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212 HONDA THE SAMURAI. the story of the golden lotus into which a man went after paying a fat fee to the priests ? He came out a common corpse to the ordinary eye, but a hotoke (saint in paradise) according to the certificate of the bonzes." " Why, what a good story ! Pray, tell it to your rustic friend." "Well," said Ban, "I used to go to school here in Yedo, and many a time I have heard the legend from old men who lived near by. You see right across the moat, west of the mansion of the Hitotsubashi family, there was long ago a great meadow called Go-ji, which the bonzes bought and on it erected a gorgeous temple. In the main hall a cun- ning workman built for them a golden lotus six feet high. The petals were of great bent plates of gilded copper, as heavy and powerful in their closing as the scales of a dragon. The flower, which is the symbol of deity and eternal peace of Nirvana, was worked by ingenious machinery so as to open and shut. The bonzes wished to get money enough to buy a vast estate, and by enriching themselves and the temple make it the most famous in Yedo. They hit upon the plan of persuading pious old people who were wealthy that this lotus was the gateway to Nirvana. By sitting in a praying position inside the lotus and calling continually on holy Buddha, the lotus-flower would by* divine power close its petals upon them, and, instead of pain and death, sleep and translation into Amid the chantings paradise of the holy would be theirs. writings by the

AT THE JBIG GOLD-FISH. 213 bonzes robed in their full canonicals, clouds of incense, bursts of music, and enthusiasm of the spectators, many an old man and woman went to glory in this way. The money and the possessions of the victims accrued to the priests, so that their purchased land soon made a large red spot on the map of Yedo." " True enough," interrupted Honda, who had the day before bought an old map which he was now comparing with a new one he had borrowed from the landlord. " The red spaces which show the ground belonging to the Buddhist temples even yet take up a large part of Yedo ; but what became of the bonzes and temple, for I see no red on the spot you name ? " "The thing was overdone, and the government, listening to those having suspicions, ordered an inves- tigation. It was found that the victim on the calyx of the lotus, as soon as the flower was closed, was lowered into a copper air-tight cylinder full of car- bonic-acid gas. After quick death not only were his limbs, but even his face was smoothed out and given a hotok look. The lotus-flower was then opened, the saint restored to his friends, or carried at once to his barrel-coffin. The bonzes wrote his posthumous saintly name, and the funeral was usually very gorgeous. Of course no poor man could thus be sent to glory. 'Even the tortures are graded ac- cording to the amount of money one can pay,' as the proverb has it, when priests have charge of the hereafter. The government made short work of the fraud, beheaded most of the priests, and destroyed the temple. For a generation or two the land has been given up to foxes an4 badgers,"


bonzes robed in their full canonicals, clouds of incense,<br />

bursts of music, and enthusiasm of the spectators,<br />

many an old man and woman went to glory in this<br />

way. The money and the possessions of the victims<br />

accrued to the priests, so that their purchased land<br />

soon made a large red spot on the map of Yedo."<br />

" True enough," interrupted Honda, who had the<br />

day before bought an old map which he was now<br />

comparing with a new one he had borrowed from the<br />

landlord.<br />

" The red spaces which show the ground<br />

belonging to the Buddhist temples even yet take up<br />

a large part of Yedo ; but what became of the bonzes<br />

and temple, for I see no red on the spot you name ? "<br />

"The thing was overdone, and the government,<br />

listening to those having suspicions, ordered an inves-<br />

tigation. It was found that the victim on the calyx<br />

of the lotus, as soon as the flower was closed, was<br />

lowered into a copper air-tight cylinder full of car-<br />

bonic-acid gas.<br />

After quick death not only were his<br />

limbs, but even his face was smoothed out and given<br />

a hotok look. The lotus-flower was then opened,<br />

the saint restored to his friends, or carried at once<br />

to his barrel-coffin. The bonzes wrote his posthumous<br />

saintly name, and the funeral was usually very<br />

gorgeous. Of course no poor man could thus be<br />

sent to glory. 'Even the tortures are graded ac-<br />

cording to the amount of money one can pay,' as<br />

the proverb has it, when priests have charge of the<br />

hereafter. The government made short work of the<br />

fraud, beheaded most of the priests, and destroyed<br />

the temple. For a generation or two the land has<br />

been given up to foxes an4 badgers,"

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