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336 ZOfrDA THE SAMURAI.<br />

to the Tycoon as a symbol of the bloody work to be<br />

done, and as an emblem of his authority, as general<br />

of the camp, to drive out the barbarians.<br />

Such a proposal of course made the Tycoon sick,<br />

and he kept himself at home, sending Ke*iki as his<br />

proxy,<br />

who also was seized with the kind of ill-<br />

ness which it was especially fashionable in Japan to<br />

have when duty was disagreeable. Kelki publicly<br />

descended from the shrine, and the ronins snorted<br />

with rage. They denounced him in caustic and<br />

obscene terms, and demanded that the Mikado in<br />

person should take the field while they marched<br />

in the van. The court had the utmost difficulty in<br />

quieting their wrath.<br />

The Choshiu clansmen, believing that the orders<br />

of the Mikado could be and should be obeyed when<br />

the date was definitely fixed, had left Kyoto. Re-<br />

turning to their province they began the erection of<br />

batteries on the heights overlooking the narrow<br />

straits of Shimonose'ki, where the naval battle of<br />

the Genji and He*ikd was fought in 1184. The<br />

water is less than a mile wide, but commanding<br />

the channel which runs like a mill-race in front of<br />

the town itself, the new batteries swept a space<br />

a half-mile in width. In formidable redoubts<br />

only<br />

they mounted twenty-four and thirty-two pounders<br />

and eight-inch American Dahlgren guns. They also<br />

bought at Shanghai, pretending they were acting<br />

for the Yedo government, a strong steamer, a brig,<br />

and a bark, and armed them with brass cannon,<br />

raising the red sun-flag of Japan at the peak, and

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