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TWO BABY BOYS. 61<br />

fresh ball of shreds ;<br />

" but I have heard that they<br />

have noses as big as a wallet, and their hair is as red<br />

as vermilion."<br />

" " Ah ! laughed the master.<br />

heard ? "<br />

you<br />

"Why," said Uh^i, knocking<br />

" And what else have<br />

out the fireball from<br />

his pipe into his wooden button-cup, " that they swill<br />

liquor out of a dipper, eat toads, and swallow worms,<br />

and dress in the most outlandish fashion."<br />

" So ! And<br />

what have you heard about their<br />

"<br />

religion<br />

?<br />

"That they are all Kirishtans (Christians), and<br />

worship Yasu (Jesus), the barbarian criminal god.<br />

Is it not so?"<br />

The master smiled, and trudged on. They were<br />

passing through beautiful scenery. The summer's<br />

rice had just been reaped, and the water-covered<br />

fields, dotted all over with tufts of stubble, lay like<br />

mottled mirrors. Here and there the snowy heron,<br />

poised on one leg, dreaming,<br />

scape, like a tiny cloud suspended<br />

whitened the land-<br />

in the air. Occa-<br />

sionally a flock of cranes, almost large enough to<br />

take the place of the storks (which are rarely seen<br />

in Japan), wheeled across the valley. Monkeys<br />

chattered in the branches of the trees, and now and<br />

then the grunting of wild hogs told that these ani-<br />

mals were plentiful.<br />

" Good game here in winter, I should think, Une"!."<br />

" Hai, danna (master) ;<br />

I 'm told that one hunter<br />

speared over a hundred wild hogs last winter, and<br />

killed many deer."

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