Panelist listing for the Kaua'i Skill Panel meeting

Panelist listing for the Kaua'i Skill Panel meeting

Panelist listing for the Kaua'i Skill Panel meeting


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Ambrozic Cheryl Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board Business Development County Gov - Maui<br />

Arucan Jeri DLIR - Research & Statistics Food Safety State Gov - DLIR - R&S<br />

Arumuganathaswami Acharya Hinduism Today Business Development Press<br />

Bolt Bobbie Global Ag Labor Application of Automation Nonprofit<br />

Bowen Sara University of Hawai‘i - CTAHR Kaua‘i Facilitator: Increasing Productivity<br />

Bown David Financial Strategies Hawaii Business Development Employer<br />

Bruch Anabella Business Development Farmer<br />

Brun Nalani County of Kaua‘i, Office of Economic Development Recorder County Gov - Kaua‘i<br />

Butler Eric DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Videographer State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Caldwell Ruth DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Recorder - Business Development State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Chapp Daniel Self employed Application of Automation Farmer<br />

Corpuz Francisco DLIR - Research & Statistics Floater State Gov - DLIR - R&S<br />

Costa George Mayors Office, County of Kauai Business Development County Gov - Kauai<br />

Dayao Phyllis DLIR - Research & Statistics Business Development State Gov - DLIR - CK<br />

DeCoite Lynn Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board County Gov - Maui<br />

Dunsmoor Joseph Waipa Foundation Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Espinas Deanna Hawaii Correctional Industries Business Development State Gov - Judiciary<br />

Fichtman Stan<strong>for</strong>d DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Recorder - Food Safety State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Finnila Micah Syngenta Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Gajanan Nataraj Hinduism Today Business Development Press<br />

Getzan Bruce University of Hawaii - Kauai Community College Application of Automation State Gov - UH<br />

Godshalk Brent Syngenta Application of Automation Employer<br />

Goldstein Cindy Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Gordines John Tropical Flowers Express Business Development Employer<br />

Hager Josh Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Application of Automation Employer<br />

Hanief Scott BEI Hawaii Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Hardway James DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Floater State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Heacock Don Kauai Sustainable AgroecoSystems Employer<br />

Ho Laurie Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau Facilitator: Application of Automation<br />

Hontz Glenn University of Hawaii - Kauai Community College Business Development State Gov - UH<br />

Horton Keith Dow Agrosciences Application of Automation Employer<br />

Ito Elizabeth Kalamaina Farms and Woods Application of Automation Employer<br />

Jacintho William Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board County Gov - Maui<br />

Johnson Jorienda Global Ag Labor Increasing Productivity Nonprofit<br />

Kaaa Toni Retired, USDA and QLCC Facilitator: Food Safety<br />

Kaiaokamaile Leanora County of Kauai - Planning Department Business Development County Gov - Kauai<br />

Katayama Wayne Kaua‘i Coffee Company Chair - Business Development Employer<br />

Kato-Klutke Sandi Kauai County Farm Bureau Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Kauwe Chris Honi Honi Honey Application of Automation Farmer<br />

Kawamura Eddie Kawamura Farm Enterprises Employer<br />

Kea Gilbert Garden Island Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. Application of Automation Nonprofit<br />

Keamoai Herbert Department of Education - Kauai High School Application of Automation State Gov - DOE<br />

Kester Kirby BASF Plant Science Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Keyser Harold Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board County Gov - Maui<br />

Kimizuka Kevin Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Division - Maui Floater State Gov - WDD<br />

Kinoshita Charles University of Hawaii - CTAHR Food Safety State Gov - UH<br />

Kirk Min USDOL - Wage & Hour Division Booth Federal Gov - USDOL<br />

Lardizabal Alfred Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Floater State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Latkiewicz John Hawaii SBDC - Kauai Center Business Development Nonprofit

Lau Vicki DLIR - Research & Statistics Application of Automation State Gov - DLIR - R&S<br />

Ley Diane U.S. Department of Agriculture - Farm Service Agency Business Development Fed - USDA<br />

Low Tim BEI Hawaii Application of Automation Employer<br />

Luckett Palo Pacific Light and Power Increasing Productivity Private - Energy<br />

Lum Carolyn Garden Island Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Lupkes Steve BASF Plant Science Chair - Application of Automation Employer<br />

Macabeo Desiree Goodwill Industries of Hawaii - Kauai Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Maesaka-Hirata Jodie State Department of Public Safety Business Development State Gov - Judiciary<br />

Manera Adele Employment Specialist Increasing Productivity State Gov - DLIR - WDD<br />

McFarland Scott Dow Agrosciences Chair - Food Safety Employer<br />

McFarlane Charles BASF Plant Science Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

McFerrin Warrack Melissa Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau - Executive Administrator Food Safety Non-profit<br />

Miyamoto Jan Kauai Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board Floater County Gov - Kauai<br />

Moe Owen Garden Island Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. Business Development Nonprofit<br />

Morita Joan Kauai Coffee Company, LLC Application of Automation Employer<br />

Moriyama Corey Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board Business Development County Gov - Maui<br />

Newgent Michael U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rural Development Business Development Fed - USDA Rural Dev<br />

Nickerson Tek Coco Mana Food Safety Employer<br />

Nishek Lelan Kauai Nursery and Landscaping Inc. Application of Automation Employer<br />

Nordmeier Eric DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Division Business Development State Gov - DLIR - WDD<br />

Ogata Melonie DLIR - Research & Statistics Increasing Productivity State Gov - DLIR - R&S<br />

Okamoto Charles Gay & Robinson Business Development Employer<br />

Okimoto Dean Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation Floater Nonprofit - CBO<br />

Olds Mark DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Division Floater State Gov - DLIR - WDD<br />

Ornellas Jerry Farmer Increasing Productivity Farmer<br />

Oyama Roy Application of Automation Farmer<br />

Oyama Ryan Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Pablo Eli BEI Hawaii Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Phillips Terri Sunshine Market Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Prieto Roland Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board County Gov - Maui<br />

Quigley Peter University of Hawaii Floater State Gov - UH<br />

Rivera Judith Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Food Safety Employer<br />

Ryland Bruce Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Salausa Sia Kauai Community Correctional Center Increasing Productivity State Gov - Judiciary<br />

Shanmuganathaswami Shanmuganathaswami Hinduism Today Business Development Press<br />

Shikada Carol Department of Education - Kauai Complex Area Business Development State Gov - DOE<br />

Silva Traci University of Hawaii - CTAHR Food Safety State Gov -UH<br />

Sindt Ed Kauai Roots Farm Co-Op Business Development Employer<br />

Smith Markeeta Kauai Fresh Farms Increasing Productivity Employer<br />

Spencer Leilani Goodwill Industries of Hawaii - Kauai Food Safety Nonprofit<br />

Spitz Bill County of Kaua‘i, Office of Economic Development - Agric Application of Automation County Gov - Kaua‘i<br />

Strand Darren Haliimaile Pineapple Co. Ltd. Food Safety<br />

Tabata Caroleen DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Recorder - Application of Automation State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Tai Kaneko Susan Kaua‘i Economic Development Board - Food & Agriculture Facilitator: Business Development<br />

Thom Wayne Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Business Development State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Tsao Bernie University of Hawaii - Kauai Community College Increasing Productivity State Gov - UH<br />

Uyehara Randy Application of Automation<br />

Wallace Cynthia County of Kaua‘i, Office of Economic Development Recorder County Gov - Kaua‘i<br />

Watanabe Warren Maui Work<strong>for</strong>ce investment Board Food Safety County Gov - Maui<br />

Wiederoder Peter Dow AgroSciences Kauai Food Safety Employer

Yamakawa Roy University of Hawai‘i - CTAHR Kaua‘i Chair - Increasing Productivitiy State Gov - UH<br />

Yap Keith Gay & Robinson Business Development Employer<br />

Yasutake Jillian DLIR - Work<strong>for</strong>ce Development Council Recorder - Increasing Productivity State Gov - DLIR - WDC<br />

Yoshioka Mattie Kauai Economic Development Board Inc Food Safety Nonprofit - CBO<br />

Yukimura JoAnn Kauai County Council - Vice Chair Floater County Gov - Kauai

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