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the books, bound with flexible covers and stitched<br />

with silk, were laid sidewise flat upon each other in<br />

the boxes, the number of each volume being marked<br />

in ink on the edges. On a writing-desk one foot<br />

high from the floor lay a black ink-stone, sticks of<br />

solid vermilion and jet "India" ink, brushes for writ-<br />

ing, a water-drip for furnishing moisture to the stone,<br />

a paper-knife, and other writing materials. In one<br />

corner stood a clock, shaped like a pyramid, with<br />

brass works at the top, and a dial-plate running down<br />

the face, which was graduated like a thermometer.<br />

The brass pointer attached to a leaden weight inside<br />

indicated the hour, which was marked on the righthand<br />

side by a number and on the left hand by a<br />

zodiac sign. The dial-plate had to be changed once<br />

a month, and the indicator was rarely nearer than<br />

several minutes of the exact time, yet<br />

this was one<br />

of the best native clocks then known. The doctor,<br />

however, was one of the very few men in Echizen<br />

who owned and carried a watch and knew practically<br />

what minutes, and even seconds, were.<br />

Doctor Sano was not alone this evening late in<br />

September, 1854. He had invited two of his gentlemen<br />

friends to view his chrysanthemums, of which<br />

he was very proud as well as fond. He reared the<br />

plants with his own hands, giving them almost as<br />

much care as he gave to his children. Among his<br />

collection were many varieties, sizes, and colors ;<br />

but<br />

in order to secure the finest results on selected<br />

specimens, he cut off all other buds and raised but<br />

one flower on a single stem. Most of these were

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