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American soldiers should land and set fire to the<br />

houses.<br />

"<br />

They 're a rough lot, I tell you," said an old<br />

sailor who had been on many, many voyages to the<br />

north seas, around Yezo, and even the Aleutian<br />

Islands.<br />

"<br />

They are many feet high, wear hair all over their<br />

face, like the Aino savages, drink liquor out of big<br />

glasses, eat piles of meat, and are very ugly when<br />

they are angry. When in good humor, however,<br />

they are very kind. I have been on board their<br />

whale-ships, and one of them gave me this knife with<br />

four blades that work on hinges, as you see. But<br />

perhaps if these Americans are well treated, they will<br />

not harm our people."<br />

Mr. Rai passed on beyond the city limits and up<br />

the hill into Atago Yama. Here, on the top of a hill<br />

that overlooked the city and valley, was the ceme-<br />

tery of the lords of the house of Echizen, where lay<br />

buried the dead rulers of the province. Among<br />

these tombs also a grander name than even that of<br />

local ruler was that of Mikado, for here, centuries<br />

ago, had been buried one of the emperors<br />

of Ever-<br />

lasting Great Japan.<br />

What led Mr. Rai to this lonely, ghostly spot at<br />

this time, so near midnight?<br />

For centuries the Japanese, living in unbroken<br />

quiet and shut off from all the world, imagined<br />

that Japan was not only the land of Great Peace<br />

but also the Holy Country, the land of the gods,<br />

the favorite dwelling-place of holy spirits. They

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