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206 HONDA THE SAMURAI. meadows at the side of the road, in both winter and summer. They were importunate in their cries for "chabu, chahu" a low word for "grub," or food. At River Point they turned aside to enjoy the splendid carvings of dragons, flowers, and birds in a shower, in one of the temples, and crossing the river in a scow were soon within sight of the long, straggling suburbs of the great city, and in front of the execution-ground. This was on the left-hand side of the road, an oblong embankment of earth containing in the center a chi-tama, or blood-pit, at the edge of which the victim to be decapitated knelt, the swordsman standing behind him. A beam of wood set upon two uprights constituted the pillory, on which the heads were exposed, the trunk being usually covered up in a straw bag. Executions were of almost daily occurrence at this field of blood, though there were others also on the great highways leading into Yedo. Sometimes a row of top-knotted heads lined the pillory. Set on a bed of freshly mixed clay, they remained publicly ex- posed during a period of from one to three days. The old codes of law based on those of China, and in force for nearly a thousand years in Japan, prescribed death by the sword for no fewer than two hundred and fifty offences. On this day in July, 1853, there had been an execution early in the afternoon, as the shallow pit shining red in the sun, the fresh clay crimsoned with bloody ooze, and the single head exposed, which was that of a man of about fifty-five, too plainly showed. There were several little children playing

FROM KAMAKURA TO YEDO. near by, apparently oblivious of anything horrible. A group of four or five passers stood reading the inscription on a board tacked on the pillory. " Who is he ? " asked Honda of a by-stander. "A joker," answered the man addressed, with a heartless laugh. " " A ! joker replied Honda testily, for he imagined that he was being taken for a countryman and that the fellow was making game of him. " Why, yes ; every easterner, as I suppose, has heard how the rich merchant, Mr. Middlefield, made money by secretly trading with the American barbarians, and how at a dinner to celebrate his gains he boasted that the American fleet had been his ship of good fortune." " Is it possible ? " found out ? asked Honda. " When was he " " Well, he was arrested and thrown into prison as soon as the eye-appliers [spies] heard of his joke. He was tried yesterday, sentenced this morning, and had his head laid on a clay pillow about Horse time (1 P. M.) this afternoon." " Trade with the hairy foreigners will not become popular at this rate," laughed Honda. "Served the old " These men of the coin-counter right," said Ban. ink-pot and ledger need to be taught such lessons. But come, let us get into Yedo before the gates close." Through the long, rambling suburbs of Shina- gawa they made their way, and passing through the densely crowded streets of Yedo, moved on till near the foot of the Kudan, or Hill of Nine Steps.


near by, apparently oblivious of anything horrible.<br />

A group of four or five passers stood reading the<br />

inscription on a board tacked on the pillory.<br />

" Who is he ? " asked Honda of a by-stander.<br />

"A joker," answered the man addressed, with a<br />

heartless laugh.<br />

" " A ! joker replied Honda testily, for he imagined<br />

that he was being taken for a countryman and<br />

that the fellow was making game of him.<br />

" Why, yes ; every easterner, as I suppose, has<br />

heard how the rich merchant, Mr. Middlefield, made<br />

money by secretly trading with the American barbarians,<br />

and how at a dinner to celebrate his gains he<br />

boasted that the American fleet had been his ship<br />

of good fortune."<br />

"<br />

Is it possible ? " found out ?<br />

asked Honda. " When was he<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Well, he was arrested and thrown into prison as<br />

soon as the eye-appliers [spies] heard of his joke.<br />

He was tried yesterday, sentenced this morning, and<br />

had his head laid on a clay pillow about Horse time<br />

(1 P. M.) this afternoon."<br />

" Trade with the hairy foreigners will not become<br />

popular at this rate," laughed Honda.<br />

"Served the old<br />

" These men of the<br />

coin-counter right," said Ban.<br />

ink-pot and ledger need to be<br />

taught such lessons. But come, let us get into Yedo<br />

before the gates close."<br />

Through the long, rambling<br />

suburbs of Shina-<br />

gawa they made their way, and passing through<br />

the densely crowded streets of Yedo, moved on till<br />

near the foot of the Kudan, or Hill of Nine Steps.

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