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3.1. SCOOPS<br />

3.1<br />

[Samplers that scoop sediment with a rotating container]<br />

Conrad-Stork, B.V. (not dated). Offshore sampling and prospecting equipment.<br />

Offshore Drilling News 1, 2 pp. [Describes Duits- "Hamon"grab,<br />

really a scoop that rotates 120° and penetrates about 20 - 30 cm<br />

to take 36 litres of substratum; scoop mounted on large frame]<br />

R, MC, Mar<br />

Dendy, J.S. (1944). The fate of animals in stream drift when carried into<br />

lakes. Ecol. Monogr. 14, 333-57. [Brass cylinder with mesh bottom<br />

is pushed about 12 cm into mud, then inverted and removed; sampling<br />

area 48 cm2] SR, M, FW<br />

Gilson, G. (1906). Description d'un sondeur - collecteur et remarques<br />

sur le prelevement d'echantillons du fond de la mer. (Description of a<br />

collecting-probe and notes on the taking of samples from the bottom of<br />

the sea) (In French). Pubis Circonst. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer<br />

35, 3-12. [Hemispherical scoop, diameter 20 cm, fixed to iron rod<br />

and closed by lid; operates best in fine-grain sediments and shallow<br />

water] S, M, Mar<br />

Holme, N.A.. (1949). A new bottom sampler. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 28,<br />

323-332. [Semi-circular scoop rotates 180° to sample area of about<br />

0.05 m2 to depth of 15 cm; sampler and large frame weighs 45 kg and is<br />

usually weighted in use to about 110 kg] SR, MC, Mar<br />

Holme, N.A. (1953). The biomass of the bottom fauna in the English<br />

Channel off Plymouth. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 32, 1-49. [Two rotating<br />

scoops reduce movement of sampler and take two samples, each from about<br />

0.05 m2 to depth of about 15 cm; total weight in operation is about<br />

115 kg] SR, MC, Mar.<br />

Hydro Products (not dated). The Shipek sediment sampler. Hydro Products<br />

Spec. Bull. 3 pp. [Semi-circular scoop rotates 180° to sample area<br />

of about 0.04 m2 to depth of about 10 cm; scoop activated by two large<br />

springs; weight about 70 kg] SR, MC, Mar<br />

Lugn, A.L. (1927). Sedimentation on the Mississippi River. Augustana<br />

Library Publ. 2, 102 pp. [Weighted cup scoops a sample of mud (volume<br />

170 cm3) from a uniform depth; weight 5 kg] SR, M, FW<br />

Stetson, H.C. (1938). The sediments of the continental shelf of the<br />

eastern end of the United States. Pap. phys. Oceanogr. Met. 5, 1-48.<br />

[Describes Stetson-Iselin scoop: a curved tube (diam. 5 cm) rotated by<br />

gears cuts into sediment and seals it; weight about 45 kg] SR, M, Mar<br />

Thomson, C.W. (1877). The voyage of the 'Challenger'. The Atlantic. A<br />

preliminary account of the general results of the exploring voyage of<br />

H.M.S. Challenger. Vol. 1 London. Macmillan. [Describes Fitzgerald<br />

sediment scoop: a cup on the end of a weighted arm rotates through the<br />

sediment until it contacts a cup cover plate; takes only a small sample]<br />

R, M, Mar<br />


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