Digital TV Switchover: regulatory issues

Digital TV Switchover: regulatory issues

Digital TV Switchover: regulatory issues


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<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>TV</strong> <strong>Switchover</strong>:<br />

<strong>regulatory</strong> <strong>issues</strong><br />

Michael Starks<br />

August 2012

1. Strategic thinking<br />

Principal motive and<br />

platform <strong>issues</strong><br />

Satellite and cable<br />

Terrestrial coverage?<br />

Spectrum planning for<br />

simulcasting and for<br />

analogue switch-off

2. The terrestrial incumbents<br />

Key allies in switchover<br />

Spectrum for<br />

simulcasting<br />

Additional spectrum for<br />

new services?<br />

Incentivising<br />

Competition & plurality

3. Analysing the opportunities<br />

Market research<br />

HD<strong>TV</strong> and standard<br />

definition services<br />

Pay <strong>TV</strong> v. Free-to-View<br />

Consumer demand<br />

Consultation<br />

Cost-Benefit Analysis

4. Selecting new services<br />

Selecting multiplex<br />

operators and/or<br />

services<br />

Criteria: beauty<br />

parades and auctions<br />

Free-to-View appeal<br />

Economic constraints

5. Regulating broadcasters<br />

Licensing spectrum:<br />

contract term and charge?<br />

Interoperability requirement<br />

Collaboration obligations<br />

Communication obligations<br />

Analogue switch-off roles<br />

‘Must carry’ requirements<br />

for cable (and satellite?)

6. Regulating receivers<br />

End sale/import of<br />

analogue <strong>TV</strong> sets?<br />

Enlist the set<br />

replacement market<br />

Satellite and cable<br />

industry views<br />

Legal basis?<br />

Set labelling

Broadcasters<br />

provide new<br />

services<br />

7. Assisting the Market<br />

Revenue to<br />

broadcasters<br />

Consumers<br />

pay for services<br />

and/or receivers<br />

New services & features<br />

attract consumers<br />

Consumers buy new settop<br />

boxes or new <strong>TV</strong>s<br />

Broadcasters’ revenue<br />

from ads & subscriptions<br />

Does the market need<br />

extra incentives?

8. The use of subsidy?<br />

Market cost Subsidised<br />

cost<br />

Subsidising broadcasters<br />

(legal risks)?<br />

Subsidising consumers?<br />

General or selective<br />

subsidy?<br />

Practical help for elderly<br />

and disabled<br />

Source of subsidy<br />


9. Planning for switch-off<br />

Modelling take-up and<br />

judging feasible dates<br />

Regional collaboration to<br />

avoid interference<br />

Receiver & aerial<br />

industry readiness<br />

Name a date or name<br />

criteria for naming date?<br />

All areas at once?<br />

All channels at once?

10. Public communications<br />

Communications<br />

during voluntary<br />

take-up<br />

Analogue switch-off<br />

Focus on late<br />

adopters<br />

Operational publicity<br />

Helping the consumer

11. Don’t think this is easy<br />

Bankrupt commercial<br />

broadcasters (UK & Spain)<br />

Slow take-up, the market<br />

stalls<br />

Risk of public opposition if<br />

the consumer proposition<br />

isn’t right<br />

Switch-off date postponed,<br />

costs rise, credibility loss

12. <strong>Digital</strong> dividend<br />

Release of former analogue<br />

terrestrial spectrum<br />

Opportunities for more <strong>TV</strong>:<br />

additional channels and/or<br />

development of HD<strong>TV</strong><br />

Spectrum for<br />

telecommunications<br />

Regional harmonisation

<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>TV</strong> <strong>Switchover</strong><br />

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