NEPA--Environmental Assessment

NEPA--Environmental Assessment

NEPA--Environmental Assessment


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Likelihood of<br />

Species Status* Preferred Habitats Occurrence @<br />

Season of<br />

Occurrence Analysis Group<br />

Western Burrowing FS, BCR, Grasslands (prairie dog Low N/A N/A, not known to<br />

Owl<br />

State colonies)<br />

regularly occur in San Juan<br />

County<br />

White-faced Ibis FS, BLM Agricultural,<br />

Low N/A N/A, not known to occur in<br />

Riparian/Wetlands<br />

(mudflats)<br />

San Juan County<br />

White-tailed<br />

Ptarmigan<br />

FS, PIF Alpine Tundra High Year Round Alpine Tundra<br />

Willet PIF Riparian/Wetlands Low N/A N/A, not known to occur in<br />

(mudflats)<br />

San Juan County<br />

Williamson’s BCR, PIF Ponderosa Pine, Mixed High Breeding Cavity Constructors<br />

Sapsucker<br />

Conifer, Spruce-Fir<br />

Season<br />

Wilson’s Phalarope BCR Riparian/Wetlands (lakes) Low N/A N/A, not known to occur in<br />

San Juan County<br />

Wilson’s Warbler PIF Riparian/Wetlands High Breeding Riparian/Wetland<br />

(Riparian shrublands)<br />

Season<br />

Western Yellow- FS, BLM, Riparian/Wetlands Low N/A N/A, not known to occur in<br />

billed Cuckoo BCR, ESA, (cottonwood gallery<br />

San Juan County<br />

Status Codes*:<br />

State forest)<br />

BCR = On Bird Conservation Region 16 (Southern Rockies/Colorado Plateau) Birds of Conservation Concern List (USDI FWS 2002).<br />

BLM = On USDI Bureau of Land Management Colorado Bureau of Land Management Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Species List (USDI<br />

BLM 2000). Effects to the species were analyzed in the Biological Evaluation.<br />

ESA = Listed under the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 as Threatened, Endangered, Proposed or Candidate for federal listing and<br />

known or likely to occur or have habitat on lands administered by the SJFO (USDI FWS 2005). Effects to the species were<br />

analyzed in the Biological <strong>Assessment</strong>.<br />

FS = On USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region (Region 2) Regional Forester’s Sensitive Species List (USDA FS 2003). Effects to<br />

the species were analyzed in the Biological Evaluation<br />

MIS = Management Indicator Species for the San Juan National Forest. Effects to the species were analyzed in a Wildlife Report.<br />

PIF = On Colorado Partners in Flight Physiographic Area 62 List (Beidleman 2000).<br />

State = On Colorado Division of Wildlife’s Listing of Endangered, Threatened and Wildlife Species of Special Concern (CDOW 2007).<br />

Likelihood of Occurrence @ :<br />

High = Species is known or thought likely to occur in the project area during either breeding or non-breeding seasons due to documented<br />

occurrence or presence of suitable habitat. Species may occur in small numbers or in widely distributed areas.<br />

Moderate = May occur in the project area during some years, but is unlikely to breed due to lack of habitat. Or, occurrence in the project<br />

area is irregular and unpredictable and during the non-breeding season only.<br />

Low = Species is not known or thought likely to breed or winter in the project area due to lack of suitable habitat.<br />


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