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Hard Candy Lab II - Fruit Flavors and Acidulants<br />

Without acidulants, fruit flavored confectionery products would<br />

be dull, non-descript, non-characteristic and unusually sweet.<br />

To achieve an optimal fruit flavor, it is essential to balance<br />

the sugar and the acid with the specific fruit flavor. <strong>Citric</strong><br />

acid with its high level of tartness, over rules the more<br />

delicate flavors such as strawberry and watermelon, but is ideal<br />

in orange and lemon. Malic and lactic, with more subtle<br />

sourness, are better suited in milder berry flavors.<br />

The consumer expects a certain level of tartness from various<br />

fruit flavors. It is natural to use the food acid that is<br />

<strong>com</strong>monly found associated with the fruit in nature. For<br />

example, citric acid in orange, lemon and grapefruit flavored<br />

candies, tartaric and malic acid in grape and malic acid in<br />

apple, cherry and watermelon.<br />

The product developer is not limited to this, however. Knowing<br />

the flavor profile of the acids, a logical choice can be made.<br />

Tartaric acid is perceived very quickly and with high intensity<br />

but fades quickly. <strong>Citric</strong> acid is perceived very quickly as<br />

well with an intensity not quite as high as tartaric but with<br />

more staying power on the palate. Malic and lactic acid are<br />

perceived slowly but linger for a longer time period.<br />

Many confections contain blends of acids that result in the<br />

desired <strong>com</strong>bination of intensity, duration and flavor masking.<br />

In this lab we will make 9 <strong>com</strong>binations of fruit flavored hard<br />

candy, consisting of three different flavors and 3 different<br />

food grade acids, all at an equal 1% level. We will taste these<br />

different grades observing the various effects the acid has on<br />

flavor perception, intensity, release and duration.

Hard Candy II Lab - Flavors/Acids<br />

Objective: To determine the effect of acid/flavor <strong>com</strong>binations on flavor<br />

perception, release, intensity, and duration.<br />

Ingredients:<br />

Basic Hard Candy Formula<br />

Sucrose 819 g<br />

Corn Syrup, 42 DE 540 g<br />

Water 245 g<br />

Total 1604 g<br />

Formula Flavor Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Rotation 3<br />

A Orange 0.6% (7.8 g) No Acid No Acid No Acid<br />

B “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

<strong>Citric</strong><br />

1.0% <strong>Citric</strong> 1.0% <strong>Citric</strong><br />

C “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

Malic<br />

1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic<br />

D Grape 0.5% (6.5 g) No Acid No Acid No Acid<br />

E “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

<strong>Citric</strong><br />

1.0% <strong>Citric</strong> 1.0% <strong>Citric</strong><br />

F “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

Malic<br />

1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic<br />

G Watermelon 0.6%<br />

(7.8g)<br />

No Acid No Acid No Acid<br />

H “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

<strong>Citric</strong><br />

1.0% <strong>Citric</strong> 1.0% <strong>Citric</strong><br />

I “ 1.0% (16 g)<br />

Malic<br />

1.0% Malic 1.0% Malic<br />

Equipment:<br />

Copper cooking kettles<br />

Gas burner<br />

Stirring spoon<br />

Thermometers<br />

8 oz. glass jars<br />

Methods:<br />

The base hard candy formulations (dry basis formula 65% sucrose / 35%<br />

42/43 corn syrup) have been preweighed for you in the copper kettles.<br />

Stir the mixture slowly as it heats. When the sugar is <strong>com</strong>pletely<br />

dissolved, it is no longer necessary to stir. Keep the flame rather low,<br />

between 230 and 250ºF, because there will be moderate foaming.<br />

After foaming has subsided, the gas fire can be increased slightly.<br />

Continue cooking until the mixture has reached 305°F. Immediately turn off<br />

the burner, carry the kettle to the cooling table and pour out mixture. Add<br />

the flavor and acid corresponding to your group and fold it into the cooked<br />

mass using a spatula. Adding a small amount of hard candy scrap to the melt<br />

will help absorb liquid flavor and acids during addition and mixing.<br />

When the candy is cool, break into pieces to fill an 8 oz. jar identified<br />

with your code number. These jars will be used for classroom discussion with<br />

the instructor.

Observations: Describe your results in the following table.<br />

Flavor<br />

Perception<br />

Flavor<br />

Intensity<br />

Flavor<br />

Release<br />

Flavor<br />

Duration<br />


Flavors and Acids<br />

Hard Candy Lab 2<br />

Discussion<br />

Allan Buck<br />

Archer Daniels Midland Co.<br />

Resident<br />

Course in<br />

Confectionery<br />

Technology<br />

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Flavors and acids<br />

• <strong>Citric</strong> - orange, lemon, lime<br />

• Malic - apple, strawberry, cherry<br />

• Tartaric - grape<br />

• Lactic - milk based flavors<br />

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Acid Intensity<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Flavor Profile of Acidulants<br />

0 2 4 6 8 10 12<br />

Lasting Time<br />

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology<br />

Tartaric<br />

<strong>Citric</strong><br />

Malic<br />


Example of Inverting Effect of Acids<br />

Orange Flavor<br />

No Acid<br />

<strong>Citric</strong> Acid<br />

Malic Acid<br />

Tartaric Acid<br />

Buffered Lactic Acid<br />

Source: NCA Candy School 2001 – Lab II experiments<br />

% Inverted<br />

5%<br />

20%<br />

18%<br />

15%<br />

5%<br />

Resident Course in Confectionery Technology

Rework Reclamation by P. Srnak<br />

Even the best hard candy system will generate a certain quantity of out-ofspecification<br />

goods. How a manufacturer handles these goods will largely be<br />

determined by economics. Often, however, having some type of rework reclamation<br />

procedure will be necessitated, and this section will outline some of the options<br />

available. The procedures outlined will work equally well with both sugar and most<br />

sugarfree products. Throughout this discussion, the term “rework” and “scrap” will be<br />

used interchangeably. It should be noted that oftentimes candymakers shun the term<br />

“scrap” because of its negative connotations.<br />

• Like-into-Like rework usage. Simply fold your deformed candy into subsequent<br />

batches. This is the cheapest, simplest and most cost-effective system, but it has<br />

some important drawbacks:<br />

1) Any contaminates that were present on the surface of the scrap, or were<br />

traveling along with the scrap will now be worked into the finished goods.<br />

2) If your candy has a high sugar to corn syrup ratio, or contains a<br />

crystallizing polyol, then there is the possibility of inducing unwanted<br />

graining in your finished goods.<br />

3) You need to have similar batches to work your scrap into, and there is a<br />

limit to how much you can use. This is a problem with short runs or unique<br />

items. Striped or multicolored goods can be very hard to rework this way.<br />

4) This system works best if the scrap is ground into small chips to allow for<br />

more uniform mixing, and if it is added while the freshly cooked batch is hot<br />

enough to ensure <strong>com</strong>plete melting. Of course, introducing a grinder into<br />

the production process also increases the risk of incorporating tramp metal<br />

into the product, so that a finished product metal detector is highly<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mended.<br />

5) Finally, you must be very careful to avoid the introduction of unlabeled<br />

allergens.<br />

• Liquid Scrap Reclaiming. This is often a better way to utilize out-of-specification<br />

candy. With a liquid scrap system you dissolve your rework in water and then<br />

treat and filter the solution. The treatment will remove flavors and colors and<br />

adjust the pH while the filtering will remove particulates (including the treatment<br />

<strong>com</strong>pounds). The resulting liquid can be added back to the syrup feed stream<br />

prior to cooking, and will generally be free from the drawbacks experienced with<br />

the handling of solid rework. A liquid scrap system consists basically of a<br />

dissolving/mixing kettle, a filtering or adsorption system, and a receiving tank.<br />

Activated carbon, in either powdered or granulated form, is used to adsorb the<br />

unwanted flavors and colors. These systems are described in more detail below.<br />

Components of a Liquid Scrap Reclamation System:<br />

1) Processing Aids<br />

(a) Activated Carbon. Activated carbon is a very porous material. It<br />

functions by allowing undesirable flavor or color molecules to enter<br />

these pores, and then retains them via weak electrostatic forces. The<br />

high porosity of activated carbon gives it a tremendous absorptive

surface area, (in the range of 500-2,000 m 2 /g for the powdered<br />

product). Activated carbon is available in many different pore sizes and<br />

grinds so that it can be custom-matched to a specific application. For a<br />

filter-type system a fine powder is generally desired while the granular<br />

form is better suited for an absorptive column.<br />

(b) Filter Precoat. A filter precoat is used with filter-type rework systems.<br />

The most <strong>com</strong>mon material used for filter precoating for hard candy<br />

reworking is diatomaceous earth, or filter-aid. In practice, a supporting<br />

surface (either a filter pad or a fine mesh screen) has a filter cake of the<br />

precoating material built up on it. The carbon/rework slurry is then<br />

forced or drawn through the filter cake with the flavor and color loaded<br />

carbon being retained while the clear solution is allowed to permeate.<br />

The filter cake acts as a depth-type filter, while retained carbon acts as<br />

a sort of dynamic filtering surface. The amount of filter precoat required<br />

is dependent on the equipment being used since the entire filtering<br />

surface must be coated. Additional precoat is often added to the rework<br />

syrup at a rate of 0.25 – 0.35% of the rework solids.<br />

(c) Neutralizing Agents. When using rework syrup, it is important to<br />

neutralize any acids that may have been present in the scrap candy to<br />

avoid inversion during cooking. However, because activated carbon<br />

works better at a lower pH, (2-3 is ideal), it is re<strong>com</strong>mended that the<br />

neutralizing be done after the carbon is filtered off. The table below can<br />

be used to determine the amount of neutralizing agent required:<br />

Sodium Sodium Sodium<br />

Sodium Carbonate Carbonate Calcium Hydroxide<br />

Acid Bicarbonate (Anhydrous) (Monohydrate) Carbonate C.P.<br />

<strong>Citric</strong> Acid (Anhydrous) 21 13.2 15.5 12.5 10<br />

Tartaric Acid 17.9 11.3 13.2 10.7 8.5<br />

Lactic Acid (50%) 7.5 4.7 5.5 4.4 16.7<br />

Malic Acid 20 12.7 14.8 11.9 9.5<br />

Ounces of alkaline salts per pound acid<br />

2) Equipment<br />

a) Filter Press. A filter press is one of the simplest types of reclamation<br />

equipment available. Presses use either disposable paper or washable<br />

fabric filter materials, and consist of several divided sections which<br />

either carry the rework slurry or the filtered permeate (filtrate). They<br />

have a decent surface area in a fairly <strong>com</strong>pact unit and are easy to<br />

maintain and clean. Unfortunately, these types of filters tend to plug<br />

easily. Therefore if dealing with rework containing wrapping materials or<br />

with rework that contains any particulates, screening or prefiltering may<br />

be necessary to avoid excessive drops in permeate flow rates.<br />

b) Rotary Vacuum Filter. This is old technology that is still unmatched in<br />

performance today. A rotary vacuum filter consists of a segmented,<br />

filter-covered drum that is slowly rotated through the feed slurry while<br />

applied vacuum draws permeate through it. Rotary vacuum filters are<br />

available with many different filtering surfaces utilizing various retentate

emoval systems. However, hard candy is best filtered using what is<br />

called a “pre-coat filter” equipped with a doctor blade, (see drawing).<br />

With this system, filtering begins by first filling the reservoir with a filteraid<br />

slurry. Applied vacuum will then build up a thick cake on the surface<br />

of the filter. Once the cake is formed, the reservoir is filled with the<br />

carbon-rework slurry and the doctor blade is slowly advanced toward<br />

the drum surface. With each turn, the doctor blade removes a thin layer<br />

of thick precoat cake along with any particulates that had deposited on<br />

the surface. This basically results in a never-ending fresh filtering<br />

surface. Because the maximum pressure driving the permeate through<br />

the filter is atmospheric, this system works best with low solids rework<br />

syrups (

there is no carbon dust. If a <strong>com</strong>pany has a uniform rework stream with<br />

only a limited amount of flavors or colors to remove, then a carbon<br />

column may be worth examining.<br />

3) Rework Process.<br />

a) Step 1: Sort your rework. Try to get a consistent raw material so that<br />

you can standardize your process.<br />

b) Step 2: Hydrate your carbon. Carbon must be thoroughly wetted to<br />

work.<br />

c) Step 3: Dissolve your rework. Use lots of agitation but avoid high<br />

temperatures. There are two reasons to avoid hot water. First, activated<br />

carbon works best at lower temperatures. The absorption process is a<br />

dynamic process…molecules enter the pores and exit the pores,<br />

eventually reaching equilibrium. Heating the solution shifts the process<br />

more toward desorption. The other reason to avoid high temperatures is<br />

to minimize inversion of the sucrose when dealing with regular candy<br />

scrap.<br />

d) Step 4: Allow the carbon time to adsorb flavors and colors. Adsorption<br />

follows sort of a logarithmic curve, so that it is important to allow<br />

enough time for maximum adsorption to occur. Start with at least 1<br />

hour. Stir constantly to ensure that the carbon is allowed to <strong>com</strong>e in<br />

contact with the undesirable <strong>com</strong>ponents and to keep it from settling on<br />

the bottom of your kettle. With an absorptive column, the unit must be<br />

sized to ensure that the syrup has a residence time of at least 1 hour<br />

before it exists when the unit is operating at the desired production rate.<br />

With adsorptive columns, skip to Step 7.<br />

e) Step 5: If applicable to the chosen system, precoat your filter.<br />

f) Step 6: Begin filtering. Return the permeate to the feed tank until it<br />

begins to run clear. If necessary, you can add more carbon and start<br />

over. Remember that the carbon will build-up on the diatomaceous<br />

earth precoat and form a dynamic filtering surface, so that the permeate<br />

must be recycled briefly.<br />

g) Step 7: Use your rework in a timely fashion because with a solids of<br />

only ~50%, it is far from bacteriologically stable.<br />

• Other Rework Strategies. Rework does not need to be used back into hard<br />

candies. For example, rework can be used in jelly fillings to replace some or all of<br />

the required sugar and corn syrup. Because hard candy rework is usually greater<br />

than 95% sugar and corn syrup solids, alternate confectionery products can even<br />

be made based on a consistent supply of solid rework.

Rework Laboratory Exercise<br />

This exercise will demonstrate the effect of four different processing parameters on<br />

the adsorptive efficiency of Activated Carbon using a precoated vacuum filter system.<br />

Because the samples must stir for at least 1 hour, you will be preparing samples for<br />

the group that follows your group, and will be filtering samples from the group that<br />

came before yours.<br />

Ingredients<br />

• Assorted Ground Hard Candy (Containing Assorted Flavors as well as FD&C<br />

Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40, Blue 1 and Red 3)<br />

• Activated Carbon, Fine Grind<br />

• Diatomaceous Earth (Filter Aid)<br />

• <strong>Citric</strong> Acid<br />

Equipment<br />

• Buchner Funnel<br />

• Filter Flask<br />

• Grade No. 415 Coarse Filter Paper<br />

• pH Paper<br />

• Hot Plate with Stirrer (4)<br />

• Stir Bar (4)<br />

• 1 liter Beaker (8)<br />

Procedures<br />

• Rework Solution (already done)<br />

Dissolve 10 pounds of ASSORTED HARD CANDY REWORK in 10 pounds of<br />

WATER. This makes a 50% solution.<br />

• Sample Preparation<br />

(I) CONTROL<br />

Rework Solution 400g<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in a stir bar and<br />

set on stirrer. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into beaker. Add<br />

10g WATER and stir well. Combine the rework solution and the<br />

carbon slurry, recording time.<br />

(II) LOW pH<br />

Rework Solution 400g<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~2 to 3<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set<br />

on stirrer. Check the pH and sprinkle in CITRIC ACID to lower

the pH to between 2 and 3. Record final pH. Weigh ACTIVATED<br />

CARBON into beaker. Add 10g WATER and stir well. Combine<br />

the rework solution and the carbon slurry, recording time.<br />


Rework Solution 400g<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature 180 F<br />

Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set<br />

on stirrer, turning on heat. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into<br />

beaker. Add 10g WATER and stir well. Combine the rework<br />

solution and the carbon slurry, recording time.<br />


Rework Solution 400g<br />

Activated Carbon 10g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

Weigh REWORK SOLUTION into a flask, drop in stir bar and set<br />

on stirrer. Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into beaker. Add 10g<br />

WATER and stir well. Combine the rework solution and the<br />

carbon slurry, recording time.<br />

To keep things moving, we will try to space the samples 5 minutes apart. Therefore,<br />

when you are ready to add the carbon slurry, check when the person before you<br />

added their carbon slurry and leave as close to a 5 minute gap as possible.<br />

• Sample Filtration<br />

Set up the Buchner Funnel on the Filter Flask. Moisten a Filter Paper and<br />

place it in the Funnel. Slurry 75g of DIATOMACEOUS EARTH with 325g<br />

WATER. Turn on the vacuum and pour the diatomaceous slurry rapidly into<br />

the funnel. When the filter cake is firm, shut off the vacuum and pour-off the<br />

water from the Filter Flask. Replace the Funnel, turn the vacuum back on and<br />

rapidly pour the REWORK TEST SAMPLE into the Funnel onto the filter cake.<br />

Collect the permeate and label it.

NOTES and ASIDES<br />

When designing a rework system, begin with approximately 1 pound carbon for every<br />

100 pounds of rework solids. You may need more or less depending on the amount<br />

of undesirable <strong>com</strong>ponents present and the desired discoloration and blandness of<br />

the finished rework syrup.<br />

Different <strong>com</strong>ponents are adsorbed optimally under different conditions and at<br />

different rates. You may need to make adjustments to your process as the nature of<br />

your rework supply changes.<br />

Activated Carbon will cost you approximately $1 a pound while Filter Aid <strong>com</strong>es in at<br />

about one third of that. Factoring in labor, steam, electricity, equipment depreciation<br />

and possibly even sewage charges will let you determine whether your scrap is worth<br />

reworking with a liquid system.


Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic<br />

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.<br />

• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add<br />

10g WATER and stir well.<br />

• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,<br />

recording time.<br />


LOW pH<br />

Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~2 to 3<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic<br />

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.<br />

• Check the pH and sprinkle in CITRIC ACID (only a pinch<br />

will do it) to lower the pH to between 2 and 3. Record final<br />

pH.<br />

• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add<br />

10g WATER and stir well.<br />

• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,<br />

recording time.<br />



Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)<br />

Activated Carbon 2g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature 180 F<br />

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter GLASS<br />

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer, and turning on<br />

heat<br />

• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add<br />

10g WATER and stir well.<br />

• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,<br />

recording time.<br />




Rework Solution (from the 1 gal bottle) 400g (about 400 ml)<br />

Activated Carbon 10g<br />

pH ~6<br />

Temperature Ambient<br />

• Measure the REWORK SOLUTION into a 1 liter plastic<br />

beaker, drop in a stir bar and set on stirrer.<br />

• Weigh ACTIVATED CARBON into a small beaker. Add<br />

10g WATER and stir well.<br />

• Combine the rework solution and the carbon slurry,<br />

recording time.<br />


Hard Candy Flavor Considerations<br />

Presented by Paul Srnak<br />

The following considerations must be addressed when adopting a new flavor item,<br />

substituting for existing flavors in a given item, or modifying an existing item. Most of the<br />

discussion deals mainly with added flavors such as peppermint or citrus oils, and not with<br />

flavors contributed by value-added ingredients or reaction flavors. These topics are<br />

mentioned briefly at the end.<br />

• Cost. While Flavors are often only a small part of the cost of a hard confection, they<br />

can have substantial effect if you are dealing with small margins. Flavor costs can<br />

range from $2 per pound to 20 or more times that amount, especially when dealing<br />

with Natural Flavors.<br />

• Get to know your Flavor Supplier. Having a good relationship with your flavor<br />

supplier ensures that you have the assistance you need in determining what flavor is<br />

most appropriate for you specific application. A good flavor supplier will also provide<br />

you with consistent flavors when you need them.<br />

• Natural or Artificial? Decide what Market you are Targeting. Is your current Customer<br />

base into health food or premium products, or is it concerned mainly with cost? This<br />

will be invaluable for determining whether to choose Natural or Artificial Flavors.<br />

Generally speaking, you can expect to pay more for natural flavors, will get a less<br />

stable ingredient, and will need to use more due to a lower flavor impact. However,<br />

contrary to popular public perception, natural flavors do not usually contribute less<br />

“chemicals” to the diet. For example, there are about 500 to 600 chemicals responsible<br />

for the flavor of fresh strawberries and would therefore be present in a natural<br />

strawberry flavor. On the other hand, a good artificial strawberry flavor would only<br />

need about 15 to 20 of these same chemicals. So which one contributes more chemicals<br />

to the diet?<br />

• Stability. This also relates back to natural vs artificial flavors, but it includes other<br />

considerations. Without exception, hard candy flavors must withstand high<br />

temperatures. Flavors are usually incorporated into batches at temperatures in excess of<br />

250 F because the hard candy mass must still be pliable. Fortunately, once incorporated<br />

into the hard candy “glass”, the flavors are usually fairly well protected. Flavors must<br />

also be stable enough to resist changes over time, since a flavor with a short shelf-life<br />

would probably require more operator discrimination than it would be worth. Storage<br />

conditions can also affect flavor quality. Some flavors may keep well under<br />

refrigeration but degrade quickly at elevated temperatures, while others are best stored<br />

at room temperatures. The storage container can also affect product quality, but not<br />

simply due to the addition of off-flavors from the packaging material itself. For<br />

example, many of you may be familiar with the “sucked-in” and distorted plastic flavor<br />

bottle. In some cases, the plastic used to manufacture the storage container may be<br />

more permeable to certain chemical <strong>com</strong>ponents of the flavor than to other chemical

<strong>com</strong>ponents. Over time, this differential chemical permeation could result in the<br />

selective evaporation of some flavor <strong>com</strong>pounds and the resulting concentration of<br />

others. This will therefore covertly change the characteristics of your flavor. Also with<br />

some flavors, (especially citrus flavors), flavor <strong>com</strong>ponent oxidation can result if the<br />

storage container is permeable to oxygen. Finally, flavor <strong>com</strong>ponents can react with<br />

each other to produce off flavors. This is another reason to use knowledgeable flavor<br />

suppliers and to avoid mixing your own “custom” flavors (unless you have the<br />

expertise required).<br />

• Unwanted Attributes. Does the flavor contribute undesirable colors? When dealing<br />

with natural pastes or powders, does the flavor contribute gritty textures? Sometimes<br />

the method used to incorporate the flavor is critical in determining whether it will work<br />

or not. Obviously when dealing with a low-moisture system such as hard candy, a<br />

water-based flavor would be undesirable since it could make your product sticky,<br />

(furthermore, flavor <strong>com</strong>ponents often flash off with the water with these types of<br />

flavor systems).<br />

• Does the Flavor undergo Chemical Changes during Processing, or does it react with<br />

other Ingredients? The flavor should not change when it is exposed to the high<br />

processing temperatures found in hard candy production. The flavor must be relatively<br />

inert with regard to other candy ingredients. For example, if you have an acidulated<br />

candy, the flavor must not be pH sensitive. The flavor must not react with added colors<br />

either.<br />

• How will you incorporate the Flavor into the Candy? In a perfect world, you could add<br />

your flavor directly to your pre-cook. Unfortunately, this is rarely possible since the<br />

high cooking temperatures required, especially coupled with the use of vacuum, would<br />

quickly strip off flavors. However, there are several methods that are successfully used<br />

by hard candy manufacturers to incorporate flavors. For example, (a) modern highvolume<br />

lines normally use Direct Flavor Injection. With this method, the flavor is<br />

metered directly into the cooked hard candy mass as it travels through the discharge<br />

piping from the cooker. This allows for excellent control of the amount of flavor used<br />

(provided the equipment is well maintained), and helps to minimize flavor loss due to<br />

volatilization. Some type of in-line static mixer would be needed in this type of system.<br />

(b) Adding the flavor batchwise into the candy mass. This method is either done<br />

manually or by machine, and normally involves a considerable amount of volatilization<br />

since the candy mass is usually still quite hot at this point. The flavor can either be<br />

stirred in, poured across the candy mass as it sits on the cooling table (cooling to<br />

produce a surface crust, followed by pulverizing of this crust will give you a powdery<br />

surface to “mop up” the flavor), or it can be added at the puller. (c) Add the flavor with<br />

another ingredient. If the formula permits, mixing the flavor into a dry ingredient such<br />

as citric acid or salt will greatly simplify incorporation as well as reduce volatilization.<br />

However, the flavor must not react with the dry ingredient, nor must it hamper the<br />

incorporation of the dry ingredient (for example, due to lumping). When choosing a<br />

flavor, it is vital to take the production procedures into account. A flavor that works<br />

well in a direct injection system may prove lacking when mixed in batchwise. This

may be the result of flavor <strong>com</strong>ponents being “stripped off” due to differences in their<br />

volatilities.<br />

Finally, something must be said about value-added ingredients and reaction products.<br />

Value Added Ingredients such as honey, coffee, nuts, fats, dairy products etc. provide their<br />

own distinct flavors to hard candies as well as allowing the confections to demand higher<br />

prices. Unfortunately, these ingredients can vary from season to season and from supplier<br />

to supplier. Furthermore, the freshness of many value added ingredients is critical (this is<br />

especially true for nuts and dairy fats, since rancidity can quickly render the products<br />

unusable). These are ingredients where supplier integrity and inventory control are critical.<br />

Reaction Flavors are a different problem altogether. Caramel flavor is a classic reaction<br />

flavor. Caramel flavor is produced by the Maillard reaction between milk proteins and<br />

reducing sugars. Obviously, if either of these ingredients is absent (such as when working<br />

with sugar-free confections), or if ingredient concentrations are changed, (cutting back on<br />

milk ingredients to lower costs), then the final product flavor could change drastically.<br />

Changes in processing conditions can also affect reaction flavors. For example, changing<br />

hold times due to delays in processing or changing cook temperatures can quickly result in<br />

the over-production of reaction flavors. With these types of products, it is wise to stick to<br />

existing ingredients, formulations and processing procedures if you have a loyal customer<br />

base, or to substitute added standardized flavors and then to strive to minimize the<br />

production of reaction flavors during manufacture.

Hard Candy Color Considerations<br />

Presented by Paul Srnak<br />

As with flavors, there are several considerations that must be addressed when looking at<br />

hard candy coloring options. Again, most of this discussion will deal with high-intensity<br />

coloring <strong>com</strong>pounds, rather than with value-added ingredients that contribute color as a<br />

side-effect of their usage.<br />

• Cost. Colors normally give a tremendous “Bang for your Buck” due to their usage at<br />

only trace levels. This applies especially to synthetic FD&C dyes. For example, $1. 00<br />

worth of dry FD&C Yellow 5 dye will easily tint 2,500 pounds of hard candy with a<br />

bright pleasing yellow color.<br />

• Natural or Artificial? This decision is not as simple as with flavors, since the FDA<br />

does not allow use of the term “naturally colored” if the candy contains any colorants,<br />

regardless of origin. The only exception would be value-added ingredients that<br />

incidentally contribute color. “Certified” or “Non-Certified” colors would be more<br />

appropriate terms in this discussion. Certified colors are the seven <strong>com</strong>mon FD&C<br />

dyes (Red 40, Blue 1, etc.), while non-certified colors are all the other colorants,<br />

including nature-derived colors as well as caramel color and titanium dioxide.<br />

However, the Nutrition Labeling & Education Act (NLEA) did tilt the playing field<br />

slightly in favor of not using certified dyes due to labeling particulars, (see below). As<br />

with flavors, certified dyes are cheaper, often used in smaller quantities, are usually<br />

more stable, and are more consistent than nature-derived colors.<br />

• Color Labeling. The FDA basically requires that all ingredients used to provide a tint<br />

to hard candies be labeled as an added color, unless the ingredient adds this color<br />

incidentally. For example,<br />

(a) Molasses would provide a brown tint to hard candies, (along with a characteristic<br />

taste), but would not need to be labeled as a color.<br />

(b) Natural Red Beet Extract would provide color, but the candy could not be<br />

represented as “naturally colored”. It could be represented as “artificially colored”,<br />

“colored with natural red beet extract”, or red beet extract could just simply as be<br />

listed by name on the ingredient panel.<br />

(c) Due to NLEA requirements, FD&C Certified dyes must be listed by name, (e.g.<br />

Red 40, Blue 1, etc.).<br />

• Unwanted Attributes. Most hard candy colorants contribute nothing to the flavor and<br />

texture of hard candy predominately because they are used in such small quantities.<br />

Some of the nature-derived colorants could impart slight aftertastes. Of course, being<br />

implicated as allergens (Yellow 5) or as carcinogens (Red 3) could be viewed as<br />

unwanted attributes.<br />

• Stability. Not all hard candy colorants are created equally, and not all hard candy<br />

colorants behave the same under different conditions. Generally speaking, in hard<br />

candy applications you can expect the following:

Color Light Acid Heat<br />

Blue 1 Good Good Good<br />

Blue 2 Pathetic Pathetic Poor<br />

Red 3 Poor Pathetic Good<br />

Red 40 Very Good Good Good<br />

Yellow 5 Good Good Good<br />

Yellow 6 Moderate Good Good<br />

Green 3 rarely used due to cost<br />

Turmeric Poor Good Very Good<br />

Beta Carotene Good Very Good Good<br />

Annatto Fair Fair Good<br />

Caramine Excellent Good Very Good<br />

Red Beet Juice Fair Fair Poor<br />

A lack of light stability can be an insidious problem that expresses itself only after your<br />

product has reached the retailer or the consumer, so it is an issue you must take into<br />

account.<br />

• Does the Color Undergo Chemical Changes during Processing? This is definitely an<br />

area where the confectioner must exercise extreme caution, and it relates back to the<br />

stability of the colorants. Heat stability is critical because processing temperatures are<br />

high and acid stability is important because low pH’s are often present in fruit flavored<br />

candies. A good color supplier can help you work through formulation changes to<br />

avoid processing problems, while trial-and-error tests will immediately tell you<br />

whether it will or won’t work.<br />

• How will you incorporate the colorant into your product? Ideally, your system will<br />

allow you to add as-is colorants directly into a large volume of pre-cook syrup. This<br />

will give you the most uniform batches at the lowest possible cost. This method does<br />

have some drawbacks. Due to the high coloring ability of most food dyes, extremely<br />

low concentrations of colors are needed. This often requires an unreasonably minute<br />

quantity of color that would be difficult to measure out accurately. Because FD&C<br />

dyes must be in solution to provide tincture, there must also be sufficient water present<br />

to thoroughly dissolve the colors. Fortunately, color suppliers have <strong>com</strong>e up with<br />

several ingenious methods for incorporating colors into hard candy. For example,<br />

(a) Liquid Colors. This applies mainly to certified dyes. Color suppliers can produce<br />

color concentrates (that require dilution or mixing before use), or ready to use<br />

solutions. A confectioner can also make their own custom color solutions using the<br />

dry dyes. Often, propylene glycol or glycerin is added as a solution preservative or<br />

as a co-solvent. Liquid colors can be added to pre-cooks or directly to the cooked<br />

candy mass. Use control is excellent.<br />

(b) Color Pastes. These are often solutions of dyes bulked up with a powder such as<br />

dextrose. Pastes are usually added to individual batches of the cooked candy mass.<br />

Use control is low.

(c) Color Cubes. Similar to pastes, cubes often incorporate a hard fat as an ingredient<br />

so that they are solid at room temperature. Cubes melt easily in the hot hard candy<br />

but often require pounding to speed up the mixing process. Color cubes are<br />

produced by slabing out and scoring the color mass. Use control is good.<br />

(d) Color Granules. Basically, ground-up color cubes. Often harder fats are used to<br />

keep the finished granules from sticking together. Granules melt faster due to their<br />

smaller particle size and are easier to use than cubes. Use control is good if there is<br />

a uniform particle size.<br />

• What Colors are best for Hard Candies? This all depends on what you are trying to<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plish. Color Lakes will work well for striping or with products that require a<br />

painted, non-opaque appearance. Titanium dioxide can be used to lighten candy masses<br />

that are too dark due to processing problems, or as a substitute for pulling. Certified<br />

dyes are easy to use but it may be difficult to produce deep colors such as black.<br />

Finally, nature-derived colors may produce attractive shades but they are often quirky<br />

and some have questionable kosher status.

Boiling Under Vacuum<br />

Presented by Paul Srnak<br />

Boiling under vacuum facilitates the achievement of a high solids level at a relatively low<br />

temperature. This reduces inversion and caramelization of the sugar and reduces the syrup<br />

temperature for subsequent processing.<br />

Approximate Atmospheric Vacuum Boiling Vacuum<br />

% Solids Temperature Temperature in/Hg<br />

F C F C<br />

96 289 143 264 129 25<br />

97 302 150 275 135 27<br />

98 320 160 286 141 28<br />

It is not necessary for the whole boiling cycle to be under vacuum. Normally, syrup will be<br />

boiled to ~266 F (130 C) and then subjected to a vacuum of 28 in/Hg for ~6 minutes for a<br />

final solids of >98%<br />

When caramel is subjected to vacuum, the purpose is usually to rapidly reduce its<br />


Traditional Test for Syrup Boils<br />

Approximate Temperature<br />

Term F C Texture<br />

Thread 230-235 110-113 Forms a thread between thumb and index<br />

finger<br />

Soft Ball 237-244 114-118 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove<br />

the sample in cold water. Sample will form<br />

a soft ball when cool.<br />

Firm Ball 250-255 121-124 Sample will form a firm ball<br />

Hard Ball 259-264 126-129 Sample will form a hard ball<br />

First Crack 264-270 129-132 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove<br />

the sample in cold water. Press into a thin<br />

sheet. Flick the sample with the index<br />

finger. It will crack if thoroughly cool<br />

2 nd Crack 275-280 135-138 Dip a spatula into the batch and remove<br />

the sample in cold water. Press into a thin<br />

sheet. When thoroughly cool, it will break<br />

and not bend.<br />

Hard Crack 284-310 140-154 The cooled spatula sample will shatter<br />

like glass<br />

Caramel 335-350 168-177 Sample is brown and will quickly set like<br />


HARD CANDY: (Srnak)<br />

Answer Key:<br />


1) What is the purpose of the Cream of Tartar? Cream of Tartar is a<br />

“Doctor” used to increase the Inversion of the Sucrose. Without the<br />

resultant Glucose and Fructose, the candy mass would grain, or<br />

crystallize, uncontrollably.<br />

2) Since it is essentially all cooked-off, what effect could the water quality<br />

have on the product? Substances such as minerals in the water may<br />

inhibit or greatly enhance the function of the “Doctor” (depending on<br />

what is present). That is why formulas must be tailored to the specific<br />

region where the candy is being made.<br />

3) Why are the sides washed down with Water? The Sugar must be<br />

totally dissolved when there is enough water present to ac<strong>com</strong>plish<br />

the job (early in the cook). Otherwise, any crystalline sugar crusted<br />

along the water line can act as a “seed” to cause uncontrolled<br />

graining.<br />

4) Why is the Powdered Sugar added at the puller? To act as a “seed”<br />

so that you get controlled crystallization when the batch is ready. The<br />

Powdered Sugar introduces numerous small nuclei for crystal growth,<br />

which results in lots of fine crystals (and a smooth texture) rather than<br />

a few large crystals (and a gritty texture).<br />


1) Can a water-based (jelly) filling be honey<strong>com</strong>bed? No. The final<br />

product consists of thin layers of hard candy alternated with fatbased<br />

filling. A water-based filling would soften or dissolve this thin<br />

layers destroying the desired texture.<br />

2) Why is the filling heated? If the filling is cold, it will cool the inside<br />

candy surface that it is contact with causing it to be<strong>com</strong>e inflexible.<br />

Forming and/or leaking problems will result.<br />

CUT ROCK<br />

1) Why is such a low Cook Temperature used? This is a “Demo” lab. To<br />

give enough work time with a small batch under less than ideal<br />

conditions, higher residual moisture is desired. Shelf-life would be<br />

unacceptably short for retail sale under these conditions.<br />

2) Why is the candy roped-out on a hot table? Surface cooling would<br />

reduce or eliminate the elasticity of the candy. It would not rope-out to<br />

the desired diameter smoothly…try it with the demo sample.

Hard Candy Demonstration<br />

Grained Mints<br />

Ingredients<br />

Sugar 25 lbs<br />

Water 9 lbs<br />

Vegetable Shortening 5 oz<br />

Cream of Tartar 10 grams<br />

Peppermint Oil (or other flavor) ¾ oz<br />

Glycerin 2 oz<br />

Powdered Sugar 4 oz<br />

Additional Powdered Sugar for Storage Trays<br />

Procedure<br />

• Place Sugar, Water, Shortening and Cream of Tartar into a clean kettle and place<br />

the kettle on the gas-fired Savage Cooker.<br />

• As the batch begins to boil, wash down the sides of the kettle with a small amount of<br />

water using a brush or a wet rag.<br />

• Cook the batch to 280 F.<br />

• Pour the batch onto an oiled cooling table and allow it to cool with a minimum of<br />

agitation.<br />

• Load the batch onto a pulling machine and pull it for 1½ to 2½ minutes. While<br />

pulling add the Peppermint, the Glycerin and the Powdered Sugar.<br />

• Remove the batch from the puller and shape it into a roll.<br />

• Spin and cut the roll in 2 to 3 foot sections of “rope” and place the “rope” onto trays<br />

dusted with Powdered Sugar.<br />

• Store the trays in a warm, humid area to allow it to grain overnight.<br />

Be sure to sample the candy before it has had a chance to mature and note the texture.<br />

Questions<br />

1) What is the purpose of the Cream of Tartar?<br />

2) Since it is essentially all cooked-off, what effect could the water quality<br />

have on the product?<br />

3) Why are the sides washed down with Water?<br />

4) Why is the Powdered Sugar added at the puller?

Hard Candy Demonstration<br />

Filled Pillows<br />

Ingredients<br />

Filling Portion<br />

Vegetable Shortening 5 lbs<br />

Powdered Sugar 10 lbs<br />

Flavor ¼ oz<br />

Candy Portion<br />

Sugar 25 lbs<br />

Corn Syrup (42 DE) 25 lbs<br />

Water 8 lbs<br />

Flavor & Color as needed<br />

Release Agent as needed<br />

Procedure<br />

• Place the Powdered Sugar, Shortening and Flavor into a steam kettle and heat it<br />

slowly to 170 - 180 F. Hold the filling at this temperature until it is needed. (The<br />

Filling should have a sufficient amount of Powdered Sugar in it to make it firm<br />

enough to stand up).<br />

• Cook the Sugar-Corn Syrup mixture to 280 F in an open gas-fired Savage kettle.<br />

• Spray the vacuum kettle with release agent (top and bottom) and transfer the hot<br />

batch to it. Close the cover and draw a vacuum for about 4 minutes.<br />

• Discharge the cooked candy into a kettle that has also been sprayed with release<br />

agent.<br />

• Remove a baseball-sized portion to be used as “shine”. Hold it on the hot table<br />

under a blanket.<br />

• Flavor and color the cooked candy in the kettle.<br />

• Pour the candy batch onto the cold table and cool it to a working temperature.<br />

• Place the cooled batch on the puller and pull it until it is satin.<br />

• Remove 1/3 of the batch and place it on the hot table. This will be used for the<br />

“jacket” of both sample batches.<br />

• Flatten the remainder of the batch and place the Filling on it.<br />

• Wet the outside edges of the batch with water and, forming an envelope, wrap and<br />

seal the batch around the filling.<br />

• Divide this envelope in two (for two sample batches).<br />

• Wrap one filled envelope in a jacket, shape it into a roll, and spin it through the<br />

pillow machine. These are the Filled Pillows.<br />

• Fold and stretch (honey<strong>com</strong>b) the remaining filled envelope.<br />

• Wrap the remaining jacket around this portion, shape it into a roll, and spin it<br />

through the pillow machine. These are the Honey<strong>com</strong>bed Pillows.<br />

Questions<br />

1) Can a water-based (jelly) filling be honey<strong>com</strong>bed?<br />

2) Why is the filling heated?<br />

7/25/01. Use Savage agitated cooker to make the batch for the pillows. Cooked<br />

2 pails blend to 275 F in

Hard Candy Demonstration<br />

Cut Rock<br />

Ingredients<br />

Sugar 25 lbs<br />

Corn Syrup (42 DE) 25 lbs<br />

Water 8 lbs<br />

Flavor & Color as needed<br />

Release Agent as needed<br />

Procedure<br />

• Imagine a design and determine how you will make it.<br />

• Cook the Sugar-Corn Syrup mixture to 275 F – 280 F in an open gas-fired Savage<br />

kettle.<br />

• Spray the vacuum kettle with release agent (top and bottom) and transfer the hot<br />

batch to it. Close the cover and draw a vacuum for about 4 minutes.<br />

• Discharge the cooked candy into a kettle that has also been sprayed with release<br />

agent.<br />

• Divide up the cooked candy into portions sufficiently large enough for each<br />

<strong>com</strong>ponent, leaving the largest part for the background.<br />

• Flavor and color the background portion. Color all the <strong>com</strong>ponents (flavoring them<br />

will only be necessary if they make up an excessive percentage of the total product.<br />

Otherwise, flavoring the background is usually sufficient).<br />

• Kneed the various portions on the cold table to cool them to working temperatures.<br />

• Depending on the design, portions may be pulled. Avoid excessive pulling since it<br />

may make the candy too spongy to handle properly.<br />

• Form the <strong>com</strong>ponents (more hands = better) on the hot table. When <strong>com</strong>ponent<br />

shapes are <strong>com</strong>pleted, surface-cool them on the cold table to form a stabilizing crust<br />

of hardened candy. Transfer them back to the hot table to avoid excessive cooling.<br />

Keep forming them to avoid unwanted deformation.<br />

• Assemble the various <strong>com</strong>ponents. Use water to glue them together.<br />

• Spin out the batch on the hot table. Traditional Cut Rock is roped-out, allowed to<br />

cool on a long, straight conveyor, and then struck with a sharp edge to split off<br />

button-shaped cross-sections. In lieu of such equipment, hand roll sections of rope<br />

on the cold table and strike them with a spatula to cleave off buttons.<br />

Questions<br />

1) Why is such a low Cook Temperature used?<br />

2) Why is the candy roped-out on a hot table?

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