Final Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Final Environmental Impact Statement


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Vestal <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> Chapter 3<br />

Species of Local Concern (SOLC), species having insufficient information to make<br />

listing determinations, as well as species tracked by the South Dakota Natural Heritage<br />

Program. Subsequent surveys were completed in 2010 and 2011 as a result of long-term<br />

rangeland monitoring for the livestock grazing program and general plant surveys of the<br />

area. Surveys would be ongoing in the project area.<br />

Rare plant species habitats include; riparian areas, moist spruce forests, hardwood forests,<br />

granite outcrops, grasslands and meadows, open areas. The project area includes all of<br />

these types of habitats.<br />

South Dakota State Listed Plant Species and Species of Insufficient Information:<br />

Forest Service Manual 2670.32 directs us to “Assist states in achieving their goals for<br />

conservation of endemic species”. These species are tracked by the South Dakota Natural<br />

Heritage Program and have been identified as rare or lack sufficient information in the<br />

State of South Dakota. The following tracked species are known to occur in the project<br />

area as a result of plant surveys.<br />

Table 45. Known State Listed and Species of Insufficient Information<br />

Scientific Name Common Name Target Type<br />

Adoxa moschatellina musk-root State-Listed<br />

Botrychium michiganense Michigan moonwort BKF Tracked<br />

Botrychium pallidum pale moonwort State-Listed<br />

Botrychium simplex least grapefern State-Listed<br />

Carex canescens silvery sedge State-Listed<br />

Carex intumescens swollen sedge State-Listed<br />

Hierochloe odorata sweetgrass BKF Tracked<br />

Muhlenbergia glomerata bristly muhly State-Listed<br />

Scirpus cyperinus woolgrass BKF Tracked<br />

Symphyotrichum boreale northern bog aster BKF Tracked<br />

Species of Local Concern (SOLC)<br />

There are no known occurrences of SOLC within the project area; however, suitable<br />

habitat is present in the project area for 4 species. Suitable habitat for species not known<br />

to occur within the project area was based upon general habitat characteristics, proximity<br />

to known populations, and professional judgment. The project area contains a significant<br />

amount of habitat that was altered during post-settlement times (e.g. mining, hay fields,<br />

homesteads, etc.). Species of Local Concern plants which may have habitat in the project<br />

area include:<br />

• leathery grapefern (Botrychium multifidum)<br />

• southwestern showy sedge (Carex bella)<br />

• alpine mountainsorrel (Oxyria digyna)<br />

• arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus)<br />

Region 2 (R2) Sensitive Species<br />

A pre-field review was conducted of available information to assemble occurrence<br />

records, describe habitat needs and ecological requirements, and determine whether field<br />

reconnaissance is needed to complete the analysis. Sources of information included<br />


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