08 November 1, 2008 - ObserverXtra

08 November 1, 2008 - ObserverXtra 08 November 1, 2008 - ObserverXtra

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s. ecial and receive benefits. 30 | CLASSIFIEDS CUSTOMER NUMBER www.elmiragiftoutlet.com 1 Union St. Elmira 519.669.3072 1 Union St. Elmira The Observer | Saturday, November 01, 2008 Community Information Page THE TOWNSHIP OF WOOLWICH "Proudly remembering our past; confidently embracing our future." On Monday, November 17, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. the Committee will meet in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Offices, 24 Church Street West, Elmira to consider the following applications. All persons interested in the applications may attend and may contact Nancy Thompson at 519-669-8706 (ext. 241) regarding meeting details. Email: nthompson@woolwich.ca. You may make written submissions in favour of or opposition to any application by mailing your comments to: Township of Woolwich, Attn: Jeremy Vink, P.O. Box 158, Elmira, ON N3B 2Z6 or Fax 519-669-4669 or Email jvink@woolwich.ca. MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION A14/08 (Thomasfield Homes Limited) PROPERTY: Ravenswood Road, Breslau, GCT Parts Lots 107 and 108, Draft Plan of Subdivision Plan 30T-98701 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting permission to reduce the side yard setback from 1.2 metres to 0.6 metres for lots 38, 39, 40, 53, 54, 55 and 56 in Stage 3A of their draft plan of subdivision. The side yard reduction will allow each lot to have a larger building envelope however a minimum 1.8 metres between dwellings will be maintained. The property is zoned Residential Mixed High Density (R-5) with site-specific provisions. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Woolwich passed By-law Number 70-2008, on the 20th day of October, 2008, under Section 17 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, to adopt Township of Woolwich Official Plan Amendment No. 13. Official Plan Amendment No. 13 has now been forwarded to the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for approval. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or public body is entitled to receive notice of the proposed decision of the approval authority by filing a written request to receive notice of the proposed decision of the approval authority with the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, at the address set out below: Ms. Kris Fletcher, Director of Council and Administrative Services/Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 150 Frederick Street, 2nd Floor, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3 An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Amendment and describing the lands to which the By-law applies is attached. The complete Amendment is available for inspection in the Engineering and Planning Services office of the Township of P.O. BOX 158, 69 ARTHUR ST. S. ELMIRA, ONTARIO N3B 2Z6 WEBSITE: www.woolwich.ca COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF HEARING November 17, 2008 CONSENT APPLICATIONS B30/08, B31/08 and B32/08 (2144183 Ontario Limited) PROPERTY: 43 Howard Avenue, Elmira, Plan 1330 Lot 102, Part Lot 103 PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting permission to sever three vacant industrial lots as follows: frontage of approximately 90 metres on Union Street; frontage of approximately 135 metres on Oriole Parkway; and frontage of approximately 75 metres on Howard Avenue and containing a 10 metre wide storm water easement (to be conveyed to the Township) along the west property line. The proposed retained lands (approximately 3.5 hectares) contain a building used as an industrial mall. The proposed severed and retained lands are zoned General Industrial – Urban (M-2). Further information about the applications may be obtained from Engineering and Planning Services at 519-669-8706 or 519-664- 2613 (Ext. 246). DATED this 1st day of November, 2008. Jeremy Vink, RPP, MCIP Senior Planner Engineering & Planning Services Woolwich, 69 Arthur Street South, Elmira, during regular office hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A copy of all written submission and comments is also available for review at the Regional Planning office located at 150 Frederick Street in Kitchener. DATED at the Township of Woolwich this 1st day of November, 2008. Val Hummel Deputy Clerk Council and Information Services Township of Woolwich EXPLANATORY NOTE Official Plan Amendment No. 13 Study Requirements For Mineral Aggregate Extraction Applications On October 20, 2008, Woolwich Council passed By-law 70- 2008 to adopt Official Plan Amendment (OPA) No. 13 to the Township of Woolwich’s Official Plan affecting all properties within the Township of Woolwich. The purpose and effect of OPA No. 13 is to add policies to the Township of Woolwich Official Plan that will clarify the requirements and expectations for studies for applications TEL: 519-669-1647 or 519-664-2613 PLAN/ENG: 519-669-8706 FAX: 519-669-1820 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY: 519-575-4504 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 13 STUDY REQUIREMENTS FOR MINERAL AGGREGATE EXTRACTION APPLICATIONS TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE WOOLWICH PLANNING AREA CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC | ||| GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING ||| | HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION JEFF LEWIS CONSULTANT KCtrutechindustries@bellnet.ca 519.497.4200 76 Duke Street | Elmira | Ontario | N3B 2X9 to book call | 519.669.5790 | Donna ext 104 | Marcia ext 106 CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC CNC | ||| GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING GRINDING ||| | HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO HYDRO CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION CONSERVATION PowerMedix JEFF LEWIS CONSULTANT KCtrutechindustries@bellnet.ca KCtrutechindustries@bellnet.ca 519.497.4200 76 76 Duke Duke Street Street | Elmira | Ontario | N3B 2X9 Individualized Individualized Individualized Health Care WASINO CORP. UNITED GRINDING TRICIA TRICIA BRUBACHER BRUBACHER NATUROPATHIC NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR DOCTOR OUR SERVICES ARE COVERED BY MOST HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS NUTRITIONAL NUTRITIONAL PRACTITIONER PRACTITIONER (CERTIFIED) (CERTIFIED) For For the the Entire Entire Family Family REGISTERED REGISTERED MASSAGE MASSAGE THERAPIST THERAPIST RAZA RAZA SHAH SHAH xt 104 | Marcia ext 106 GWYN GWYN ROBINSON ROBINSON CALL FOR A 15 MINUTE FREE CONSULT 519.664.1050 1-9 1-9 PARKSIDE PARKSIDE DRIVE DRIVE ST. ST. JACOBS, JACOBS, ONTARIO ONTARIO St. Jacobs Naturopathic Clinic FIND FIND FIND US US US ONLINE ONLINE ONLINE AT: AT: AT: www.razashah.ca www.razashah.ca www.razashah.ca > Acupuncture > B12 Injections > Blood Tests > Body Fat & Muscle Testing > Botanical Medicine > Dietary Analysis > Digestive Therapies > Food Allergy Testing > Hair Heavy Metal Analysis 519.664.1050 519.664.1050 Call Call for for a a 15 15 minute minute FREE CONSULT > Holistic Nutrition Assessment > Homeopathy > Immune System Strengthening > Infra Red Sauna > Lifestyle Counseling > Massage Therapy > Natural Face Lift Using Acupuncture > Naturopathic Medicine 100% 100% CANADIAN CANADIAN CANADIAN to establish new or expanded mineral aggregate extraction operations in the Township of Woolwich. These requirements will include studies relating to: 1. Nature, extent and location of mineral aggregate resources located on site; 2. Traffic impacts; 3. Environmental impacts; 4. Visual impacts; 5. Impacts on cultural heritage resources; 6. Impacts on water resources; 7. Noise impacts; 8. Impacts on dust and air quality; and 9. Land use compatibility OPA No. 13 will also indicate what studies, information and materials are required for an application for mineral aggregate extraction operations to be considered complete in accordance with Section 34(10.2) of the Planning Act. OPA No. 13 applies to all of the lands in the Township of Woolwich, accordingly a key map is not being provided. > Nutritional Supplementation > Onsite Lab Work > Pediatric Health Care > Physical Exam Workup > Reflexology > Stress Management > Weight Management Programs If you require further information regarding this matter, contact Dan Kennaley of the Township of Woolwich Engineering and Planning Services Department at 669-1647 or 664-2613, Ext 248. For more details, check us out online at: www.razashah.ca NUTRITIONIST NUTRITIONIST NUTRITIONIST APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED programs programs programs and and and products products APPROVED The The The Herbal Herbal Herbal One One One Management Management Management Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Centre Centre Centre helps helps helps clients clients clients achieve achieve achieve their their their dreams! dreams! dreams! 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We’ll even help you to get started by offering you SARAH SARAH LOST LOST 50 50 lbs. lbs. PROGRAMS * ive a FREE Starter Kit! your needs) ll for details. Individualized Individualized Individualized Individualized Health Health Health Care Care See See See See See See See See our our our our website website website website website www.herbal-1.com for more details ou! TRICIA BRUBACHER NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR OUR SERVICES ARE COVERED BY MOST HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS NUTRITIONAL PRACTITIONER (CERTIFIED) For the Entire Family REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST RAZA SHAH GWYN ROBINSON CALL FOR A 15 MINUTE FREE CONSULT 519.664.1050 1-9 PARKSIDE DRIVE ST. JACOBS, ONTARIO FIND US ONLINE AT: 519.669.5790 www.razashah.ca

The Observer | Saturday, November 01, 2008 CLASSIFIEDS | 31

The Observer | Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 01, 20<strong>08</strong> CLASSIFIEDS | 31

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