GAMM Rundbrief 2002/Heft 2

GAMM Rundbrief 2002/Heft 2 GAMM Rundbrief 2002/Heft 2


58 Wissenschaftliche Tagungen Gent in 1999. The conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of research in the general area of multigrid methods. Topics Multigrid methods, focussing on robustness, adaptivity, algebraic multigrid, wavelets, parallel methods, optimization and inverse modelling, software and tools. Applications of multigrid, paticulary in computational fluid dynamics, porous media flow, computational mechanics, chemical engineering, biotechnology and statistical physics. Abstracts Please submit your abstracts by May 32st. Registration / Information Jochen Hittler, Tel: ++ 49 (0) 6221 54 88 15 Oktavia Klassen, Tel: ++ 49 (0) 6221 54 88 54 Simultation in Technology Center Im Neuheimer Feld 368 D-69120 Heidelberg fax : ++ 49 (0) 6221 54 88 60 mail: web: October 07 – 11, 2002 Moving Discontinuities in Crystalline Solids Advanced School: Coordinated by F.D. Fischer, Montanuniversität, Leoben, Austria M. Berveiller, LPMM - ENSAM, Metz, France The thermomechanical behaviour of most of the crystalline solids is controlled by: 1.thermoelastic deformations of the crystal lattices, 2.inelastic deformations resulting from nucleation, motion and annihilation of lattice discontinuities. Associated with these defects are discontinuities of the thermoelastic behaviour and (or) inelastic strain discontinuities. The “static” part of the problem (determining the stress fields related to these defects) is well known since the sixties. More recently, a great interest was devoted to problems connected with the movement of discontinuities, and with a more generalized definition of “forces”. Some of these problems are listed below: 1. What is the thermodynamic (driving) force responsible for the evolution of the interfaces whenever the chemical composition is changing or not? 2. How is this interface motion transmitted to the level of the Representative Volume Element (RVE)? 3. How is the thermoelastic behaviour of the RVE affected by moving boundaries, diffusion, plastic flow etc.? 4. Which are the effects of the coupling between different mechanisms: plasticity and recrystallization, plasticity and phase transformation, diffusion and phase transformation, plasticity and diffusion etc.? 5. Which algorithms are available to describe the change of the microstructure. The aim of the course is to present research results of the last ten years as well as tools for an algorithm formulation concerning the topics previously discussed.

Wissenschaftliche Tagungen 59

Wissenschaftliche Tagungen 59

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