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Functional Spaces 91<br />

(5.7.5)<br />

<br />

u<br />

<br />

1 − x2 <br />

<br />

L 2 w (I)<br />

Now, we introduce another space, namely<br />

≤ K u ′ L 2 w (I), ∀u ∈ H 1 w(I) w<strong>it</strong>h u(±1) = 0.<br />

(5.7.6) H 1 <br />

0,w(I) := u ∈ H 1 <br />

<br />

w(I) u(±1) = 0 .<br />

The following norm will be adopted in H 1 0,w(I):<br />

(5.7.7) u H 1 0,w (I) := u ′ L 2 w (I), ∀u ∈ H 1 0,w(I).<br />

To show that this is a norm we have to check (2.1.3). Actually, by (5.7.5), the cond<strong>it</strong>ion<br />

u H 1 0,w (I) = 0 implies u ≡ 0. In practice, in H 1 0,w(I), <strong>it</strong> is sufficient to bound the<br />

derivative of u in order to control the function <strong>it</strong>self.<br />

As in the previous section, we would like to define Sobolev spaces H s w(I), where<br />

s ≥ 0 is a real number. There are several approaches. A first approach consists in<br />

constructing a su<strong>it</strong>able prolongation of the weight w and functions in L 2 w(I) to the whole<br />

domain R. Then we can provide a defin<strong>it</strong>ion involving the transformation F following<br />

the guideline of section 5.6. Another defin<strong>it</strong>ion can be based on a formula similar to<br />

(5.6.8). However, the common practice is to define H s w(I) as an intermediate space<br />

between H [s]<br />

w (I) and H [s]+1<br />

w (I), via a technique called interpolation (see for instance<br />

lions and magenes(1972)). For the sake of simplic<strong>it</strong>y, we shall not enter into the<br />

details of this procedure.<br />

The case w ≡ 1 has been extensively investigated by many authors. For a general<br />

weight function, we cannot expect the various defin<strong>it</strong>ions to match. The l<strong>it</strong>erature on<br />

this subject does not cover all the possible cases and the theory is often qu<strong>it</strong>e compli-<br />

cated. Results have recently been published in maday(1990) on the interpolation of<br />

Sobolev spaces w<strong>it</strong>h the Chebyshev weight function. Though the use of spaces obtained<br />

by interpolation seems to be a promising approach in view of the applications, w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

a few exceptions, one can easily end up w<strong>it</strong>h abstract intermediate spaces, w<strong>it</strong>hout a<br />

satisfactory characterization of their elements.

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