Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A)

Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A) Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A)


232 Screening for Colorectal Cancer KCE reports vol.45 278. Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates. Performance of flexible sigmoidoscopy by registered nurses for the purpose of colorectal cancer screening. SGNA guideline. Gastroenterology Nursing. 2000;23(2):83-5. 279. UK Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Trial Investigators. Single flexible sigmoidoscopy screening to prevent colorectal cancer: baseline findings of a UK multicentre randomised trial. Lancet. 2002;359(9314):1291-300. 280. Pinsky PF, Schoen RE, Weissfeld JL, Kramer B, Hayes RB, Yokochi L, et al. Variability in flexible sigmoidoscopy performance among examiners in a screening trial. Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2005;3(8):792-7. 281. Levin TR, Farraye FA, Schoen RE, Hoff G, Atkin W, Bond JH, et al. Quality in the technical performance of screening flexible sigmoidoscopy: recommendations of an international multi-society task group. Gut. 2005;54(6):807-13. 282. Levin TR, Palitz A, Grossman S, Conell C, Finkler L, Ackerson L, et al. Predicting advanced proximal colonic neoplasia with screening sigmoidoscopy. JAMA. 1999;281(17):1611-7. 283. Lieberman DA, Weiss DG, Bond JH, Ahnen DJ, Garewal H, Chejfec G. Use of colonoscopy to screen asymptomatic adults for colorectal cancer. Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group 380. N Engl J Med. 2000;343(3):162-8. 284. Schoenfeld P, Cash B, Flood A, Dobhan R, Eastone J, Coyle W, et al. Colonoscopic screening of average-risk women for colorectal neoplasia. New England Journal of Medicine. 2005;352(20):2061-8. 285. Lewis JD, Ng K, Hung KE, Bilker WB, Berlin JA, Brensinger C, et al. Detection of proximal adenomatous polyps with screening sigmoidoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of screening colonoscopy. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2003;163(4):413-20. 286. Strul H, Kariv R, Leshno M, Halak A, Jakubowicz M, Santo M, et al. The prevalence rate and anatomic location of colorectal adenoma and cancer detected by colonoscopy in average-risk individuals aged 40-80 years. Am J Gastroenterol. 2006;101(2):255-62. 287. Jensen J, Kewenter J, Swedenborg J. The anatomic range of examination by fibreoptic rectosigmoidoscopy (60 centimetres). Scand J Gastroenterol. 1992;27(10):842-4. 288. Doria-Rose VP, Newcomb PA, Levin TR. Incomplete screening flexible sigmoidoscopy associated with female sex, age, and increased risk of colorectal cancer. Gut. 2005;54(9):1273-8. 289. Pickhardt PJ, Nugent PA, Mysliwiec PA, Choi JR, Schindler WR. Location of adenomas missed by optical colonoscopy. Ann Intern Med. 2004;141(5):352-9. 290. Rex DK, Cutler CS, Lemmel GT, Rahmani EY, Clark DW, Helper DJ, et al. Colonoscopic miss rates of adenomas determined by back-to-back colonoscopies. Gastroenterology. 1997;112(1):24-8. 291. Villavicencio RT, Rex DK. Colonic adenomas: prevalence and incidence rates, growth rates, and miss rates at colonoscopy. Semin Gastrointest Dis. 2000;11(4):185-93. 292. Rex DK, Bond JH, Feld AD. Medical-legal risks of incident cancers after clearing colonoscopy. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001;96(4):952-7. 293. van Rijn JCMD, Reitsma JBMDPD, Stoker JMDPD, Bossuyt PMPD, van Deventer SJMDPD, Dekker EMDPD. Polyp Miss Rate Determined by Tandem Colonoscopy: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2006;101(2):343-50. 294. Macrae FA, Tan KG, Williams CB. Towards safer colonoscopy: a report on the complications of 5000 diagnostic or therapeutic colonoscopies. Gut. 1983;24(5):376- 83. 295. Kewenter J, Brevinge H. Endoscopic and surgical complications of work-up in screening for colorectal cancer. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. 1996;39(6):676-80.

KCE reports vol.45 Screening for Colorectal Cancer 233 296. Robinson MH, Hardcastle JD, Moss SM, Amar SS, Chamberlain JO, Armitage NC, et al. The risks of screening: data from the Nottingham randomised controlled trial of faecal occult blood screening for colorectal cancer. Gut. 1999;45(4):588-92. 297. Nelson DB, McQuaid KR, Bond JH, Lieberman DA, Weiss DG, Johnston TK. Procedural success and complications of large-scale screening colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2002;55(3):307-14. 298. Dominitz JA, Eisen GM, Baron TH, Goldstein JL, Hirota WK, Jacobson BC, et al. Complications of colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2003;57(4):441-5. 299. Canard JM, Debette-Gratien M, Dumas R, Escourrou J, Gay G, Giovannini M, et al. A prospective national study on colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy in 2000 in France. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2005;29(1):17-22. 300. Michael KA, DiPiro JT, Bowden TA, Tedesco FJ. Whole-bowel irrigation for mechanical colon cleansing. Clin Pharm. 1985;4(4):414-24. 301. Cohen SM, Wexner SD, Binderow SR, Nogueras JJ, Daniel N, Ehrenpreis ED, et al. Prospective, randomized, endoscopic-blinded trial comparing precolonoscopy bowel cleansing methods. Dis Colon Rectum. 1994;37(7):689-96. 302. Golub RW, Kerner BA, Wise WE, Jr., Meesig DM, Hartmann RF, Khanduja KS, et al. Colonoscopic bowel preparations--which one? A blinded, prospective, randomized trial. Dis Colon Rectum. 1995;38(6):594-9. 303. Lieberman DA, Ghormley J, Flora K. Effect of oral sodium phosphate colon preparation on serum electrolytes in patients with normal serum creatinine. Gastrointest Endosc. 1996;43(5):467-9. 304. Raymond JM, Beyssac R, Capdenat E, Pineau CH, Kerjean A, Saux MC, et al. Tolerance, effectiveness, and acceptability of sulfate-free electrolyte lavage solution for colon cleaning before colonoscopy. Endoscopy. 1996;28(7):555-8. 305. Sharma VK, Schaberg JW, Chockalingam SK, Vasudeva R, Howden CW. The effect of stimulant laxatives and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution for colonoscopy preparation on serum electrolytes and hemodynamics. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2001;32(3):238-9. 306. Berkelhammer C, Ekambaram A, Silva RG. Low-volume oral colonoscopy bowel preparation: sodium phosphate and magnesium citrate. Gastrointest Endosc. 2002;56(1):89-94. 307. Beloosesky Y, Grinblat J, Weiss A, Grosman B, Gafter U, Chagnac A. Electrolyte disorders following oral sodium phosphate administration for bowel cleansing in elderly patients. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163(7):803-8. 308. Ell C, Fischbach W, Keller R, Dehe M, Mayer G, Schneider B, et al. A randomized, blinded, prospective trial to compare the safety and efficacy of three bowel-cleansing solutions for colonoscopy (HSG-01*). Endoscopy. 2003;35(4):300-4. 309. Marin Gabriel JC, Rodriguez Munoz S, de la Cruz Bertolo J, Carretero Gomez JF, Munoz Yague MT, Manzano Alonso ML, et al. Electrolytic disturbances and colonoscopy: bowel lavage solutions, age and procedure. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 2003;95(12):863-75. 310. Seinela L, Pehkonen E, Laasanen T, Ahvenainen J. Bowel preparation for colonoscopy in very old patients: a randomized prospective trial comparing oral sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2003;38(2):216-20. 311. Curran MP, Plosker GL. Oral sodium phosphate solution: a review of its use as a colorectal cleanser. Drugs. 2004;64(15):1697-714. 312. Hwang KL, Chen WT, Hsiao KH, Chen HC, Huang TM, Chiu CM, et al. Prospective randomized comparison of oral sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol lavage for colonoscopy preparation. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11(47):7486-93. 313. Mathus-Vliegen EM, Kemble UM. A prospective randomized blinded comparison of sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution for safe bowel cleansing. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2006;23(4):543-52.

<strong>KCE</strong> <strong>reports</strong> vol.45 Screen<strong>in</strong>g for Colorectal Cancer 233<br />

296. Rob<strong>in</strong>son MH, Hardcastle JD, Moss SM, Amar SS, Chamberla<strong>in</strong> JO, Armitage NC, et<br />

al. The risks of screen<strong>in</strong>g: data from the Nott<strong>in</strong>gham randomised controlled trial of<br />

faecal occult blood screen<strong>in</strong>g for colorectal cancer. Gut. 1999;45(4):588-92.<br />

297. Nelson DB, McQuaid KR, Bond JH, Lieberman DA, Weiss DG, Johnston TK.<br />

Procedural success and complications of large-scale screen<strong>in</strong>g colonoscopy.<br />

Gastro<strong>in</strong>test Endosc. 2002;55(3):307-14.<br />

298. Dom<strong>in</strong>itz JA, Eisen GM, Baron TH, Goldste<strong>in</strong> JL, Hirota WK, Jacobson BC, et al.<br />

Complications of colonoscopy. Gastro<strong>in</strong>test Endosc. 2003;57(4):441-5.<br />

299. Canard JM, Debette-Gratien M, Dumas R, Escourrou J, Gay G, Giovann<strong>in</strong>i M, et al. A<br />

prospective national study on colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy <strong>in</strong> 2000 <strong>in</strong> France.<br />

Gastroenterol Cl<strong>in</strong> Biol. 2005;29(1):17-22.<br />

300. Michael KA, DiPiro JT, Bowden TA, Tedesco FJ. Whole-bowel irrigation for<br />

mechanical colon cleans<strong>in</strong>g. Cl<strong>in</strong> Pharm. 1985;4(4):414-24.<br />

301. Cohen SM, Wexner SD, B<strong>in</strong>derow SR, Nogueras JJ, Daniel N, Ehrenpreis ED, et al.<br />

Prospective, randomized, endoscopic-bl<strong>in</strong>ded trial compar<strong>in</strong>g precolonoscopy bowel<br />

cleans<strong>in</strong>g methods. Dis Colon Rectum. 1994;37(7):689-96.<br />

302. Golub RW, Kerner BA, Wise WE, Jr., Meesig DM, Hartmann RF, Khanduja KS, et al.<br />

Colonoscopic bowel preparations--which one? A bl<strong>in</strong>ded, prospective, randomized<br />

trial. Dis Colon Rectum. 1995;38(6):594-9.<br />

303. Lieberman DA, Ghormley J, Flora K. Effect of oral sodium phosphate colon<br />

preparation on serum electrolytes <strong>in</strong> patients <strong>with</strong> normal serum creat<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>e.<br />

Gastro<strong>in</strong>test Endosc. 1996;43(5):467-9.<br />

304. Raymond JM, Beyssac R, Capdenat E, P<strong>in</strong>eau CH, Kerjean A, Saux MC, et al.<br />

Tolerance, effectiveness, and acceptability of sulfate-free electrolyte lavage solution<br />

for colon clean<strong>in</strong>g before colonoscopy. Endoscopy. 1996;28(7):555-8.<br />

305. Sharma VK, Schaberg JW, Chockal<strong>in</strong>gam SK, Vasudeva R, Howden CW. The effect<br />

of stimulant laxatives and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution for<br />

colonoscopy preparation on serum electrolytes and hemodynamics. J Cl<strong>in</strong><br />

Gastroenterol. 2001;32(3):238-9.<br />

306. Berkelhammer C, Ekambaram A, Silva RG. Low-volume oral colonoscopy bowel<br />

preparation: sodium phosphate and magnesium citrate. Gastro<strong>in</strong>test Endosc.<br />

2002;56(1):89-94.<br />

307. Beloosesky Y, Gr<strong>in</strong>blat J, Weiss A, Grosman B, Gafter U, Chagnac A. Electrolyte<br />

disorders follow<strong>in</strong>g oral sodium phosphate adm<strong>in</strong>istration for bowel cleans<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

elderly patients. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163(7):803-8.<br />

308. Ell C, Fischbach W, Keller R, Dehe M, Mayer G, Schneider B, et al. A randomized,<br />

bl<strong>in</strong>ded, prospective trial to compare the safety and efficacy of three bowel-cleans<strong>in</strong>g<br />

solutions for colonoscopy (HSG-01*). Endoscopy. 2003;35(4):300-4.<br />

309. Mar<strong>in</strong> Gabriel JC, Rodriguez Munoz S, de la Cruz Bertolo J, Carretero Gomez JF,<br />

Munoz Yague MT, Manzano Alonso ML, et al. Electrolytic disturbances and<br />

colonoscopy: bowel lavage solutions, age and procedure. Rev Esp Enferm Dig.<br />

2003;95(12):863-75.<br />

310. Se<strong>in</strong>ela L, Pehkonen E, Laasanen T, Ahvena<strong>in</strong>en J. Bowel preparation for colonoscopy<br />

<strong>in</strong> very old patients: a randomized prospective trial compar<strong>in</strong>g oral sodium<br />

phosphate and polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution. Scand J Gastroenterol.<br />

2003;38(2):216-20.<br />

311. Curran MP, Plosker GL. Oral sodium phosphate solution: a review of its use as a<br />

colorectal cleanser. Drugs. 2004;64(15):1697-714.<br />

312. Hwang KL, Chen WT, Hsiao KH, Chen HC, Huang TM, Chiu CM, et al. Prospective<br />

randomized comparison of oral sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol lavage for<br />

colonoscopy preparation. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11(47):7486-93.<br />

313. Mathus-Vliegen EM, Kemble UM. A prospective randomized bl<strong>in</strong>ded comparison of<br />

sodium phosphate and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution for safe bowel<br />

cleans<strong>in</strong>g. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2006;23(4):543-52.

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