Tutorial 2 Course “Financial Intermediation” - Lehrstuhl für ...

Tutorial 2 Course “Financial Intermediation” - Lehrstuhl für ...

Tutorial 2 Course “Financial Intermediation” - Lehrstuhl für ...


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<strong>Tutorial</strong> 2<br />

<strong>Course</strong> <strong>“Financial</strong> <strong>Intermediation”</strong><br />

Exercise 1: (Chapter 1.4, p. 38: “Banks as Delegated Contractors”)<br />

An entrepreneur has the following investment opportunity that generates two possible<br />

returns in the future.<br />

Investment I = 20<br />

Return in condition 1 y1 = 40<br />

Return in condition 2 y2 = 15<br />

Return for liquidation by lender<br />

of capital L = 10<br />

Interest rate i = 0%<br />

Probability of condition 1 p = 0.5

To finance the investment, the entrepreneur can choose between capital market<br />

financing (issue a bond without the possibility to renegotiate) and bank financing (take<br />

out a bank loan with renegotiation possibility). In the case of renegotiation, the bank gets<br />

the revenue w = 0.5 (y-L), where y is the particular project revenue. Moreover, the<br />

lender of capital has the opportunity to liquidate the project preliminary, if the credit<br />

payment is in default. The lender of capital accepts the credit agreement only if the loan<br />

amount is covered by the expected repayment. The entrepreneur can simulate<br />

bankruptcy.<br />

a) Consider the case of bond financing:<br />

Compute the contractually guaranteed repayment amount DA for which the lender<br />

of capital consents to finance the investment.<br />

Compute the agency costs ACA in this contract. For this purpose, compare the<br />

project’s net present values for equity financing and for bond financing.<br />

b) Consider the case of bank financing:<br />

Compute the contractually guaranteed repayment amount DB, for which the<br />

lender of capital consents to finance the investment.<br />

Compute the agency costs ACA in this contract. For this purpose, compare the<br />

project’s net present values for equity financing and for bank financing.

Exercise 2: (Chapter 3.3, p. 36: “Risk Enhancement and Banking Operations”)<br />

There is a bank with the following characteristics:<br />

K = 1.2 R = 2 r = 0.1<br />

K is a risk-free position with secure repayment K in every period.<br />

R is a risky position with the repayment<br />

o R with probability p<br />

o 0 with probability (1-p)<br />

r is the market rate of interest.<br />

a) If the bank maximizes the value of its total capital, from which value of p does the<br />

bank prefer the risky project?<br />

b) Depositors obtain the amount of D in every period. From which value of p does the<br />

bank select the risky project if the bank maximizes the value of its equity (E)? The<br />

bank has no bail-out guarantee in case of bankruptcy.<br />

i) For D = 1.15<br />

ii) For D = 0.9<br />

c) Now, from which value of p does the bank select the risky project if the bank<br />

maximizes the value of its equity (E) and if the bank has a bail-out guarantee?<br />

d) Given a project R with a probability of success p = 0.5. Compute the capital<br />

structure (that is, D) for which the bank just selects the project R, assuming case B<br />

(bail-out guarantee).<br />

e) Assume there is no bail-out guarantee. Compute the capital structure (D) for which<br />

the value of the total capital is maximized (“optimal” capital structure).

f) Please show that a fixed risk premium c does not influence the bank’s incentive<br />

structure, assuming case B (with bail-out guarantee). The risk premium is fixed if it<br />

has to be paid regardless of the investment decision R of K.<br />

g) Please show that a proportional risk premium can influence the bank’s incentive<br />

structure, assuming case B (with bail-out guarantee). The risk premium is<br />

proportional if it rises with the project’s probability of failure in which the bank<br />

invests, i.e. (1-p)*c.<br />

Additional exercise:<br />

h) Please show: stricter equity norms of the type dept capital/total capital ≤ X, that is<br />

D/TC ≤ X, can lead to a greater risk aversion of the bank management. Assume<br />

case L (bankruptcy without bail-out guarantee).<br />

Hint: Express p as a function of D and substitute D by a function in X. Analyze the<br />

effect of a reduction of X.

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