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SLACK CLOUDS. 331<br />

to Holland to build a man-of-war, while Enomoto,<br />

Akamatsu, Uchida, and others, then promising men,<br />

whose names are now renowned in Japanese naval<br />

annals, were sent to Holland to study western civil-<br />

ization and the art of naval warfare, and after five<br />

years' study to bring out the ship to Japan. As for<br />

Sakuma Ei, he had long before been released from<br />

prison, and was pronounced in his opinion that the<br />

country should be opened to foreign intercourse and<br />

adopt western civilization. He always rode a horse<br />

equipped with an English saddle and bridle, and, by<br />

his strong opinions, irritated the fanatical foreigner-<br />

haters.<br />

In addition to naval reorganization the foun-<br />

dations of a national army were laid in a daring<br />

social innovation. Three battalions were organized<br />

in European style, to be drilled according to modern<br />

infantry tactics. The cavalry and artillery arms<br />

were formed of the class of samurai known as hata-<br />

moto, or the Tycoon's flag-supporters ; but the infan-<br />

try were recruited from the trading and farming<br />

classes. This was the sign of a new day for Japan,<br />

that the common people were admitted to military<br />

honors. One could easily see Koba's hand in this<br />

move.<br />

It was difficult, and in some cases impossible, to<br />

restrain the violence and fanaticism of clansmen who<br />

were so anxious to hasten the fall of the Tokugawas<br />

that they were constantly playing the assassin and<br />

incendiary, knowing no other means of bringing<br />

things to a crisis than the use of the sword and the

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