Wildlife Specialist report

Wildlife Specialist report

Wildlife Specialist report


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Deciduous Riparian<br />

Abert’s Towhee Cordilleran Flycatcher Northern Rough-winged Swallow<br />

Acorn Woodpecker Curve-billed Thrasher Northern Waterthrush<br />

American Crow Dark-eyed Junco Orange-crowned Warbler<br />

American Dipper Double-crested Cormorant Osprey<br />

American Goldfinch Downy Woodpecker Painted Redstart<br />

American Kestrel Dusky Flycatcher Peregrine Falcon<br />

American Pipit Eastern Bluebird Phainopepla<br />

American Redstart Elf Owl Pine Siskin<br />

American Robin European Starling Plumbeous Vireo<br />

Anna’s Hummingbird Evening Grosbeak Purple Martin<br />

Ash-throated Flycatcher Fox Sparrow Pyrrhuloxia<br />

Bald Eagle Franklin’s Gull Red-faced Warbler<br />

Band-tailed Pigeon Gila Woodpecker Red-naped Sapsucker<br />

Bank Swallow Golden-crowned Sparrow Red-winged Blackbird<br />

Barn Owl Gray Flycatcher Ring-billed Gull<br />

Barn Swallow Great Blue Heron Rose-breasted Grosbeak<br />

Bell’s Vireo Great Egret Ruby-crowned Kinglet<br />

Belted Kingfisher Greater Roadrunner Rufous-crowned Sparrow<br />

Bewick's Wren Great Horned Owl Rufous Hummingbird<br />

Black-and-white Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Sandhill Crane<br />

Black-chinned Hummingbird Green Heron Say's Phoebe<br />

Black-crowned Night Heron Green-tailed Towhee Sharp-shinned Hawk<br />

Black-headed Grosbeak Green-winged Teal Snowy Egret<br />

Black Phoebe Hairy Woodpecker Song Sparrow<br />

Black Swift Harris’s Sparrow Spotted Towhee<br />

Black-throated Gray Warbler Hepatic Tanager Summer Tanager<br />

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Hermit Thrush Swainson's Thrush<br />

Blue Grosbeak Hooded Merganser Swamp Sparrow<br />

Blue-throated Hummingbird Hooded Oriole Tennessee Warbler<br />

Bonaparte’s Gull House Finch Townsend's Solitaire<br />

Brewer's Blackbird House Wren Townsend’s Warbler<br />

Bridled Titmouse Hutton’s Vireo Tree Swallow<br />

Broad-tailed Hummingbird Inca Dove Turkey Vulture<br />

Bronzed Cowbird Indigo Bunting Verdin<br />

Brown-crested Flycatcher Ladder-backed Woodpecker Vermilion Flycatcher<br />

Brown-headed Cowbird Lazuli Bunting Violet-green Swallow<br />

Bullock’s Oriole Lesser Goldfinch Warbling Vireo<br />

Bushtit Lesser Nighthawk Western Bluebird<br />

California Gull Lewis's Woodpecker Western Kingbird<br />

Canyon Towhee Lincoln's Sparrow Western Screech Owl<br />

Canyon Wren Long-eared Owl Western Tanager<br />

Cassin’s Finch Lucy’s Warbler Western Wood Pewee<br />

Cassin's Kingbird MacGillivray's Warbler White-breasted Nuthatch<br />

Cassin’s Vireo Magnificent Hummingbird White-crowned Sparrow<br />

Cedar Waxwing Marsh Wren White-throated Sparrow<br />

Chipping Sparrow Merlin White-throated Swift<br />

Cliff Swallow Mexican Jay White-winged Dove<br />

Common Black Hawk Mountain Bluebird Willow Flycatcher<br />

Common Ground Dove Mountain Chickadee Wilson's Warbler<br />

Common Merganser Mourning Dove Winter Wren<br />

Common Nighthawk Nashville Warbler Wood Duck<br />

Common Poor-will Northern Cardinal Yellow Warbler<br />

Common Raven Northern Flicker Yellow-billed Cuckoo<br />

Common Yellowthroat Northern Goshawk Yellow-breasted Chat<br />

Cooper's Hawk Northern Harrier<br />

Yellow-headed Blackbird<br />

Yellow-rumped Warbler<br />


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