Optical characterization of Er3+and Yb3+ co-doped barium ...

Optical characterization of Er3+and Yb3+ co-doped barium ... Optical characterization of Er3+and Yb3+ co-doped barium ...

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non-radiatively to the 4 I13/2 level which give rise to the transition within the manifold 4 I13/2- 4 I15/2 corresponds to emission at 1571nm. At the same time, the populated 4 I11/2 level is further excited to the 4 F7/2 state by ESA of a second photon. From 4 F7/2 level another 980 nm photon can be absorbed to an equally similar excited level. As explained earlier these excited state processes can equally happen under high photon density through nonlinear absorption processes such as two photon or three photon absorption. After these excited state processes, de-excitation accumulates electron in different excited states and the intensity of emission depends on the electron density at that particular level as well as the nonradiative contribution to the emission band. The two photon processes that populate the 4 F7/2 level is so efficient that it can give very efficient green emission transition from 2 H 11/2 due to the fast multiphonon non-radiative decay of 4 F7/2 level to 2 H11/2. Because of several closely spaced levels in between 2 H 11/2 and 4 S 3/2 multiphonon relaxation results in decaying the 2 H11/2 level to 4 S3/2 yielding the strongest emission band at 547 nm. Further, since the energy gap between 4 S3/2 and 4 F9/2 is 3080 cm 1 multiphonon relaxation is unlikely to happen and hence the 4 S 3/2- 4 F 9/2 transition could be radiative. Part of the population decaying to level 4 F9/2 can result in the red emission at 670 nm through the 4 F 9/2- 4 I 15/2 transition. The other possible major process that can populate the 4 F9/2 level of Er 3þ is the energy transfer process from Yb according to the equation 2 F5/2(Yb 3þ )þ 4 I13/2(Er 3þ )- 2 F7/2(Yb 3þ )þ 4 F9/2(Er 3þ ). In order to establish the presence of these nonlinear processes, the pump power dependence of the emission bands on the emission intensity was measured and the relationship obtained is shown in the inset of Fig. 3. The slope obtained for 533, 547 and 670 nm emission bands are respectively 2.3, 2.2 and 2.1, which shows that two photon processes contribute to these emissions. Fig. 5 presents the NIR emission spectra of Yb 3 þ ions singly doped and Yb 3 þ /Er 3 þ ions co-doped glasses. A 2 fold decrease in the peak emission intensity of Yb 3 þ : 2 F5/2- 2 F7/2 transition at 1006 nm in the co-doped sample clearly indicates the occurrence of energy transfer. The left inset of Fig. 5 shows the decay profiles for the 1006 nm emission of Yb 3 þ ions in the singly doped and codoped sample fitted by single exponential function with a Emission Intensity (a.u) 10.0 x10 6 8.0 x10 6 6.0 x10 6 4.0 x10 6 2.0 x10 6 0 M. Pokhrel et al. / Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 1910–1916 1913 Yb: 2 F 5/2-> 2 F 7/2 Log Photon Counts (a.u) λemi = 1006nm YbEr; τf = 152μs Yb; τf = 634μs correlation factor of 0.99998, and the right inset shows the decay profile for 1571 nm of Er 3þ ions in the co-doped sample also fitted by single exponential function with a correlation factor of 0.99999. From the measured lifetimes of Yb 3þ transitions at 1006 nm in the singly doped (Yb 3þ )andco-dopedglass(Yb 3þ /Er 3þ ), the energy transfer rate and efficiency can be calculated using the following expressions [32]: WET ¼ 1 1 ð1Þ t Z ET ¼ 1 t0 t , ð2Þ t0 where t is the lifetime of donor, Yb 3 þ ions in the presence of acceptor, Er 3 þ ions and t 0 is the lifetime of donor, Yb 3 þ ions in the absence of acceptor, Er 3 þ ions. The energy transfer rate from (Yb 3 þ ) 2 F 5/2-(Er 3 þ ) 4 I 11/2 in the present glass is found to be 5001.6 s 1 showing an energy transfer efficiency of 76%. 3.3. Cross section and gain coefficient Emission cross-section (se) and the FWHM are important parameters in an optical amplifier’s achieving broadband and high-gain amplification. The bandwidth properties of the optical amplifier can be evaluated from the product FWHM s e. The larger the product is, the better are the performance of the amplifier. Tables 3 and 4 list the parameters corresponding to 1571 nm emission for comparison such as FWHM, se, and FWHM s e of Er 3 þ in various Er 3 þ /Yb 3 þ doped tellurite and oxide glasses. It is seen that FWHM se in present glass composition 80TeO 2þ15(BaF 2þBaO)þ3La 2O 3 is larger than in other tellurite glasses reported in the literature [17,27], but less than the reported in the literature [33,34] system, which indicates that present glass composition is better among the composition based on TeO 2þBaF 2, TeO 2þZnO, germinate [35], and silicate [36] for a broadband amplifier. A long upper state lifetime in a gain medium enables a significant population inversion with a relatively low pump 400 800 120016002000 1200 2400 3600 4800 Time (micro sec) Yb YbEr λ emi = 1571nm YbEr;τ f = 2693 μs 1000 1125 1250 1375 1500 1625 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 5. Emission spectra of Yb 3þ ion singly doped and Yb 3þ /Er 3þ ion co-doped tellurite glasses. Insets show the decay profiles for the emissions. Er: 4 I 13/2-> 4 I 15/2

1914 Table 3 Fluorescence lifetime (tf), emission cross-section (se), and full width at half max (FWHM) for the emission at 1571 nm in tellurite glass with different compositions. Sample (mol%) t f (ms) s e (10 21 cm 2 ) FWHM (nm) s e FWHM (10 28 cm 3 ) 80TeO2þ 15(BaF2þBaO)þ3La2O3þ1Er2O3þ1Yb2O3 a 2.693 6.82 91 621 75TeO2þ20ZnOþ5Na2Oþ0.5Er2O3þ1Yb2O3[21] 3.15 8.8 56 493 70TeO2þ20ZnOþ5Li2Oþ5La2O3þ0.5Er2O3þ0.5Yb2O3[27] 4.02 8.5 65 553 70TeO2þ10ZnOþ5BaF2þ15PbCl2þ0.5Er2O3þ1Yb2O3[17] 4.16 8.15 52 424 70TeO2þ5BaF2þ10ZnBr2þ15PbF2þ0.5Er2O3þ1Yb2O3[17] 4.05 8.3 56 465 70TeO2þ5BaF2þ10ZnBr2þ15PbCl2þ0.5Er2O3þ1Yb2O3[17] 3.85 8.45 55 465 75TeO2þ15WO3þ10La2O3þ1Er2O3þ5Yb2O3[33] 3.0 10 77 770 65TeO2þ15B2O3þ20SiO2 þ0.5Er2O3þ2.5Yb2O3[37] 2.38 7.49 71 532 70TeO2þ20ZnOþ10PbOþ1Er2O3þ5Yb2O3[34] 2.69 8.77 72 631 a Sample under study. Table 4 Fluorescence lifetime (t f), emission cross-section (s e), and full width at half max (FWHM) for the emission at 1571 nm in different glasses. Glass type t f (ms) s e (10 21 cm 2 ) FWHM (nm) s e FWHM (10 28 cm 3 ) s e t f (10 23 cm 2 s) Tellurite [21] 3.15 8.8 56 493 2.77 Silicate [36] 3.81 5.5 40 220 2.09 Bismuth [38] 4.5 8.5 75 637 3.82 Germanate [35] 9.55 5.7 53 302 5.44 Oxyfluoride silicate [39] 9.4 7.4 60 444 6.95 ((Ba,La)-tellurite) a 2.693 6.82 91 621 1.84 a Sample under study. power. A higher excited state population with high emission cross section enables to achieve high optical gain. Thus in the design of high gain amplifiers the product of emission cross section and excited state lifetime (s et) is very important and is found to be threshold pump power [40,41], The set value obtained for the present glass composition is listed in Table 4 along with other glass compositions, indicating that high gain could be achieved in the present glass. In analyzing the amplifier performance for broadband applications gain cross section is an important parameter. By measuring the absorption and emission cross sections using standard procedure [11] one can simulate the gain spectrum using the expression sg ¼ Nse ð1 NÞsa, ð3Þ where sa is the absorption cross section, se is the emission cross section and N is the fractional population inversion in the emitting level. The calculated gain spectra for different population inversions shown in Fig. 6 indicate that the gain increases with the population inversion and positive gain in the system can be achieved only for a population inversion of 20% and above. It is interesting to notice from Fig. 6 that even for a 20% of population a flat gain was observed in the L-band side and further increase in the population 50–60% a better gain was observed both in the S and L band regions. Moreover, the obtained gain spectrum spread from 1440 nm to 1650 nm with a spectral width of over 210 nm. 3.4. Non-radiative processes and internal quantum yield A quantitative way of measuring the internal quantum yield for a particular emission band is done through the fluorescence lifetime measurements. Non-radiative processes such as multiphonon relaxation, vibrational losses by hydroxyl and other functional groups and energy transfer interaction quench the fluorescence intensity and the efficiency. The observed lifetime M. Pokhrel et al. / Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 1910–1916 Gain corss section, σ g (10 -20 cm 2 ) 0.5 0.0 -0.5 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 Wavelength (nm) of the emission can be written as [42] Ν =0 Ν =10 Ν =20 Ν =30 Ν =40 Ν =50 Ν =60 Ν =70 Ν =80 Ν =90 Ν =100 Fig. 6. Gain cross section spectrum for the 4 I13/2- 4 I15/2 transition showing the possible spectral width and peak gain cross section. The spectrum was simulated for different population inversion P. 1 ¼ AradþWmp þWOH þWET, ð4Þ tlum where A rad, W mp, W HO, W ET are the radiative transition rate, transition rate from multiphonon relaxation, hydroxyl groups and energy transfer interactions, respectively. The contribution to non-radiative decay comes from multiphonon relaxation from the host and energy transfer interaction between nearby ions. The transition probability by energy transfer depends on the distance between the donor (D) and acceptor (A) ions, R DA, and hence depends on the concentration of the ions. When the ions are homogeneously distributed in the matrix, the energy transfer

non-radiatively to the 4 I13/2 level which give rise to the transition<br />

within the manifold 4 I13/2- 4 I15/2 <strong>co</strong>rresponds to emission at<br />

1571nm. At the same time, the populated 4 I11/2 level is further<br />

excited to the 4 F7/2 state by ESA <strong>of</strong> a se<strong>co</strong>nd photon. From 4 F7/2 level<br />

another 980 nm photon can be absorbed to an equally similar excited<br />

level. As explained earlier these excited state processes can equally<br />

happen under high photon density through nonlinear absorption<br />

processes such as two photon or three photon absorption. After these<br />

excited state processes, de-excitation accumulates electron in different<br />

excited states and the intensity <strong>of</strong> emission depends on the<br />

electron density at that particular level as well as the nonradiative<br />

<strong>co</strong>ntribution to the emission band. The two photon processes that<br />

populate the 4 F7/2 level is so efficient that it can give very efficient<br />

green emission transition from 2 H 11/2 due to the fast multiphonon<br />

non-radiative decay <strong>of</strong> 4 F7/2 level to 2 H11/2. Because <strong>of</strong> several closely<br />

spaced levels in between 2 H 11/2 and 4 S 3/2 multiphonon relaxation<br />

results in decaying the 2 H11/2 level to 4 S3/2 yielding the strongest<br />

emission band at 547 nm. Further, since the energy gap between<br />

4 S3/2 and 4 F9/2 is 3080 cm 1 multiphonon relaxation is unlikely to<br />

happen and hence the 4 S 3/2- 4 F 9/2 transition <strong>co</strong>uld be radiative. Part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the population decaying to level 4 F9/2 can result in the red emission<br />

at 670 nm through the 4 F 9/2- 4 I 15/2 transition. The other possible<br />

major process that can populate the 4 F9/2 level <strong>of</strong> Er 3þ is<br />

the energy transfer process from Yb ac<strong>co</strong>rding to the equation<br />

2 F5/2(Yb 3þ )þ 4 I13/2(Er 3þ )- 2 F7/2(Yb 3þ )þ 4 F9/2(Er 3þ ). In order to<br />

establish the presence <strong>of</strong> these nonlinear processes, the pump power<br />

dependence <strong>of</strong> the emission bands on the emission intensity was<br />

measured and the relationship obtained is shown in the inset <strong>of</strong><br />

Fig. 3. The slope obtained for 533, 547 and 670 nm emission bands<br />

are respectively 2.3, 2.2 and 2.1, which shows that two photon<br />

processes <strong>co</strong>ntribute to these emissions.<br />

Fig. 5 presents the NIR emission spectra <strong>of</strong> Yb 3 þ ions singly<br />

<strong>doped</strong> and Yb 3 þ /Er 3 þ ions <strong>co</strong>-<strong>doped</strong> glasses. A 2 fold decrease<br />

in the peak emission intensity <strong>of</strong> Yb 3 þ : 2 F5/2- 2 F7/2 transition at<br />

1006 nm in the <strong>co</strong>-<strong>doped</strong> sample clearly indicates the occurrence<br />

<strong>of</strong> energy transfer. The left inset <strong>of</strong> Fig. 5 shows the decay pr<strong>of</strong>iles<br />

for the 1006 nm emission <strong>of</strong> Yb 3 þ ions in the singly <strong>doped</strong> and <strong>co</strong><strong>doped</strong><br />

sample fitted by single exponential function with a<br />

Emission Intensity (a.u)<br />

10.0 x10 6<br />

8.0 x10 6<br />

6.0 x10 6<br />

4.0 x10 6<br />

2.0 x10 6<br />

0<br />

M. Pokhrel et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Luminescence 132 (2012) 1910–1916 1913<br />

Yb: 2 F 5/2-> 2 F 7/2<br />

Log Photon Counts (a.u)<br />

λemi = 1006nm<br />

YbEr; τf = 152μs<br />

Yb; τf = 634μs<br />

<strong>co</strong>rrelation factor <strong>of</strong> 0.99998, and the right inset shows the decay<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ile for 1571 nm <strong>of</strong> Er 3þ ions in the <strong>co</strong>-<strong>doped</strong> sample also fitted<br />

by single exponential function with a <strong>co</strong>rrelation factor <strong>of</strong> 0.99999.<br />

From the measured lifetimes <strong>of</strong> Yb 3þ transitions at 1006 nm in the<br />

singly <strong>doped</strong> (Yb 3þ )and<strong>co</strong>-<strong>doped</strong>glass(Yb 3þ /Er 3þ ), the energy<br />

transfer rate and efficiency can be calculated using the following<br />

expressions [32]:<br />

WET ¼ 1 1<br />

ð1Þ<br />

t<br />

Z ET ¼ 1<br />

t0<br />

t<br />

, ð2Þ<br />

t0<br />

where t is the lifetime <strong>of</strong> donor, Yb 3 þ ions in the presence <strong>of</strong><br />

acceptor, Er 3 þ ions and t 0 is the lifetime <strong>of</strong> donor, Yb 3 þ ions in<br />

the absence <strong>of</strong> acceptor, Er 3 þ ions. The energy transfer rate from<br />

(Yb 3 þ ) 2 F 5/2-(Er 3 þ ) 4 I 11/2 in the present glass is found to be<br />

5001.6 s 1 showing an energy transfer efficiency <strong>of</strong> 76%.<br />

3.3. Cross section and gain <strong>co</strong>efficient<br />

Emission cross-section (se) and the FWHM are important<br />

parameters in an optical amplifier’s achieving broadband and<br />

high-gain amplification. The bandwidth properties <strong>of</strong> the optical<br />

amplifier can be evaluated from the product FWHM s e. The<br />

larger the product is, the better are the performance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

amplifier. Tables 3 and 4 list the parameters <strong>co</strong>rresponding to<br />

1571 nm emission for <strong>co</strong>mparison such as FWHM, se, and<br />

FWHM s e <strong>of</strong> Er 3 þ in various Er 3 þ /Yb 3 þ <strong>doped</strong> tellurite and<br />

oxide glasses. It is seen that FWHM se in present glass <strong>co</strong>mposition<br />

80TeO 2þ15(BaF 2þBaO)þ3La 2O 3 is larger than in other tellurite<br />

glasses reported in the literature [17,27], but less than the<br />

reported in the literature [33,34] system, which indicates that<br />

present glass <strong>co</strong>mposition is better among the <strong>co</strong>mposition based<br />

on TeO 2þBaF 2, TeO 2þZnO, germinate [35], and silicate [36] for a<br />

broadband amplifier.<br />

A long upper state lifetime in a gain medium enables a<br />

significant population inversion with a relatively low pump<br />

400 800 120016002000 1200 2400 3600 4800<br />

Time (micro sec)<br />

Yb<br />

YbEr<br />

λ emi = 1571nm<br />

YbEr;τ f = 2693 μs<br />

1000 1125 1250 1375 1500 1625<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Fig. 5. Emission spectra <strong>of</strong> Yb 3þ ion singly <strong>doped</strong> and Yb 3þ /Er 3þ ion <strong>co</strong>-<strong>doped</strong> tellurite glasses. Insets show the decay pr<strong>of</strong>iles for the emissions.<br />

Er: 4 I 13/2-> 4 I 15/2

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