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CHAPTER XXXII. HOW HONDA JIRO BECAME A CHRISTIAN. THE year which followed the coming of Honda Jiro and his wife to Yokohama was one of intense anxiety to the American missionaries. Though home news was more cheering, and the ultimate victory of the Union arms, and the indi- cations of the supremacy of the United States government were more assuring, yet affairs in Japan seemed to become more and more unsettled. Mur- der, incendiarism, and assassination increased rather than diminished. The only lawful government of the country, which in the eyes of the foreigners was that in Yedo, seemed to be fast settling to destruc- tion. Of the constructive forces latent in the movement against the Tycoon, they knew nothing. One happy event which took place at Doctor Grey's house cheered the toilers. One year after his arrival at Yokohama Honda Jiro and his wife were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the presence of the American families of the three missionaries then at the port. After the parents had confessed their faith, the waters of holy baptism fell upon the forehead of little Sayo, their baby daughter, then three months old. The second event worth noticing, even as the 874

HONDA JlfiO A CHRISTIAN. 375 planting of a seed is worth the notice, was the send- ing of a complete revised copy of the Gospels in Japanese to Professor Koba, then at Kumamoto. The Scriptures could not yet be published, for none of the block-cutters or book-sellers could be got to touch the work, fearing imprisonment or death. Years were yet to pass before anything but manuscript could be circulated among men who were seekers after God. At inquiring this time there were many Neesimas of whom the outside world never heard, but of whom the Watcher of the falling sparrow knew. Not every Neesima met his Hardy. How all this came to pass, the change of mind and of heart in himself, and the brave stand for Christ, even amid the risks of prison, exile, and death, is told in a letter written by Honda some years afterward. This is the way he gives his experience and relates the story of his turning to God. The document was written about the time of the formation of the first Christian church in Japan, at Yokohama, April 10, 1872, which took place after a month of daily prayer and study of the Book of Acts the, inspired text-book of church history. " I was born in Japan when it was almost wholly a heathen land. I was brought up in the midst of idolatry and superstitions of various kinds, and I had not any knowledge of God and his salvation. I cared nothing for the Buddhist religion, but went to school where 1 was taught the doctrines of Confu- cius. The consequence was that I firmly believed



THE year which followed the coming of Honda<br />

Jiro and his wife to Yokohama was one of<br />

intense anxiety to the American missionaries.<br />

Though home news was more cheering, and the<br />

ultimate victory of the Union arms, and the indi-<br />

cations of the supremacy of the United States government<br />

were more assuring, yet affairs in Japan<br />

seemed to become more and more unsettled. Mur-<br />

der, incendiarism, and assassination increased rather<br />

than diminished. The only lawful government of<br />

the country, which in the eyes of the foreigners was<br />

that in Yedo, seemed to be fast settling to destruc-<br />

tion. Of the constructive forces latent in the movement<br />

against the Tycoon, they knew nothing.<br />

One happy event which took place at Doctor<br />

Grey's house cheered the toilers. One year after his<br />

arrival at Yokohama Honda Jiro and his wife were<br />

baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy<br />

Spirit, in the presence of the American families of<br />

the three missionaries then at the port. After the<br />

parents had confessed their faith, the waters of holy<br />

baptism fell upon the forehead of little Sayo, their<br />

baby daughter, then three months old.<br />

The second event worth noticing, even as the<br />


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