Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias

Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias


130 Making General Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Retention KCE Reports 90 102. Shannon CK, Baker H, Jackson J, Roy A, Heady H, Gunel E. Evaluation of a required statewide interdisciplinary rural health education program: student attitudes, career intents and perceived quality. Educ Health (Abingdon ). 2005;18(3):395-404. 103. Szafran O, Crutcher RA, Chaytors RG. What factors influence Albertans' choices? Canadian Family Physician. 2001;47:2279-85. 104. Humphreys JS, Rolley F. A modified framework for rural general practice: The importance of recruitment and retention. Social Science & Medicine. 1998;46(8):939-45. 105. Kearns R, Myers J, Adair V, Coster H, Coster G. What makes 'place' attractive to overseastrained doctors in rural New Zealand? Health & Social Care in the Community. 2006;14(6):532-40. 106. Lang F, Ferguson KP, Bennard B, Zahorik P, Sliger C. The Appalachian Preceptorship: over two decades of an integrated clinical-classroom experience of rural medicine and Appalachian culture. Acad Med 2005;80(8):717-23. 107. Littlewood S, Ypinazar V, Margolis SA, Scherpbier A, Spencer J, Dornan T. Early practical experience and the social responsiveness of clinical education: systematic review. BMJ. 2005;331(7513):387-91. 108. Newbury JW, Shannon S, Ryan V, Whitrow M. Development of 'rural week' for medical students: impact and quality report. Rural Remote Health. 2005;5(3):432. 109. Pathman DE, Steiner BD, Jones BD, Konrad TR. Preparing and retaining rural physicians through medical education. Acad Med. 1999;74(7):810-20. 110. Cahill JL. Practising in northern Ontario. Why young physicians are choosing Timmins. Can Fam Physician. 2005;51:1193-4, 6. 111. Bellman L. Whole-system evaluation research of a scheme to support inner city recruitment and retention of GPs. Family Practice. 2002;19(6):685-90. 112. Gardiner M, Sexton R, Durbridge M, Garrard K. The role of psychological well-being in retaining rural general practitioners. Aust J Rural Health. 2005;13(3):149-55. 113. Joyce C, Veitch C, Crossland L. Professional and social support networks of rural general practitioners. Aust J Rural Health. 2003;11(1):7-14. 114. Harris MF, Proudfoot JG, Jayasinghe UW, Holton CH, Davies GPP, Amoroso CL, et al. Job satisfaction of staff and the team environment in Australian general practice. Medical Journal of Australia. 2007;186(11):570-3. 115. Orrantia E. How to thrive in rural practice. Canadian Family Physician. 2005;51:1217-21. 116. Simoens S, Scott A, Sibbald B. Job satisfaction, work related stress and intentions to quit of Scottish GPs. Scottish Medical Journal. 2002;47(4). 117. Humphreys JS, Jones MP, Jones JA, Mara PR. Workforce retention in rural and remote Australia: determining the factors that influence length of practice. Medical Journal of Australia. 2002;176(10):472-6. 118. Scott A, Gravelle H, Simoens S, Bojke C, Sibbald B. Job satisfaction and quitting intentions: A structural model of British general practitioners. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 2006;44(3):519-40. 119. Boulger JG. Minnesota bound. Stability of practice location among UMD family physicians in Minnesota. Minn Med 2000;83(2):48-50. 120. Pathman DE, Konrad TR, Williams ES, Scheckler WE, Linzer M, Douglas J. Physician Job satisfaction, job dissatisfaction, and physician turnover. Journal of Family Practice. 2002;51(7). 121. Sibbald B, Enzer L, Cooper C, Rout U, Sutherland V. GP job satisfaction in 1987, 1990 and 1998: lessons for the future? Family Practice. 2000;17(5):364-71. 122. Landon BE, Reschovsky JD, Pham HH, Blumenthal D. Leaving medicine: the consequences of physician dissatisfaction. Med Care. 2006;44(3):234-42. 123. Taylor DH, Quayle JA, Roberts C. Retention of young general practitioners entering the NHS from 1991-1992. British Journal of General Practice. 1999;49(441):277-80. 124. Chambers M, Colthart I, McKinstry B. Scottish general practitioners' willingness to take part in a post-retirement retention scheme: questionnaire survey. BMJ. 2004;328(7435):329-. 125. Fairhurst K, May C. What general practitioners find satisfying in their work: implications for health care system reform. Ann Fam Med 2006;4(6):500-5. 126. Barnett RC, Gareis KC, Carr PL. Career satisfaction and retention of a sample of women physicians who work reduced hours. Journal of Womens Health. 2005;14(2):146-53. 127. Lucassen P, Olde Hartman T. Kwalitatief onderzoek: Praktische methoden voor de medische praktijk. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum; 2007. 128. Mortelmans D. Handboek kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden. Leuven: Acco; 2007.

KCE Reports 90 Making General Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Retention 131 129. Panhuysen T. Beroepskeuze bij studenten geneeskunde [2de proef opleiding Arts]. Gent: Universiteit Gent 2005. 130. Robbins S. Self-assessmentpakket 3.0. Amsterdam: Pearson Education; 2006. 131. Field A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 2nd ed.: SAGE Publications; 2005. 132. Hair JF, Anderson R, Tatham R, Black W. Multivariate data analysis. 4th ed ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall; 1998. 133. Bowman M, Haynes R, Rivo M, Killian C, Davis P. Characteristics of medical students by level of interest in family practice. Family Medicine. 1996;28(10):713-9. 134. Senf J, Campos-Outcalt D, Watkins A, Bastacky S, Killian C. A systematic analysis of how medical school characteristics relate to graduates' choices of primary care specialties. Academic Medicine. 1997;72(6):524-33. 135. Wright B. Career choice of new medical students at three Canadian universities: family medicine versus specialty medicine. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2004;170(13):1920-4. 136. Coppens F, Panhuysen T. Beeldvorming van studenten m.b.t. carrières in de gezondheidszorg. Vergelijking met opvatting van praktijkvoerende artsen [2de proef opleiding arts]. Gent: Universiteit Gent; 2005. 137. Schubot DB, Cayley W, Eliason BC. Personal values related to primary care specialty aspirations. Family Medicine. 1996;28(10):726-31. 138. Ciechanowski PS, Worley LLM, Russo JE, Katon WJ. Using relationship styles based on attachment theory to improve understanding of specialty choice in medicine. BMC Medical Education. 2006;6:8. 139. Vaidya NA, Sierles FS, Raida MD, Fakhoury FJ, Przybeck TR, Cloninger CR. Relationship between specialty choice and medical student temperament and character assessed with cloninger inventory. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2004;16(2):150-6. 140. Huby G, Gerry M, McKinstry B, Porter M, Shaw J, Wrate R. Morale among general practitioners: qualitative study exploring relations beween partnership arrangements, personal style, and workload. BMJ. 2002;325:140-4. 141. Manca DP, Varnhagen S, Brett-Maclean P, Allan GM, Szafran O, Ausford A, et al. Rewards and challenges of family practice. Web-based survey using the Delphi method. Can Fam Physician. 2007;53:277-86. 142. Moss P, Lambert T, Goldacre M, Lee P. Reasons for considering leaving UK medicine : questionnaire study of junior doctors' comments. BMJ. 2004;329(1263):1269. 143. Soethout M. Career preference of medical students and career choice of recent graduates. Amsterdam: VU University 2007. 144. Van Ham I, Verhoeven AAH, Groenier KH, Groothoff JW, De Haan J. Job satisfaction among general practitioners: A systematic literature review. European Journal of General Practice. 2006;12:174-80. 145. Deliège D. Des médecins parlent de leur métier. Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie médicales. 2004;44(4):443-506. 146. Young R, Leese B. Recruitment and retention of general practitioners in the UK: what are the problems and solutions? British Journal of General Practice. 1999;49(447):829-33. 147. Levasseur G, Schweyer F, Mari C. L'installation des jeunes médecins généralistes. Un accompagnement est-il possible? Projet d'un dispositif d'accompagnement à l'installation des jeunes médecins généralistes en Bretagne "DjemB". Bretagne, France: 2006. 148. Rabinowitz HK. Recruitment, retention, and follow-up of graduates of a program to increase the number of family physicians in rural and underserved areas. N Engl J Med 1993;328(13):934-9. 149. Krist AH, Johnson RE, Callahan D, Woolf SH, Marsland D. Title VII funding and physician practice in rural or low-income areas. Journal of Rural Health. 2005;21(1):3-11. 150. Weissert CS, Silberman SL. Sending a policy signal: state legislatures, medical schools, and primary care mandates. J Health Polit Policy Law. 1998;23(5):743-70. 151. Juster F, Levine JK. Recruiting and selecting generalist-oriented students at New York Medical College. Acad Med 1999;74(1 Suppl):S45-S8. 152. Brotherton SE, Rockey PH, Etzel SI. US graduate medical education, 2004-2005: trends in primary care specialties. JAMA. 2005;294(9):1075-82. 153. Geyman JP, Hart LG, Norris TE, Coombs JB, Lishner DM. Educating generalist physicians for rural practice: How are we doing? Journal of Rural Health. 2000;16(1):56-80. 154. McDonald J, Bibby L, Carroll S. Recruiting and Retaining General Practitioners in Rural Areas:Improving Outcomes through Evidence-Based Research and Community Capacity-

KCE Reports 90 Making G<strong>en</strong>eral Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Ret<strong>en</strong>tion 131<br />

129. Panhuys<strong>en</strong> T. Beroepskeuze bij stud<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> g<strong>en</strong>eeskunde [2de proef opleiding Arts]. G<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

Universiteit G<strong>en</strong>t 2005.<br />

130. Robbins S. Self-assessm<strong>en</strong>tpakket 3.0. Amsterdam: Pearson Education; 2006.<br />

131. Field A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 2nd ed.: SAGE Publications; 2005.<br />

132. Hair JF, Anderson R, Tatham R, Black W. Multivariate data analysis. 4th ed ed. Upper Saddle<br />

River, N.J.: Pr<strong>en</strong>tice-Hall; 1998.<br />

133. Bowman M, Haynes R, Rivo M, Killian C, Davis P. Characteristics of medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts by level<br />

of interest in family practice. Family Medicine. 1996;28(10):713-9.<br />

134. S<strong>en</strong>f J, Campos-Outcalt D, Watkins A, Bastacky S, Killian C. A systematic analysis of how<br />

medical school characteristics relate to graduates' choices of primary care specialties.<br />

Academic Medicine. 1997;72(6):524-33.<br />

135. Wright B. Career choice of new medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts at three Canadian universities: family<br />

medicine versus specialty medicine. Canadian Medical Association Journal.<br />

2004;170(13):1920-4.<br />

136. Copp<strong>en</strong>s F, Panhuys<strong>en</strong> T. Beeldvorming van stud<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong> m.b.t. carrières in de gezondheidszorg.<br />

Vergelijking met opvatting van praktijkvoer<strong>en</strong>de arts<strong>en</strong> [2de proef opleiding arts]. G<strong>en</strong>t:<br />

Universiteit G<strong>en</strong>t; 2005.<br />

137. Schubot DB, Cayley W, Eliason BC. Personal values related to primary care specialty<br />

aspirations. Family Medicine. 1996;28(10):726-31.<br />

138. Ciechanowski PS, Worley LLM, Russo JE, Katon WJ. Using relationship styles based on<br />

attachm<strong>en</strong>t theory to improve understanding of specialty choice in medicine. BMC Medical<br />

Education. 2006;6:8.<br />

139. Vaidya NA, Sierles FS, Raida MD, Fakhoury FJ, Przybeck TR, Cloninger CR. Relationship<br />

betwe<strong>en</strong> specialty choice and medical stud<strong>en</strong>t temperam<strong>en</strong>t and character assessed with<br />

cloninger inv<strong>en</strong>tory. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 2004;16(2):150-6.<br />

140. Huby G, Gerry M, McKinstry B, Porter M, Shaw J, Wrate R. Morale among g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

practitioners: qualitative study exploring relations bewe<strong>en</strong> partnership arrangem<strong>en</strong>ts,<br />

personal style, and workload. BMJ. 2002;325:140-4.<br />

141. Manca DP, Varnhag<strong>en</strong> S, Brett-Maclean P, Allan GM, Szafran O, Ausford A, et al. Rewards<br />

and chall<strong>en</strong>ges of family practice. Web-based survey using the Delphi method. Can Fam<br />

Physician. 2007;53:277-86.<br />

142. Moss P, Lambert T, Goldacre M, Lee P. Reasons for considering leaving UK medicine :<br />

questionnaire study of junior doctors' comm<strong>en</strong>ts. BMJ. 2004;329(1263):1269.<br />

143. Soethout M. Career prefer<strong>en</strong>ce of medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts and career choice of rec<strong>en</strong>t graduates.<br />

Amsterdam: VU University 2007.<br />

144. Van Ham I, Verhoev<strong>en</strong> AAH, Gro<strong>en</strong>ier KH, Groothoff JW, De Haan J. Job satisfaction among<br />

g<strong>en</strong>eral practitioners: A systematic literature review. European Journal of G<strong>en</strong>eral Practice.<br />

2006;12:174-80.<br />

145. Deliège D. Des médecins parl<strong>en</strong>t de leur métier. Cahiers de sociologie et de démographie<br />

médicales. 2004;44(4):443-506.<br />

146. Young R, Leese B. Recruitm<strong>en</strong>t and ret<strong>en</strong>tion of g<strong>en</strong>eral practitioners in the UK: what are<br />

the problems and solutions? British Journal of G<strong>en</strong>eral Practice. 1999;49(447):829-33.<br />

147. Levasseur G, Schweyer F, Mari C. L'installation des jeunes médecins généralistes. Un<br />

accompagnem<strong>en</strong>t est-il possible? Projet d'un dispositif d'accompagnem<strong>en</strong>t à l'installation des<br />

jeunes médecins généralistes <strong>en</strong> Bretagne "DjemB". Bretagne, France: 2006.<br />

148. Rabinowitz HK. Recruitm<strong>en</strong>t, ret<strong>en</strong>tion, and follow-up of graduates of a program to increase<br />

the number of family physicians in rural and underserved areas. N Engl J Med<br />

1993;328(13):934-9.<br />

149. Krist AH, Johnson RE, Callahan D, Woolf SH, Marsland D. Title VII funding and physician<br />

practice in rural or low-income areas. Journal of Rural Health. 2005;21(1):3-11.<br />

150. Weissert CS, Silberman SL. S<strong>en</strong>ding a policy signal: state legislatures, medical schools, and<br />

primary care mandates. J Health Polit Policy Law. 1998;23(5):743-70.<br />

151. Juster F, Levine JK. Recruiting and selecting g<strong>en</strong>eralist-ori<strong>en</strong>ted stud<strong>en</strong>ts at New York<br />

Medical College. Acad Med 1999;74(1 Suppl):S45-S8.<br />

152. Brotherton SE, Rockey PH, Etzel SI. US graduate medical education, 2004-2005: tr<strong>en</strong>ds in<br />

primary care specialties. JAMA. 2005;294(9):1075-82.<br />

153. Geyman JP, Hart LG, Norris TE, Coombs JB, Lishner DM. Educating g<strong>en</strong>eralist physicians for<br />

rural practice: How are we doing? Journal of Rural Health. 2000;16(1):56-80.<br />

154. McDonald J, Bibby L, Carroll S. Recruiting and Retaining G<strong>en</strong>eral Practitioners in Rural<br />

Areas:Improving Outcomes through Evid<strong>en</strong>ce-Based Research and Community Capacity-

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