Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures

Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures

Volume 31 – 1990 (PDF) - Searching The Scriptures


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conditions of marriage or divorce than he can about<br />

how to become a Christian. God, in His divine revelation<br />

to man (the Bible), has set forth those conditions<br />

which make a marriage right; therefore, man is forbidden<br />

to alter those conditions. He must not venture to<br />

change with his unholy hands that which God has<br />

made sacred and holy. <strong>The</strong> same God who made the<br />

rules for entrance into the church and the rules that<br />

govern the church, also made the laws which govern<br />

marriage.<br />

What constitutes a sinful relationship in marriage?<br />

Jesus taught in Matthew 19: 9: "... Whosoever shall<br />

put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall<br />

marry another, committeth adultery: and he that<br />

marrieth her when she is put away committeth<br />

adultery. " Thus, he who puts away his mate for a<br />

cause other than for-nication, and marries another<br />

commits adultery. like-wise, when one marries her<br />

who is put away also commits adultery. It is a<br />

violation of God's law on marriage and divorce,<br />

therefore it constitutes an adulterous and sinful<br />

relationship. Individuals who con-tinue in this<br />

relationship are LIVING in sin. Paul wrote to the<br />

brethren in Colosse: "Put to death there-fore your<br />

members which are upon the earth: fornica-tion,<br />

uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetous-ness,<br />

which is idolatry; for which things' sake cometh the<br />

wrath of God upon the sons of disobedience:<br />

wherein ye also once walked, when ye LIVED (emphasis<br />

mine, H. H. ) in these things" (Col. 3: 5-7).<br />

<strong>The</strong> relationship of the alien to the laws of God on<br />

marriage is dealt with by another author in this special<br />

issue. But let us observe that brethren seem to have<br />

less difficulty in understanding what the relationship<br />

is when two people divorce and remarry for an unscriptural<br />

reason AFTER they became Christians, than<br />

they do about two people in that situation BEFORE<br />

they became Christians. Brother R. L. Whiteside very<br />

ably commented: "It is argued that aliens may divorce<br />

for any cause, and remarry; and then all their sins,<br />

including their loose marriages, are forgiven when<br />

they obey the gospel... If their marriage was a sin, can<br />

they repent of that sin and still continue in it? If they<br />

were living in adultery, are we to be told that obedience,<br />

or rather a form of obedience, of the gospel<br />

changed adultery into a virtue? Where would such a<br />

theory lead? If a man steals a car, rides it to meeting,<br />

and then goes through the form of obedience of the<br />

gospel would that act make his possession right in the<br />

sight of God?<br />

"It is argued also that, as the alien is not in a<br />

covenant relationship with the Lord, the Lord takes no<br />

notice of what he does; and that, not being under the<br />

law, he violates no law. But if that sort of reasoning is<br />

true, what makes an alien a sinner at all? Shall we<br />

teach the alien that, no matter what he does, he<br />

commits no sin? If he commits no sin, wherein is he a<br />

sinner, and why does he need a Savior, and how can he<br />

be baptized for the remission of sins? Here we leave the<br />

matter for the reader's reflection till another time."<br />

(Gospel Advocate, July 18, 1935).<br />

All sinful relationships must be repented of whether<br />

they exist among people out of the church (aliens) or<br />

Page 13<br />

those in the church. <strong>The</strong>re is no double standard. Repentance<br />

stands squarely between Godly sorrow and reformation<br />

of life and applies to all — aliens and children of<br />

God. John the Baptist told the Pharisees and Sadducees<br />

coming to him to, "bring forth therefore fruit worthy of<br />

repentance" (Matt. 3: 8). <strong>The</strong> fruit of repentance is seen in<br />

a changed life. <strong>The</strong> Jews on the day of Pentecost asked<br />

Peter and the other apostles, "brethren, what shall we<br />

do?" (Acts 2: 37). Peter commanded them to repent and be<br />

baptized for the remission of their sins (vs. 38). <strong>The</strong>ir<br />

repentance is seen by their fruit. "<strong>The</strong>y then that received<br />

his word were baptized: (v. 41). In Acts 8: 22, Simon, an<br />

erring child of God, was told to repent and pray. In either<br />

case, whether one is a child of God or an alien, he must<br />

repent and repentance demands a turning away from sin<br />

(ceasing to continue in it), bringing forth fruit worthy of<br />

repentance. Any sinful relationship should be severed,<br />

including an adulterous marriage. Herod was living with<br />

Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. John told him, "It is<br />

not lawful for you to have her" (Matt. 14: 4). It should be<br />

obvious to all as to what would be necessary for this sinful<br />

relationship to cease. It would have to be dissolved.<br />

In Ezra 10: 1-19 we are told of Israelites who had<br />

transgressed the law of God by marrying foreign women.<br />

Concerning this matter, "Ezra prayed and made a confession,<br />

weeping and casting himself down before God" and<br />

"the people wept very sore" (v. 1). <strong>The</strong>y confessed their<br />

sins and said, "yet now there is hope for Israel concerning<br />

this" (v. 2). <strong>The</strong>n they said, "Now therefore let us make a<br />

covenant with out God to put away all the wives, and such<br />

as are born to them... and let it be done according to God's<br />

law" (v 3).<br />

God's law of pardon is equally strong for both the alien<br />

and the erring child of God. <strong>The</strong> blood of Jesus washes<br />

away all the sins of the obedient alien (Acts 22: 16) and<br />

those of the penitent child of God (1 Jno. 1: 7-9). As<br />

repentance is required of the erring child of God, it is also<br />

required of the alien who comes to God. In either case,<br />

repentance requires the dissolving of an adulterous relationship,<br />

if it exists. Please consider: if an alien who has<br />

been baptized, can continue to live in an adulterous<br />

relationship that began BEFORE his baptism because<br />

the blood of Christ has washed away his sins, then we ask:<br />

why cannot the child of God continue in an adulterous<br />

relationship AFTER he has repented and prayed? (Acts<br />

8: 22). <strong>The</strong> blood of Christ washes away his sins too, so why<br />

the difference?<br />

When learning the truth that the word of God teaches,<br />

sincere people who are earnestly trying to go to heaven<br />

will dissolve any unscriptural relationship in which they<br />

find themselves. We acknowledge that it is not an easy<br />

thing to do. Much heartache and sorrow are sure to follow,<br />

but by doing the will of the Lord, precious souls will be<br />

insured of a home with God forever.<br />

<strong>The</strong> grace and mercy of God have not been considered<br />

in this treatise, because they are not in the realm of<br />

human beings. How far down the hand of God's grace and<br />

mercy will be extended at the day of judgment, we do not<br />

know. It must reach a long ways down to include any of us.<br />

Man has no prerogative in this matter. Our responsibility<br />

is to teach the truth of God's word. We must plead the law<br />

of God, and if there is any clemency, it belongs to God the

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