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346 HONDA THE SAMURAI. as a well-bred gentleman, lest he should commit some fault of taste or good manners. He had never be- fore seen foreign people eat, nor had he ever taken a knife or metal spoon or fork in his hand, nor was he acquainted with the character of the food or drinks he might have to put in his mouth. He felt in- wardly nervous and fearful, though outwardly all calm. An American naval officer, an old friend of the host, was to dine by appointment with Doctor Grey that day. The table had eight guests, and the appointments that day wore the appearance of an extra occasion, though Honda did not know this. Appar- ently not noticing anything, his eyes were in reality keenly alert to every motion of his host and of the officer. Soup, fish, meat, and vegetables, however, were skillfully mastered, the knife not once going into the mouth, nor any noise being made in sip- ping the soup, nor one slip or false movement happening. So well did he progress that, having grown brave and self-assured, he thought he could follow the code without noticing the example of the others. Alas for his sensitive soul, the inevitable faux pas came to pass. When the finger-bowls, with an inch of water and a slice of lemon floating on it, were put on the table, Honda lifted the bowl and took a drink of the lemon-water. Did host, hostess, and naval guest do likewise, to save the shame of the Japanese gentleman? Doubt- less they would have done so, had they noticed it ; but just at that moment a slight earthquake shook

LIKE THE BREATH OF A CLAM. 347 house and ground, and their attention was called to the trees shaking and dropping their green fruit, though no breath of air stirred. When later, how- ever, Honda saw all dipping their fingers in the bowls after eating the loquats and oranges, a fiery rush of blood crimsoned his face and ears until it seemed to him as if his skin were touched with a hot iron. This was his first secret humiliation, unknown to any, except perhaps to the children, who were the only ones who noticed the slip or the blush; but, alas ! another was to come. Doctor Grey liked his tiny cup of after-dinner coffee. "Kafay! What's that?" thought Honda, ready to drink melted lead rather than commit another blunder. Down dropped the sugar lump, in went the spoonful of condensed milk. The smell was strange and sickening. Should he drink the mixture? Certainly; a hero never hesitates. He lifted the cup and took a swallow. Horrible ! nauseous ! It was less scalding than distasteful to the last de- gree. Oh, how long he held that thimbleful in his mouth ! " How can I swallow it ? Will it not sicken me? I must!" So ran his thought; but brave as a man committing hara-kiri he drained the cup. His verdict, after making inquest of a foreign be recorded as follows : dinner, might Item 1. Tools and machinery, that is, knives, forks, dishes, coffee-service, etc., wonderful and va- ried, but not necessarily preferable to the Japanese.


house and ground, and their attention was called to<br />

the trees shaking and dropping their green fruit,<br />

though no breath of air stirred. When later, how-<br />

ever, Honda saw all dipping their fingers in the<br />

bowls after eating the loquats and oranges, a fiery<br />

rush of blood crimsoned his face and ears until it<br />

seemed to him as if his skin were touched with a<br />

hot iron.<br />

This was his first secret humiliation, unknown to<br />

any, except perhaps to the children, who were the<br />

only ones who noticed the slip or the blush; but,<br />

alas ! another was to come. Doctor Grey liked his<br />

tiny cup of after-dinner coffee.<br />

"Kafay! What's that?" thought Honda, ready<br />

to drink melted lead rather than commit another<br />

blunder. Down dropped the sugar lump, in went<br />

the spoonful of condensed milk. The smell was<br />

strange and sickening. Should he drink the mixture?<br />

Certainly; a hero never hesitates. He lifted<br />

the cup and took a swallow. Horrible ! nauseous !<br />

It was less scalding than distasteful to the last de-<br />

gree. Oh, how long he held that thimbleful in his<br />

mouth !<br />

" How can I swallow it ? Will it not<br />

sicken me? I must!" So ran his thought; but<br />

brave as a man committing hara-kiri he drained<br />

the cup.<br />

His verdict, after making inquest of a foreign<br />

be recorded as follows :<br />

dinner, might<br />

Item 1. Tools and machinery, that is, knives,<br />

forks, dishes, coffee-service, etc., wonderful and va-<br />

ried, but not necessarily preferable to the Japanese.

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