study of micro-vertical distribution of<br />

zooplankton and the meio-epibenthos. Publs Seto mar. biol. Lab. 15,<br />

373-390. [Dredge fitted with flow-meter and pedometer] R, MC, Mar<br />

Boillot, G. (1964). Geologie de la Manche occidentale. Fonds rocheux,<br />

depots quaternaires, sediments actuels. (Geology of the western<br />

English Channel. Rocky bottom, quaternary deposits, actual sediments)<br />

(In French). Annls Inst, oceanogr. 42, 1-219. [Describes Rallierdu-Baty<br />

dredge, a robust mushroom-shaped instrument with a strong net<br />

lined with sacking] R, MCL, Mar<br />

Bonomi, G. (1969). The use of a new version of the Tonolli mud burrower<br />

for sampling low density benthonic populations. Verh. int. Verein.<br />

theor. angew. Limnol. 17, 511-515. [Improved version of Tonolli<br />

(1962)] R, M, FW<br />

Borley, J.O. (1923). The marine deposits of the southern North Sea.<br />

Fishery Invest., Lond. Ser. 2, 4, 73 pp. [Conical dredge fitted<br />

with canvas bag; length of frame 86 cm, mouth diameter 43 cm, weight<br />

22 kg] R, MCL, Mar.<br />

Bourcart, J. & Boillot, G. (1960). La repartition des sediments dans la<br />

Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel. (The distribution of sediments in the bay<br />

of Mont-Saint-Michel). (In French). Revue Geogr. phys. Geol. dyn. 3,<br />

189-99. [Weighted, all metal, conical dredge with rigid arms<br />

instead of chains] R, MCL, Mar<br />

Bryant, G. (1974). A wheeled device for sampling the biota of a concrete<br />

lined canal. Calif. Fish Game 60, 97-99. [Specialised dredge; box<br />

on wheels operated by cable from the bank and scrapes sample from<br />

substratum, weight 18 kg] R, FW<br />

Butler, T.H. & Sheldon, R.W. (1969). Trawl-board sediment sampler. J.<br />

Fish. Res. Bd Can. 26, 2751-3. [Steel pipe fixed at about 40° above<br />

an oval hole in the shoe of an otter board on a trawl] R, M, Mar<br />


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