Journal of Tropical Ecology (2006) - USDA Forest Service

Journal of Tropical Ecology (2006) - USDA Forest Service Journal of Tropical Ecology (2006) - USDA Forest Service
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120 CHRISTOPHER P. BLOCH AND MICHAEL R. WILLIG Deslippe, Mark McGinley, Richard Strauss, John Zak and three anonymous reviewers provided helpful suggestions for improving this manuscript. Voucher specimens are housed at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Finally, we thank the staff of El Verde Field Station and the many students and colleagues who assisted with field work over the years. LITERATURE CITED ADAMS, A. 2001. Effects of a hurricane on two assemblages of coral reef fishes: multiple-year analysis reverses a false ‘snapshot’ interpretation. Bulletin of Marine Science 69:341–356. ALVAREZ, J. & WILLIG, M. R. 1993. Effects of treefall gaps on the density of land snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest. Biotropica 25:100–110. BAUR, B. & BAUR, A. 1993. Climatic warming due to thermal-radiation from an urban area as possible cause for the local extinction of a land snail. Journal of Applied Ecology 30:333–340. BLOCH, C. P. 2004. Long-term responses of snail populations and communities to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico.Ph.D.Dissertation.TexasTechUniversity,Lubbock,Texas,USA. BROKAW, N. V. L. 1985. Treefalls, regrowth, and community structure in tropical forests. Pp. 53–69 in Pickett, S. T. A. & White, P. S. (eds.). The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Academic Press, San Diego. BROWN, S., LUGO, A. E., SILANDER, S. & LIEGEL, L. 1983. Research history and opportunities in the Luquillo Experimental Forest. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. BURROWES, P. A., JOGLAR, R. L. & GREEN, D. E. 2004. Potential causes for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico. Herpetologica 60:141–154. BYTHELL, J. C., HILLIS-STARR, Z. M. & ROGERS, C. S. 2000. Local variability but landscape stability in coral reef communities following repeated hurricane impacts. Marine Ecology Progress Series 204:93– 100. COOK, A. 2001. Behavioural ecology: on doing the right thing, in the right place at the right time. Pp. 447–487 in Barker, G. M. (ed.). The biology of terrestrial molluscs. CAB International, Wallingford. COVICH, A. P., CROWL, T. A. & SCATENA, F. N. 2003. Effects of extreme low flows on freshwater shrimps in a perennial tropical stream. Freshwater Biology 48:1199–1206. DENSLOW, J. S. 1980. Gap partitioning among tropical rainforest trees. Biotropica 12:47–55. FERNANDEZ, D. S. & FETCHER, N. 1991. Changes in light availability following Hurricane Hugo in a subtropical montane forest in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:393–399. GANNON, M. R. & WILLIG, M. R. 1994. Effects of Hurricane Hugo on bats of the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico. Biotropica 26:320–331. GOLDENBERG, S. B., LANDSEA, C. W., MESTAS-NUÑEZ, A. M. & GRAY, W. M. 2001. The recent increase in Atlantic hurricane activity: causes and implications. Science 293:474–479. GROVE, S. J., TURTON, S. M. & SIEGENTHALER, D. T. 2000. Mosaics of canopy openness induced by tropical cyclones in lowland rain forests with contrasting management histories in northeastern Australia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16:883–894. HEATWOLE, H. & HEATWOLE, A. 1978. Ecology of the Puerto Rican camaenid tree-snails. Malacologia 17:241–315. HJERPE, J., HEDENÁS, H. & ELMQVIST, T. 2001. Tropical rain forest recovery from cyclone damage and fire in Samoa. Biotropica 33:249– 259. HURLBERT, S. H. 2003. Design and analysis: uncertain intent, uncertain result. Ecology 84:810–812. HYLANDER,K.,NILSSON,C.&GÖTHNER,T.2004.Effectsofbuffer-strip retention and clearcutting on land snails in boreal riparian forests. Conservation Biology 18:1052–1062. JENNINGS, T. J. & BARKHAM, J. P. 1979. Litter decomposition by slugs in mixed deciduous woodland. Holarctic Ecology 2:21–29. JONES, C. G. & SHACHAK, M. 1990. Fertilization of the desert soil by rock-eating snails. Nature 346:839–841. JONES, K. E., BARLOW, K. E., VAUGHAN, N., RODRÍGUEZ-DURÁN, A. & GANNON,M.R.2001.Short-termimpactsofextremeenvironmental disturbance on the bats of Puerto Rico. Animal Conservation 4:59–66. KARLIN, E. J. 1961. Ecological relationships between vegetation and the distribution of land snails in Montana, Colorado and New Mexico. American Midland Naturalist 65:60–66. LANDE, R. 1977. On comparing coefficients of variation. Systematic Zoology 26:214–217. LEE, R. 1978. Forest microclimatology. Columbia University Press, New York. 276 pp. LIN, K., HAMBURG, S. P., TANG, S., HSIA, Y. & LIN, T. 2003. Typhoon effects on litterfall in a subtropical forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:2184–2192. LOMASCOLO, T. & AIDE, T. M. 2001. Seed and seedling bank dynamics in secondary forests following Hurricane Georges in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 37:259–270. LUGO, A. E. & FRANGI, J. L. 2003. Changes in necromass and nutrients ontheforestfloorofapalmfloodplainforestintheLuquilloMountains of Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 39:265–272. MORAN, M. D. 2003. Arguments for rejecting the sequential Bonferroni in ecological studies. Oikos 100:403–405. ODUM, H. T. & PIGEON, R. F. (eds.) 1970. A tropical rain forest: a study of irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge. ODUM, H. T., DREWRY, G. & KLINE, J. R. 1970. Climate at El Verde, 1963–1966. Pp. B347–B418 in Odum, H. T. & Pigeon, R. F. (eds.). A tropical rain forest: a study of irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge. OSTERTAG, R., SCATENA, F. N. & SILVER, W. L. 2003. Forest floor decomposition following hurricane litter inputs in several Puerto Rican forests. Ecosystems 6:261–273. PAERL, H. W., BALES, J. D., AUSLEY, L. W., BUZZELLI, C. P., CROWDER, L. B., EBY, L. A., FEAR, J. M., GO, M., PEIERLS, B. L., RICHARDSON, T. L. & RAMUS, J. S. 2001. Ecosystem impacts of three sequential hurricanes (Dennis, Floyd, and Irene) on the United States’ largest lagoonal estuary, Pamlico Sound, NC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 98:5655–5660.

Long-term responses of snails to disturbance 121 PAINE, R. T., TEGNER, M. J. & JOHNSON, E. A. 1998. Compounded perturbations yield ecological surprises. Ecosystems 1:535– 545. PARMESAN, C., ROOT, T. L. & WILLIG, M. R. 2000. Impacts of extreme weather and climate on terrestrial biota. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81:443–450. PFEIFFER, W. J. 1996. Arboreal arachnids. Pp. 247–271 in Reagan, D. P. & Waide, R. B. (eds.). The food web of a tropical rain forest. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. PIERSON, E. D., ELMQVIST, T., RAINEY, W. E. & COX, P. A. 1996. Effects of tropical cyclonic storms on flying fox populations on the South Pacific islands of Samoa. Conservation Biology 10:438–451. PLATT, W. J. & CONNELL, J. H. 2003. Natural disturbances and directional replacement of species. Ecological Monographs 73:507– 522. REAGAN, D. P. & WAIDE, R. B. (eds.) 1996. The food web of a tropical rain forest. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 616 pp. RICE, W. R. 1989. Analyzing tables of statistical tests. Evolution 43:223– 225. RIDDLE, W. A. 1983. Physiological ecology of land snails and slugs. Pp. 431–461 in Russell-Hunter, W. D. (ed.). The Mollusca. Volume 6, ecology. Academic Press, Orlando. ROBACK, P. J. & ASKINS, R. A. 2005. Judicious use of multiple hypothesis tests. Conservation Biology 19:261–267. RODRÍGUEZ-DURÁN, A. & VÁZQUEZ, R. 2001. The bat Artibeus jamaicensis in Puerto Rico (West Indies): seasonality of diet, activity, and effect of a hurricane. Acta Chiropterologica 3:53–61. RUNKLE, J. R. 1985. Disturbance regimes in temperate forests. Pp. 17– 33 in Pickett, S. T. A. & White, P. S. (eds.), The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Academic Press, San Diego. RUSSELL-HUNTER, W. D. 1983. Overview: planetary distribution of and ecological constraints upon the Mollusca. Pp.1–27 in Russell- Hunter,W.D.(ed.),The Mollusca. Volume 6, ecology. Academic Press, Orlando. SCATENA, F. N. & LARSEN, M. C. 1991. Physical aspects of Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:317–323. SCHOENER, T. W., SPILLER, D. A. & LOSOS, J. B. 2004. Variable ecological effects of hurricanes: the importance of seasonal timing for survival of lizards on Bahamian islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 101:177–181. SCHOWALTER, T. D. 1994. Invertebrate community structure and herbivory in a tropical rainforest canopy in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Hugo. Biotropica 26:312–319. SCHOWALTER, T. D. & GANIO, L. M. 2003. Diel, seasonal and disturbance-induced variation in invertebrate assemblages. Pp. 315– 328 in Basset, Y., Novotny, V., Miller, S. E. & Kitching, R. (eds.). Arthropods of tropical forests: spatio-temporal dynamics and resource use in the canopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. SECREST, M. F., WILLIG, M. R. & PEPPERS, L. L. 1996. The legacy of disturbance on habitat associations of terrestrial snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 28:502–514. SHIKOV, E. V. 1984. Effects of land use changes on the land mollusc fauna in the central portion of the Russian plain. Pp. 237–248 in Solem, A. & van Bruggen, A. C. (eds.). World-wide snails: biogeographical studies on non-marine Mollusca. E.J. Brill, Leiden. SOKAL, R. R. & ROHLF, F. J. 1995. Biometry: the principles and practice of statistics in biological research. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York. 887 pp. SOLEM, A. 1984. A world model of land snail diversity and abundance. Pp. 6–22 in Solem, A. & van Bruggen, A. C. (eds.). World-wide snails: biogeographical studies on non-marine Mollusca. E. J. Brill, Leiden. STRAYER, D., PLETSCHER, D. H., HAMBURG, S. P. & NODVIN, S. C. 1986. The effects of forest disturbance on land gastropod communities in northern New England. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:2094–2098. STRÖM, L. 2004. Long-term effects of riparian clear-cutting – richer land snail communities in regenerating forests. M.S. Thesis, Ume˚a University, Sweden. TANNER, E. V. J., KAPOS, V. & HEALEY, J. R. 1991. Hurricane effects on forest ecosystems in the Caribbean. Biotropica 23:513– 521. THEENHAUS, A. & SCHEU, S. 1996. The influence of slug (Arion rufus) mucus and cast material addition on microbial biomass, respiration, and nutrient cycling in beech leaf litter. Biology and Fertility of Soils 23:80–85. TORRES, J. A. 1992. Lepidoptera outbreaks in response to successional changes after the passage of Hurricane Hugo in Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 8:285–298. TURNER, M. G. & DALE, V. H. 1998. Comparing large, infrequent disturbances: what have we learned? Ecosystems 1:493– 496. TURNER, M. G., DALE, V. H. & EVERHAM, E. H. 1997. Fires, hurricanes, and volcanoes: comparing large disturbances. BioScience 47:758– 768. VANDERMEER, J., DE LA CERDA, I. G., BOUCHER, D., PERFECTO, I. & RUÍZ, J. 2000. Hurricane disturbance and tropical tree species diversity. Science 290:788–791. WAIDE, R. B. 1991. The effect of Hurricane Hugo on bird populations in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:475– 480. WALKER, L. R. & WILLIG, M. R. 1999. An introduction to terrestrial disturbances. Pp. 1–16 in Walker, L. R. (ed.). Ecosystems of disturbed ground. Elsevier Press, Amsterdam. WHIGHAM, D. F., DICKINSON, M. B. & BROKAW, N. V. L. 1999. Background canopy gap and catastrophic wind disturbances in tropical forests. Pp. 223–252 in Walker, L. R. (ed.). Ecosystems of disturbed ground. Elsevier Press, Amsterdam. WHITE, P. S. 1979. Pattern, process, and natural disturbance in vegetation. The Botanical Review 45:229–299. WHITE, P. S. & JENTSCH, A. 2001. The search for generality in studies of disturbance and ecosystem dynamics. Progress in Botany 62:399– 449. WHITE, P. S. & PICKETT, S. T. A. 1985. Natural disturbance and patch dynamics: an introduction. Pp. 3–13 in Pickett, S. T. A. & White, P. S. (eds.). The ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Academic Press, San Diego. WILLIG, M. R. & CAMILO, G. R. 1991. The effect of Hurricane Hugo on six invertebrate species in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico. Biotropica 23:455–461.


Deslippe, Mark McGinley, Richard Strauss, John Zak and<br />

three anonymous reviewers provided helpful suggestions<br />

for improving this manuscript. Voucher specimens are<br />

housed at the Academy <strong>of</strong> Natural Sciences, Philadelphia,<br />

PA, USA. Finally, we thank the staff <strong>of</strong> El Verde Field<br />

Station and the many students and colleagues who<br />

assisted with field work over the years.<br />


ADAMS, A. 2001. Effects <strong>of</strong> a hurricane on two assemblages <strong>of</strong> coral<br />

reef fishes: multiple-year analysis reverses a false ‘snapshot’ interpretation.<br />

Bulletin <strong>of</strong> Marine Science 69:341–356.<br />

ALVAREZ, J. & WILLIG, M. R. 1993. Effects <strong>of</strong> treefall gaps on the<br />

density <strong>of</strong> land snails in the Luquillo Experimental <strong>Forest</strong>. Biotropica<br />

25:100–110.<br />

BAUR, B. & BAUR, A. 1993. Climatic warming due to thermal-radiation<br />

from an urban area as possible cause for the local extinction <strong>of</strong> a land<br />

snail. <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Applied <strong>Ecology</strong> 30:333–340.<br />

BLOCH, C. P. 2004. Long-term responses <strong>of</strong> snail populations and<br />

communities to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental <strong>Forest</strong>, Puerto<br />

Rico.Ph.D.Dissertation.TexasTechUniversity,Lubbock,Texas,USA.<br />

BROKAW, N. V. L. 1985. Treefalls, regrowth, and community structure<br />

in tropical forests. Pp. 53–69 in Pickett, S. T. A. & White, P. S. (eds.).<br />

The ecology <strong>of</strong> natural disturbance and patch dynamics. Academic Press,<br />

San Diego.<br />

BROWN, S., LUGO, A. E., SILANDER, S. & LIEGEL, L. 1983. Research<br />

history and opportunities in the Luquillo Experimental <strong>Forest</strong>. United<br />

States Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Service</strong>, Southern <strong>Forest</strong><br />

Experiment Station, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.<br />

BURROWES, P. A., JOGLAR, R. L. & GREEN, D. E. 2004. Potential causes<br />

for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico. Herpetologica 60:141–154.<br />

BYTHELL, J. C., HILLIS-STARR, Z. M. & ROGERS, C. S. 2000. Local<br />

variability but landscape stability in coral reef communities following<br />

repeated hurricane impacts. Marine <strong>Ecology</strong> Progress Series 204:93–<br />

100.<br />

COOK, A. 2001. Behavioural ecology: on doing the right thing, in the<br />

right place at the right time. Pp. 447–487 in Barker, G. M. (ed.). The<br />

biology <strong>of</strong> terrestrial molluscs. CAB International, Wallingford.<br />

COVICH, A. P., CROWL, T. A. & SCATENA, F. N. 2003. Effects <strong>of</strong> extreme<br />

low flows on freshwater shrimps in a perennial tropical stream.<br />

Freshwater Biology 48:1199–1206.<br />

DENSLOW, J. S. 1980. Gap partitioning among tropical rainforest trees.<br />

Biotropica 12:47–55.<br />

FERNANDEZ, D. S. & FETCHER, N. 1991. Changes in light availability<br />

following Hurricane Hugo in a subtropical montane forest in Puerto<br />

Rico. Biotropica 23:393–399.<br />

GANNON, M. R. & WILLIG, M. R. 1994. Effects <strong>of</strong> Hurricane Hugo on<br />

bats <strong>of</strong> the Luquillo Experimental <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>of</strong> Puerto Rico. Biotropica<br />

26:320–331.<br />


W. M. 2001. The recent increase in Atlantic hurricane activity:<br />

causes and implications. Science 293:474–479.<br />

GROVE, S. J., TURTON, S. M. & SIEGENTHALER, D. T. 2000. Mosaics <strong>of</strong><br />

canopy openness induced by tropical cyclones in lowland rain forests<br />

with contrasting management histories in northeastern Australia.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tropical</strong> <strong>Ecology</strong> 16:883–894.<br />

HEATWOLE, H. & HEATWOLE, A. 1978. <strong>Ecology</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Puerto Rican<br />

camaenid tree-snails. Malacologia 17:241–315.<br />

HJERPE, J., HEDENÁS, H. & ELMQVIST, T. 2001. <strong>Tropical</strong> rain forest<br />

recovery from cyclone damage and fire in Samoa. Biotropica 33:249–<br />

259.<br />

HURLBERT, S. H. 2003. Design and analysis: uncertain intent,<br />

uncertain result. <strong>Ecology</strong> 84:810–812.<br />

HYLANDER,K.,NILSSON,C.&GÖTHNER,T.2004.Effects<strong>of</strong>buffer-strip<br />

retention and clearcutting on land snails in boreal riparian forests.<br />

Conservation Biology 18:1052–1062.<br />

JENNINGS, T. J. & BARKHAM, J. P. 1979. Litter decomposition by slugs<br />

in mixed deciduous woodland. Holarctic <strong>Ecology</strong> 2:21–29.<br />

JONES, C. G. & SHACHAK, M. 1990. Fertilization <strong>of</strong> the desert soil by<br />

rock-eating snails. Nature 346:839–841.<br />


GANNON,M.R.2001.Short-termimpacts<strong>of</strong>extremeenvironmental<br />

disturbance on the bats <strong>of</strong> Puerto Rico. Animal Conservation 4:59–66.<br />

KARLIN, E. J. 1961. Ecological relationships between vegetation and<br />

the distribution <strong>of</strong> land snails in Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.<br />

American Midland Naturalist 65:60–66.<br />

LANDE, R. 1977. On comparing coefficients <strong>of</strong> variation. Systematic<br />

Zoology 26:214–217.<br />

LEE, R. 1978. <strong>Forest</strong> microclimatology. Columbia University Press,<br />

New York. 276 pp.<br />

LIN, K., HAMBURG, S. P., TANG, S., HSIA, Y. & LIN, T. 2003. Typhoon<br />

effects on litterfall in a subtropical forest. Canadian <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Forest</strong><br />

Research 33:2184–2192.<br />

LOMASCOLO, T. & AIDE, T. M. 2001. Seed and seedling bank dynamics<br />

in secondary forests following Hurricane Georges in Puerto Rico.<br />

Caribbean <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Science 37:259–270.<br />

LUGO, A. E. & FRANGI, J. L. 2003. Changes in necromass and nutrients<br />

ontheforestfloor<strong>of</strong>apalmfloodplainforestintheLuquilloMountains<br />

<strong>of</strong> Puerto Rico. Caribbean <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> Science 39:265–272.<br />

MORAN, M. D. 2003. Arguments for rejecting the sequential Bonferroni<br />

in ecological studies. Oikos 100:403–405.<br />

ODUM, H. T. & PIGEON, R. F. (eds.) 1970. A tropical rain forest: a study<br />

<strong>of</strong> irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. U.S. Atomic Energy<br />

Commission, Oak Ridge.<br />

ODUM, H. T., DREWRY, G. & KLINE, J. R. 1970. Climate at El Verde,<br />

1963–1966. Pp. B347–B418 in Odum, H. T. & Pigeon, R. F. (eds.).<br />

A tropical rain forest: a study <strong>of</strong> irradiation and ecology at El Verde, Puerto<br />

Rico. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge.<br />

OSTERTAG, R., SCATENA, F. N. & SILVER, W. L. 2003. <strong>Forest</strong> floor<br />

decomposition following hurricane litter inputs in several Puerto<br />

Rican forests. Ecosystems 6:261–273.<br />


L. B., EBY, L. A., FEAR, J. M., GO, M., PEIERLS, B. L., RICHARDSON,<br />

T. L. & RAMUS, J. S. 2001. Ecosystem impacts <strong>of</strong> three sequential<br />

hurricanes (Dennis, Floyd, and Irene) on the United States’ largest<br />

lagoonal estuary, Pamlico Sound, NC. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the National<br />

Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong> the USA 98:5655–5660.

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