Sugar Free Gummies and Jellies - staging.files.cms.plus.com

Sugar Free Gummies and Jellies - staging.files.cms.plus.com

Sugar Free Gummies and Jellies - staging.files.cms.plus.com


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<strong>Sugar</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>Gummies</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Jellies</strong><br />

Michelle Schwenk<br />

Tate & Lyle

Formulation<br />

Gelling Agent (s)<br />

Bulking Agent (s)<br />

High Intensity<br />


Gelling Agents<br />

Chosen for cost <strong>and</strong> finished<br />

eating quality (texture)<br />

Starch<br />

– Should be <strong>com</strong>pletely cooked out<br />

Gelatin<br />

– Can have issues with hardening<br />

Pectin<br />


Bulking Agents<br />

Appropriate for Jelly’s Jelly s <strong>and</strong> <strong>Gummies</strong><br />

Polydextrose<br />

– Chosen for low calories & cost<br />

Maltitol<br />

– Chosen for ease of use <strong>and</strong> formulation<br />

Sorbitol<br />

– Chosen for cost<br />

Other Polyols

New Bulk Ingredients<br />

Fiber Ingredients<br />

– Soluble Corn Fiber<br />

– Resistant Maltodextrin<br />

– Watch for color, <strong>and</strong> solubility <strong>and</strong><br />


Hygroscopicity<br />

What makes things hygroscopic?<br />

– Small molecules (low molecular weight)<br />

How do you prevent it?<br />

– Minimize the small molecules<br />

– Increase the large molecules

Calculating max sugars<br />

Limit 0.5g sugar per serving<br />

Serving size 40g<br />

Calculate max sugar %<br />

0.5/40 = 1.25%<br />

Find sugar containing ingredient<br />

Ingredient x = 6% sugars (mono & di saccharides)<br />

saccharides<br />

Max amount of ingredient x that can be used:<br />

1.25/6 = 20%

Typical Formula<br />

Pressure cooker<br />

Maltitol Syrup %<br />

66.6<br />

Polydextrose 11.0<br />

Thin Boiling Starch 10.0<br />

Water 12.4<br />

100.0<br />

Add color, flavor <strong>and</strong> acid as desired after<br />


High Intensity<br />

Sweeteners<br />

Heat stable HIS’s HIS can be added up front<br />

– i.e. sucralose<br />

Use level depends on the bulking agents<br />

– 25ppm can enhance overall likeability<br />

Less sweet bulking agents will require a HIS

Mixing<br />

Procedure<br />

Cooking<br />

Flavoring<br />

Depositing<br />

Curing<br />


Mixing<br />

Bulking agents may be difficult to<br />

dissolve<br />

– Solution: use liquids<br />

– Solution: make sure to<br />

mix long enough. Add<br />

hard to dissolve<br />

ingredients first.

Cooking<br />

Recalibrate your<br />

refractometer solids<br />

– Will be different with<br />

different polyols/blends

Pressure Cooking<br />

Procedure<br />

1. Slurry all ingredients, preheat to 180F <strong>and</strong><br />

jet cook at 285F.* 285F.*<br />

2. Add color <strong>and</strong> flavor then deposit at 78- 78<br />

79% solids in hot dry moulding starch.<br />

Hold in starch until adequate gel forms<br />

(up to 48 hours) hours)<br />

<strong>and</strong> piece reaches 84%<br />

solids. solids<br />

3. Shake <strong>and</strong> finish, then dry surface <strong>and</strong><br />

package.<br />

* Cooking temperature 330F for high amylose corn starch

Flavoring<br />

Increased flavor levels may be needed<br />

Change flavors to match bulking<br />

agents or high intensity sweeteners<br />

Add the HIS at the appropriate time<br />

Add acid at this step<br />

– can affect gelling agent

Depositing<br />

Condition starch 5-7% 5 7% moisture<br />

– Prevent starch crust

Curing<br />

Dry down to a<br />

low moisture<br />

content<br />

– Many bulking agents are hygroscopic<br />

– Dry 84-85% 84 85% solids<br />

Drying to the same solids content may<br />

require longer time<br />

– hydroscopic

Finishing<br />

Oiling<br />

– Should be ok<br />

S<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

– What are you going to use?<br />

– Many bulking agents can dissolve on<br />

surface of c<strong>and</strong>y<br />

– Possible solutions: maltitol, isomalt

Packaging<br />

A good moisture barrier is key<br />

– Talk to your packaging supplier<br />

Bulk packaging<br />

– Consider re-seal re seal container

Special Considerations<br />

Cross contamination<br />

– Watch the other products being<br />

manufactured<br />

Long shelf life<br />

– Hygroscopic

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