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were dealers whose stock-in-trade was empty trunks,<br />

parade ornaments, ceremonial uniforms, and men to<br />

be hired. He soon learned to recognize the same<br />

faces, the same bare legs and top-knots, the same<br />

clothes, and the identical trumpery turning up, day<br />

after day, in different processions entering Yedo<br />

from various points of the compass. The daimio<br />

might be from Yezo or Kiushiu, but the same faces<br />

and legs and top-knots reappeared under the differ-<br />

ent coats marked with the varying coat-of-arms.<br />

Having bought a book on heraldry, a pocket dictionary<br />

of the feudal nobility, he was able at once<br />

to recognize the train of any one of the three hun-<br />

dred or more province rulers or petty vassals of the<br />

lord of Yedo, the Tycoon.<br />

Of the other two friends, teacher and pupil, the<br />

former kept busy at books, waiting<br />

to see whether<br />

his proposition to the government to send Japanese<br />

to Europe to buy a man-of-war ship and to learn<br />

western civilization should be approved. He had not<br />

long to wait ; for although the authorities vetoed<br />

his suggestion, yet it was in the form of substantial<br />

victory for him. The law of lye'yasu, passed in<br />

1609, forbidding the building of seaworthy ships or<br />

any craft holding over twenty-five hundred bushels,<br />

thus allowing only small coasting-junks to be con-<br />

structed, was repealed. The daimios were given permission<br />

to build war-ships, which were to fly the<br />

feudal flag or pennant of the clan at the foremast,<br />

and the national flag of Japan, a red sun on a white<br />

ground, at the peak or mainmast. This was really

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