Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Roca Honda Mine

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Roca Honda Mine

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Roca Honda Mine


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Common Name<br />

(Scientific name)<br />

Black-footed ferret<br />

(Mustela nigripes)<br />

Zuni bluehead sucker<br />

(Catostomus discobolus<br />

yarrowi)<br />

Federal<br />

Status<br />

Chapter 3. Affected Environment and <strong>Environmental</strong> Consequences<br />

Potential to<br />

Occur in<br />

Permit Area**<br />

Mammals<br />

Habitat Description<br />

E NP Open grasslands with year-round prairie dog<br />

colonies. Strongly associated with black-tailed<br />

prairie dogs<br />

Fish<br />

C NP Often inhabits swift water areas in mountain<br />

streams and smaller tributaries to large rivers<br />

(nursery habitat).<br />

Source: USFWS, 2012a; USFWS, 2012b; RHR, 2009d; USFWS 2006-2009; NatureServe, 2012a<br />

Status E Endangered T Threatened C Candidate NEP Non-Essential Population<br />

Presence** K Known, documented observation within permit area.<br />

S Habitat suitable and species could occur within the permit area.<br />

NS Habitat suitable but species is not suspected to occur within the permit area.<br />

NP Habitat not present and species unlikely to occur within the permit area.<br />

<strong>Roca</strong> <strong>Honda</strong> <strong>Mine</strong> Permit Area State<br />

Listed Threatened and Endangered Species<br />

The New Mexico Biota In<strong>for</strong>mation System Web site State listed threatened and endangered<br />

species <strong>for</strong> McKinley and Cibola Counties were reviewed in 2012 (NMGF, 2012). Table 35 lists<br />

State listed threatened and endangered species, a description of their preferred habitat, and their<br />

potential to occur at the <strong>Roca</strong> <strong>Honda</strong> permit area.<br />

Table 35. New Mexico State listed threatened and endangered species potential to exist in<br />

the permit area<br />

Common Name<br />

(Scientific name)<br />

Bald eagle<br />

(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)<br />

American peregrine falcon<br />

(Falco peregrinus anatum)<br />

Artic peregrine falcon<br />

(Falco peregrinus tundris)<br />

Southwestern willow<br />

flycatcher<br />

(Empidonax traillii extimus)<br />

State<br />

Status<br />

Potential to<br />

Occur in<br />

Permit Area**<br />

Birds<br />

Habitat Description<br />

T NP Mature shoreline <strong>for</strong>ests with scattered openings<br />

and little human use, near water with abundant<br />

fish and waterfowl.<br />

T S<br />

(marginal<br />

habitat)<br />

Rare breeders (NM) in rocky, steep cliff areas,<br />

generally near water or mesic canyons<br />

T NP Nest in treeless tundra of Alaska, Canada, and<br />

Greenland. Occasional winter migrant, but rare.<br />

E NP Dense, riparian vegetation near surface water or<br />

saturated soil, monotypic or mixed stands of<br />

native and/or exotic species.<br />

DEIS <strong>for</strong> <strong>Roca</strong> <strong>Honda</strong> <strong>Mine</strong>, Cibola National Forest 215

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