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F o r n i v e n t i l a t i - C o n v e c t i o n o v e n s - F o u r s à c o n v e c t i o n - K o n v e k t i o n s ö f e n - H o r n o s v e n t i l a d o s<br />

<strong>FORNI</strong> <strong>VENTILATI</strong><br />

<strong>HENERGO</strong> <strong>50</strong>-<strong>75</strong>

F o r n i p i z z e r i a - P i z z a o v e n s - F o u r s à p i z z a - P i z z a Ö f e n - H o r n o s p a r a p i z z e r í a<br />

I I forni a tunnel ventilati Henergo HV sono adatti alla cottura<br />

della pizza e di prodotti gastronomici. La gamma è composta<br />

da 4 modelli caratterizzati dalla larghezza di <strong>50</strong> e <strong>75</strong> cm. del<br />

nastro trasportatore e del tipo di alimentazione dell’elemento<br />

riscaldante che può essere elettrico o a gas.<br />

Altre caratteristiche dei forni sono:<br />

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I forni a gas dispongono di bruciatore atmosferico autoregolante<br />

ad alto rendimento, recupero di calore a garanzia di una cottura<br />

ad aria sempre pulita, scambiatori di calore ad alto rendimento<br />

<br />

oltre il 60% di gas in standby e ripristino temperatura in soli<br />

3 – 5 minuti e potenza termica massima installata per camera<br />

<br />

GB<br />

Forni Ventilati<br />

The ventilated <strong>HENERGO</strong> HV conveyor ovens are suited to<br />

bake pizza as well as other gastronomic products. This production<br />

range consist of 4 models characterized by a conveyor belt<br />

width measuring <strong>50</strong> and <strong>75</strong> cms and by the type of supply of the<br />

heating element, which can be electric or gas.<br />

Additional features of these ovens are reported here below:<br />

<br />

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tronomy<br />

products with three dedicated buttons for storage and<br />

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atmospheric burners with heat recovery and providing a con-<br />

-<br />

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of over 60% of gas in standby position and temperature restoring<br />

in 3-5 minutes, maximum thermal power installed in baking

F<br />

Henergo HV permettent de cuire de<br />

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nouveaux <br />

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Forno monocamera<br />

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<br />

D Henergo HV-<br />

Serie -<br />

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E<br />

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nach Belieben <br />

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aux fours similaires.<br />

HV/<strong>75</strong>-E/1<br />

Los hornos de túnel ventilados Henergo HV son adecuados para<br />

la cocción de pizza así como de otros productos de gastronomía.<br />

<br />

de la cinta transportadora, de <strong>50</strong> y <strong>75</strong> cm, segùn el tipo de aliment-<br />

<br />

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-<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

pizza y otras comidas con tres teclas especiales para programar<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

golado<br />

a alto rendimiento con recuperación de calor para garanti-<br />

-<br />

<br />

con ahorro superior al 60% de gas en standby y restablece la tem-<br />


Elettrico<br />

HV/<strong>75</strong>-E/2<br />

Forno bicamera<br />

Two deck oven

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

.<br />

Ahorrar energía sin perder productividad.<br />


<br />

Automatically easy clean.<br />

<br />

Automatisch leicht zu reinigen.<br />

Limpiar automaticamente sin fatiga.<br />


<br />

Manage the belt speed adapting it to any type of cooking.<br />

<br />

cuisson.<br />

<br />

<br />

cocina.<br />

MEMORY<br />

<br />

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<br />

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<br />

leicht auftaren.<br />

<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />


Forno monocamera<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

GAS<br />



oem - ALI Spa<br />

V iale Lombardia, 33 - 46012 Bozzolo, (MN) Italy<br />

Tel. +39 0376 910511 - Fax +39 0376 920<strong>75</strong>4<br />

info@oemali.com - www.oemali.com<br />

I dati riportati sul presente documento sono da ritenersi non vincolanti. oem ALI S.p.a. si riserva di apportare modifiche tecniche in qualsiasi momento. The specifications shown in this document are to be considered not binding. oem ALI S.p.a. reserves the right to make technical<br />

changes at any moment. Les données techniques sur ce document ne doivent pas être considérées contraigrantes. oem ALI S.p.a. se réserve le droit d’apporter des modifications techniques à tout moment. Die auf dieser Unterlage angegebenen technischen Daten sind als unverbindilch<br />

anzusehen. Firma oem ALI S.p.a. behait sich das Recht vor zu jecler Zeit technische Anderungen vorzunehmen. Los datos tecnicos indicados en el presente catalogo no son vinculantes. oem ALI S.p.a. se reserva el derecho de efectuar modificationes sin previo aviso.

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