Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A)

Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A) Report in English with a Dutch summary (KCE reports 45A)


6 Screening for Colorectal Cancer KCE reports vol.45 ESR Age standardised incidence rate, using the European Standard Population (n/100.000 person years) EU European Union FAP Familial Adenomatous Polyposis FDR First Degree Relative FIT Faecal Immunochemic Test = iFOBT FNR False Negative Rate FOBT Faecal Occult Blood Test FPR False Positive Rate FS Flexible Sigmoidoscopy GCP Good Clinical Practice gFOBT Guaiac Faecal Occult Blood Test GP General Practitioner HAS Haute Autorité de Santé HC/PR Health Care/Prevention Recommendations HCR Health Care Recommendation HMO Health Maintenance Organization HNPCC Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer HTA Health Technology Assessment IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease ICER Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio ICSI Institute of Clinical Systems Improvement ICT ImmunoChemical Test = iFOBT iFOBT Immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Test IKC Integraal Kanker Centrum (Netherlands) ITS Intention To Screen ITT Intention To Treat JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute M2 - PK M2 Pyruvate kinase MOH Ministry of Health (NZ) MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging MSI Microsatellite instability NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network NCI National Cancer Institute (USA) NGC National Guidelines Clearinghouse NHC National Health Committee (NZ) NHS National Health Service (UK) NHS EED NHS Economic Evaluation database NNS Number Needed to Screen NPV Negative Predictive Value NSU National Screening Unit (NZ) NZ New Zealand NZD New Zealand dollars NZGG New Zealand Guidelines Group NZHTA New Zealand Health Technology Assessment OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development oFOBT office-based FOBT OMGE Organisation Mondiale de Gastro-Entérologie OR Odds Ratio p.a. per annum PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction PPV Positive Predictive Value

KCE reports vol.45 Screening for Colorectal Cancer 7 QALY Quality Adjusted Life Years RCT Randomized Controlled Trial RR Relative Risk RRR Relative Risk Reduction SD Standard Deviation SDR Second Degree Relative Se Sensitivity SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registry SG Screening Group SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network SFED Société Française d'Endoscopie Digestive Sp Specificity TCE Total Colon Evaluation TCR Two Close Relatives TDR Third Degree Relative TPR True Positive Rate UICC Union Internationale Contre le Cancer - International Union Againt Cancer UK United Kingdom UMHS University of Michigan Health System US United States of America USD United States dollars USPSTF U.S. Preventive Services Task Force VA Veterans Affairs WGO World Gastroenterlogy Organisation WHO World Health Organization WSR Age standardised incidence rate, using the World Standard Population (n/100.000 person years)

<strong>KCE</strong> <strong>reports</strong> vol.45 Screen<strong>in</strong>g for Colorectal Cancer 7<br />

QALY Quality Adjusted Life Years<br />

RCT Randomized Controlled Trial<br />

RR Relative Risk<br />

RRR Relative Risk Reduction<br />

SD Standard Deviation<br />

SDR Second Degree Relative<br />

Se Sensitivity<br />

SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registry<br />

SG Screen<strong>in</strong>g Group<br />

SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidel<strong>in</strong>es Network<br />

SFED Société Française d'Endoscopie Digestive<br />

Sp Specificity<br />

TCE Total Colon Evaluation<br />

TCR Two Close Relatives<br />

TDR Third Degree Relative<br />

TPR True Positive Rate<br />

UICC Union Internationale Contre le Cancer - International Union Aga<strong>in</strong>t Cancer<br />

UK United K<strong>in</strong>gdom<br />

UMHS University of Michigan Health System<br />

US United States of America<br />

USD United States dollars<br />

USPSTF U.S. Preventive Services Task Force<br />

VA Veterans Affairs<br />

WGO World Gastroenterlogy Organisation<br />

WHO World Health Organization<br />

WSR<br />

Age standardised <strong>in</strong>cidence rate, us<strong>in</strong>g the World Standard Population<br />

(n/100.000 person years)

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