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260 Polynomial Approximation of Differential Equations<br />

(11.2.26) pn,k(sk) = pn,k+1(sk) 1 ≤ k ≤ m − 1,<br />

(11.2.27) pn,1(s0) = σ.<br />

Another approximation is obtained by replacing cond<strong>it</strong>ion (11.2.26) by<br />

(11.2.28)<br />

1<br />

sk+1 − sk−1<br />

<br />

(sk −sk−1)(p ′ n,k+Apn,k) + (sk+1 −sk)(p ′ <br />

n,k+1+Apn,k+1) (sk)<br />

<br />

+ γk pn,k − pn,k+1 (sk) = f(sk) 1 ≤ k ≤ m − 1,<br />

where γk, 1 ≤ k ≤ m, are su<strong>it</strong>able constants. We note that using (11.2.28) the global<br />

approximating function in [s0,sm] is not continuous. Nevertheless, we still observe a<br />

spectral rate of convergence.<br />

Cond<strong>it</strong>ions at the interface points for linear or nonlinear first-order time-dependent<br />

problems (see sections 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5) are considered for instance in patera(1984),<br />

kopriva(1986), macaraeg and streett(1986), canuto and quarteroni(1987), fu-<br />

naro(1990b). Other time-dependent equations are examined in pavoni(1988) and<br />

bressan and pavoni(1990). These techniques are under development and very l<strong>it</strong>tle is<br />

known about the theory. Finally, the matching of equations having different orders in<br />

the different domains is examined in gastaldi and quarteroni(1989).<br />

11.3 Solution techniques<br />

The matrices related to the numerical approximation of a differential problem by domain-<br />

decompos<strong>it</strong>ion can be part<strong>it</strong>ioned into diagonal blocks, coupled through the cond<strong>it</strong>ions<br />

imposed at the interface points. The number of blocks and their size is arb<strong>it</strong>rary. Some<br />

authors are inclined to use many subdomains and low polynomial degrees. As in the<br />

fin<strong>it</strong>e element method, they achieve convergence to the exact solution by letting the

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