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326 HONDA THE SAMUHAL Yet the political situation was a very critical one and profoundly difficult. As a relative of the Toku- gawa family, and being one who was above all things desirous of honoring the noble line founded by lye"- yasu, the prince had to face the problem of being first of all loyal to the Mikado and the court, and then of dealing with the daimios and the clans, who were so hostile as to wish the immediate destruction of the Yedo government. Further, he must keep faith with the foreigners who continually and greed- ily pressed him for more privileges and advantages ; while on the other hand he was as eagerly pressed by fanatical patriots to destroy the aliens or to persuade them to leave the country. Further, since the authority of the Yedo government had been loosened, disorders were increasing in both the cities of Yedo and Kyoto, and assassina- tions of men whom the ronins marked for death were of frequent occurrence. Only a few days before a retainer of the daimios of Tamba mur- dered an English corporal of marines of the Brit- ish legation in Yedo for no other reason than because he hated foreigners. In Kyoto the heads of two retainers of a Kyoto noble were found stuck up on a board on the dry bed of the river before Kyoto. These events took place only a few days after the prince of Echizen received his appointment. In addition to the princes of Satsuma and Choshiu, the daimio of Tosa, being then in Kyoto, was ordered to assist in policing the capital and keeping in order the fanatical patriots. Thus arose

"EXPEL THE BARBARIANS." 327 the famous combination, lasting over twenty years, called Sa-cho-to, and destined to become so famous in recent history and so powerful in government even until 1890. The name is made, in common Japanese style, by uniting in one word the first syllables of Satsuma, Choshiu, and Tosa. Accepting the responsibility of being for a time the virtual ruler of all Japan, Matsudaira, lord of Echizen, summoned Professor Koba to be his chief adviser, Mr. Rai Goro to be his nearest assistant executive, and Honda Jiro to be his secretary. He began his difficult and delicate task by acting on the advice of the wise and able man and administrator whom years before he had invited from Higo, and who had been his counselor in Echizen. He trusted to the wisdom, the tact, and the courage of these three who were closest to him during the next two years of an exciting life in Yedo and Kyoto.


the famous combination, lasting over twenty years,<br />

called Sa-cho-to, and destined to become so famous<br />

in recent history and so powerful in government<br />

even until 1890. The name is made, in common<br />

Japanese style, by uniting in one word the first syllables<br />

of Satsuma, Choshiu, and Tosa.<br />

Accepting the responsibility of being<br />

for a time<br />

the virtual ruler of all Japan, Matsudaira, lord of<br />

Echizen, summoned Professor Koba to be his chief<br />

adviser, Mr. Rai Goro to be his nearest assistant<br />

executive, and Honda Jiro to be his secretary. He<br />

began his difficult and delicate task by acting on the<br />

advice of the wise and able man and administrator<br />

whom years before he had invited from Higo, and<br />

who had been his counselor in Echizen. He trusted<br />

to the wisdom, the tact, and the courage of these<br />

three who were closest to him during the next two<br />

years of an exciting life in Yedo and Kyoto.

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