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2.1<br />


2.1. SIMPLE<br />

[operated by hand]<br />

2.1 a) Invertebrates in mud and on stones.<br />

Calow, P. (1972). A method for determining the surface areas of stones<br />

to enable quantitative density estimates of littoral stonedwelling<br />

organisms to be made. Hydrobiologia, 40, 37-50.<br />

Dunn, D.R. (1961). The bottom fauna of Llyn Tegid (Lake Bala),<br />

Merionethshire. J. Anim. Ecol. 30, 267-81 [Open-ended galvanized<br />

iron cylinder with sampling area of 828 cm2] S, CL, FW<br />

Dusoge, K. (1966). Composition and interrelations between macrofauna<br />

living on stones in the littoral of Mikolajskie Lake. Ekol. pol. (A)<br />

14, 755-762. [Box sampler] S, CL, FW<br />

Finnish IBP-PM Group (1969). Quantitative sampling equipment for the<br />

littoral benthos. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 54, 185-93.<br />

[Square-quadrat box sampler with sampling area of 1109 cm2]<br />

S, MCLP, Mar<br />

Fricke, A.H. & Thum, A.B. (1976). A distance measuring wheel for<br />

estimating substrate surface area. Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 42, 185-<br />

191. [Determines area of substrata enclosed by quadrat sampler]<br />

Frost, S., Huni, A. & Kershaw, W.E. (1971). Evaluation of a kicking<br />

technique for sampling stream bottom fauna. Can. J. Zool. 49, 167-<br />

73. [Square-framed conical net with aperture of 300 um] S, CL, FW<br />

Geijskes, D.C. (1935). Faunistisch-okologische Untersuchungen am Roserenbach<br />

bei Liestal im Baseler Tafeljura. (Faunistic-ecological studies<br />

on the Roseren stream near Liestal in Baseler Tafeljura) (In German).<br />

Tijdschr. Ent. 78, 251-382. [Calculated surface area of stones<br />

sampled by cylinder of Neill, 1938] S, CL, FW<br />

Hess, A.D. (1941). New limnological sampling equipment. Spec. Publs,<br />

limnol. Soc. Am., 6, 1-5. [Cylindrical cage covered with coarse<br />

gauze (aperture 4.2 mm) and with sampling area of 929 cm2; collecting<br />

net (9 meshes cm -1 ) attached to downstream side] S, CL, FW<br />

Husmann, S. (1956). Untersuchungen fiber die Grundwasserfauna zwischen<br />

Harz und Weser. (Studies on the groundwater fauna between the Harz<br />

mountains and the river Weser) (In German). Arch. Hydrobiol. 52,<br />

1-184. [Sieve-like telescopic metal cylinder driven into hole<br />

excavated in the substratum; interstitial animals washed out of<br />

substratum and into cylinder] S, CL, FW<br />

Jonasson, P.M. (1948). Quantitative studies of the bottom fauna. In Berg,<br />

Biological studies on the River Susaa. Folia limnol scand. 4, 203-84.<br />

[Box sampler with sampling area of 450 cm2] S, CL, FW<br />

Kangas, P. (1972). Quantitative sampling equipment for the littoral<br />

benthos. IBP i Norden 10, 9-16. [Square-quadrat box sampler with<br />

sampling area of 1109 cm2] S, MCLP. Mar<br />


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