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336 ZOfrDA THE SAMURAI. to the Tycoon as a symbol of the bloody work to be done, and as an emblem of his authority, as general of the camp, to drive out the barbarians. Such a proposal of course made the Tycoon sick, and he kept himself at home, sending Ke*iki as his proxy, who also was seized with the kind of ill- ness which it was especially fashionable in Japan to have when duty was disagreeable. Kelki publicly descended from the shrine, and the ronins snorted with rage. They denounced him in caustic and obscene terms, and demanded that the Mikado in person should take the field while they marched in the van. The court had the utmost difficulty in quieting their wrath. The Choshiu clansmen, believing that the orders of the Mikado could be and should be obeyed when the date was definitely fixed, had left Kyoto. Re- turning to their province they began the erection of batteries on the heights overlooking the narrow straits of Shimonose'ki, where the naval battle of the Genji and He*ikd was fought in 1184. The water is less than a mile wide, but commanding the channel which runs like a mill-race in front of the town itself, the new batteries swept a space a half-mile in width. In formidable redoubts only they mounted twenty-four and thirty-two pounders and eight-inch American Dahlgren guns. They also bought at Shanghai, pretending they were acting for the Yedo government, a strong steamer, a brig, and a bark, and armed them with brass cannon, raising the red sun-flag of Japan at the peak, and

BLACK CLOUDS. 337 the Choshiu flag (three balls under a white bar) at the fore. On the pennants in the redoubt was read the legend, " In obedience to imperial orders." All eager and thirsting for blood they worked night and day to be ready to open fire on the first foreign ship that passed into the straits on the date of the twenty-fifth of June, as fixed by the Mikado's order. As for Honda Jiro, having tasted to the full the excitement and turmoil of politics and impending war, and having seen enough of the bloody work of fanatics to disgust him, and full of a new thirst, he made his way, with his wife, to Yokohama to seek knowledge of the "barbarians." He resolved to go at once to the houses of the missionaries, to become, if necessary, a servant in order to learn. Heartily appreciating the noble patriots who, under the pretext of "driving out the aliens," were in reality working for a united and regenerated country with one ruler and one capital, he was yet heartily sick of the narrow bigotry and brutal bloodthirstiness of ignorant fanatics.

BLACK CLOUDS. 337<br />

the Choshiu flag (three balls under a white bar) at<br />

the fore. On the pennants in the redoubt was read<br />

the legend, " In obedience to imperial orders." All<br />

eager and thirsting for blood they worked night<br />

and day to be ready to open fire on the first foreign<br />

ship that passed into the straits on the date of the<br />

twenty-fifth of June, as fixed by the Mikado's order.<br />

As for Honda Jiro, having tasted to the full the<br />

excitement and turmoil of politics and impending<br />

war, and having seen enough of the bloody work<br />

of fanatics to disgust him, and full of a new thirst,<br />

he made his way, with his wife, to Yokohama to seek<br />

knowledge of the "barbarians." He resolved to go<br />

at once to the houses of the missionaries, to become,<br />

if necessary, a servant in order to learn. Heartily<br />

appreciating the noble patriots who, under the pretext<br />

of "driving out the aliens," were in reality<br />

working for a united and regenerated country with<br />

one ruler and one capital, he was yet heartily sick<br />

of the narrow bigotry and brutal bloodthirstiness<br />

of ignorant fanatics.

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