Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias

Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias Huisartsgeneeskunde: aantrekkingskracht en beroepstrouw ... - Lirias


90 Making General Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Retention KCE Reports 90 Belgium is no exception. Health professions, at different levels, have a strong role in developing policies : this can be seen through the numerous executive and consultative bodies (particularly within the Social insurance institution RIZIV/INAMI) in which medical representatives sit along with government bodies and are allowed to wield considerable influence on the policy process 194 : National Committee of Physicians and Sickness Funds, Committee for Medical Evaluation and Control, Planning Commission , National Council for Hospital Facilities, etc. Belgium is clearly a country which provides many opportunities to interest groups to influence or block a policy. Although this could be sometimes considered as a hurdle to policy changes 195 , the Belgian situation is clearly that of pluralism. This situation makes stakeholder analysis an important tool for developing solutions in Belgium. This chapter aims at assessing the political power side of the problem and the political feasibility of policies for improving GPs’ attraction, recruitment and retention through a stakeholders’ analysis. Stakeholders are defined as “persons or groups that have interests in an issue, including those with some role in making a decision or its execution” 192 . A stakeholders’ analysis can be defined as “an approach, a tool or set of tools for generating knowledge about actors to understand their behavior, intentions, interrelations and interests; and for assessing the influence and resources they bring to bear on decision-making” 196 . This stakeholders’ analysis will help to understand the interests and influence of individuals or groups both within and outside the organization of general practice. 6.2 OBJECTIVES This stakeholders analysis has four objectives: • To describe stakeholders’ understanding of the challenges faced by general practice in Belgium; • To identify the policy options more likely to be supported aiming at improving the GP’s career; • To identify the criteria and factors making the stakeholders more likely to support or oppose some policy options; • To identify implementation details of the policy options more likely to be supported. 6.3 METHOD OF THE STAKEHOLDER SURVEY 6.3.1 Design This survey used a multi-criteria analysis (MCM) 197 , a tool to support decision among different options and several criteria (see appendix 5.1.). It aims at combining comparability between interviewees while accommodating each respondent’s perspective. MCM has been used in the health sector for obesity prevention 198 or selection of anti-psychotic drugs 199 . Multi-criteria analysis has the following characteristics 197 : • To identify alternative ways to solve a problem (GPs’ attraction, retention and recruitment): policy options. • To suggest criteria allowing the appraisal of those policies: policy criteria. • To score each option on each criteria. • To weigh each criteria in order to reflect its relative importance.

KCE Reports 90 Making General Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Retention 91 6.3.2 Development of the questionnaire The questionnaire was developed through several processes: review of previous instruments, cognitive testing (see appendix 5.4, 5.11 and 5.12), expert reviews and broader testing. Once the lay-out and content of the questionnaire was decided, cognitive testing was used to improve the wording, understanding and organization of the questions. Cognitive testing is a method that improves the link between the underlying concepts and the questions 200 , 201 . This method is fully described in the appendix 5.4. This cognitive testing was carried out with different profiles of persons: some were GPs with a practice (=3), some were GPs without any practice (=2), some did not work in general practice but had a general knowledge of the themes (=3). Several experts, who had used the same methodology in their works before, revised the questionnaire and gave their advice about specific problematic points. A few qualitative interviews were also conducted to have a deeper insight into the content of the policies and to improve the formulation of the policies in French and Flemish. Finally a broader testing was carried out with 10 persons. 6.3.3 Identification of policy options The policies have been identified in several steps (see appendix 5.2). First, the extensive literature review carried out in the first part of the study identified several policy options and factors that may contribute to improve retention/recruitment of GPs. These policy options were then screened according to the Belgian context. This was done in the second part of the study, particularly through qualitative interviews of leavers and medical students. Finally, the list of policies was compared to recent policy reviews carried out either by the European Observatory 2 or by the Belgian Institutions: the KCE report 72B on medical supply 7 , the Visitatie Report 202 , or the study related to General practice Emergency study 203 , as well as policies being currently under discussion or being developed in Belgium, such as the DMG, Impulseo I, Impulseo II, the numerus clausus, etc. After a long process, the researchers identified 24 policies, grouped in four themes (for the list in French and Flemish, see appendices 5.11 and 5.12): • Teaching and training policies (4 policies): o To select the students of medicine by taking into account their social and communication competencies in addition to their knowledge in exact sciences. o To develop a clinical activity linked with the Academic Centers of General Practice. o To integrate a general practice approach in the general practice courses of the Master (including the courses of the specialty), by learning the priority problems from a public health perspective or by associating specialists and general practitioners o To organize compulsory training courses in general practice for all the students of the Master • Financing and payment policies (5 policies) o To increase the consultation fees of the general practice o To allocate a fixed price per patient in addition of the other act remunerations (for example : global medical file) o To diversify the remuneration modalities of the general practice by combining wage-earning and act remuneration o To improve the financial incentives for the installation in geographical zones less covered

KCE Reports 90 Making G<strong>en</strong>eral Practice Attractive: Encouraging GP attraction and Ret<strong>en</strong>tion 91<br />

6.3.2 Developm<strong>en</strong>t of the questionnaire<br />

The questionnaire was developed through several processes: review of previous<br />

instrum<strong>en</strong>ts, cognitive testing (see app<strong>en</strong>dix 5.4, 5.11 and 5.12), expert reviews and<br />

broader testing. Once the lay-out and cont<strong>en</strong>t of the questionnaire was decided,<br />

cognitive testing was used to improve the wording, understanding and organization of<br />

the questions. Cognitive testing is a method that improves the link betwe<strong>en</strong> the<br />

underlying concepts and the questions 200 , 201 . This method is fully described in the<br />

app<strong>en</strong>dix 5.4. This cognitive testing was carried out with differ<strong>en</strong>t profiles of persons:<br />

some were GPs with a practice (=3), some were GPs without any practice (=2), some<br />

did not work in g<strong>en</strong>eral practice but had a g<strong>en</strong>eral knowledge of the themes (=3).<br />

Several experts, who had used the same methodology in their works before, revised the<br />

questionnaire and gave their advice about specific problematic points. A few qualitative<br />

interviews were also conducted to have a deeper insight into the cont<strong>en</strong>t of the policies<br />

and to improve the formulation of the policies in Fr<strong>en</strong>ch and Flemish. Finally a broader<br />

testing was carried out with 10 persons.<br />

6.3.3 Id<strong>en</strong>tification of policy options<br />

The policies have be<strong>en</strong> id<strong>en</strong>tified in several steps (see app<strong>en</strong>dix 5.2). First, the ext<strong>en</strong>sive<br />

literature review carried out in the first part of the study id<strong>en</strong>tified several policy<br />

options and factors that may contribute to improve ret<strong>en</strong>tion/recruitm<strong>en</strong>t of GPs.<br />

These policy options were th<strong>en</strong> scre<strong>en</strong>ed according to the Belgian context. This was<br />

done in the second part of the study, particularly through qualitative interviews of<br />

leavers and medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts. Finally, the list of policies was compared to rec<strong>en</strong>t policy<br />

reviews carried out either by the European Observatory 2 or by the Belgian Institutions:<br />

the KCE report 72B on medical supply 7 , the Visitatie Report 202 , or the study related to<br />

G<strong>en</strong>eral practice Emerg<strong>en</strong>cy study 203 , as well as policies being curr<strong>en</strong>tly under<br />

discussion or being developed in Belgium, such as the DMG, Impulseo I, Impulseo II, the<br />

numerus clausus, etc. After a long process, the researchers id<strong>en</strong>tified 24 policies,<br />

grouped in four themes (for the list in Fr<strong>en</strong>ch and Flemish, see app<strong>en</strong>dices 5.11 and<br />

5.12):<br />

• Teaching and training policies (4 policies):<br />

o To select the stud<strong>en</strong>ts of medicine by taking into account<br />

their social and communication compet<strong>en</strong>cies in addition to<br />

their knowledge in exact sci<strong>en</strong>ces.<br />

o To develop a clinical activity linked with the Academic<br />

C<strong>en</strong>ters of G<strong>en</strong>eral Practice.<br />

o To integrate a g<strong>en</strong>eral practice approach in the g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

practice courses of the Master (including the courses of the<br />

specialty), by learning the priority problems from a public<br />

health perspective or by associating specialists and g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

practitioners<br />

o To organize compulsory training courses in g<strong>en</strong>eral practice<br />

for all the stud<strong>en</strong>ts of the Master<br />

• Financing and paym<strong>en</strong>t policies (5 policies)<br />

o To increase the consultation fees of the g<strong>en</strong>eral practice<br />

o To allocate a fixed price per pati<strong>en</strong>t in addition of the other<br />

act remunerations (for example : global medical file)<br />

o To diversify the remuneration modalities of the g<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

practice by combining wage-earning and act remuneration<br />

o To improve the financial inc<strong>en</strong>tives for the installation in<br />

geographical zones less covered

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