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for a beard, the cheeks puffed out, and the mouthpiece<br />

left open. This made a terrific visage. The<br />

nose-piece could also be removed so as to make<br />

hasty eating or drinking possible. His armor was<br />

of links and plates of lacquered and gold-incrusted<br />

iron, laced<br />

" In his<br />

together with raw silk.<br />

gauntlets Yoshitsune* held a lacquered<br />

wand holding a bunch of strips of paper. This<br />

was a commander's badge of rank, and the paper<br />

was gilt, silvered, or plain, according to rank.<br />

With it he gave orders, waving it to the right or<br />

left, up or down, obliquely, etc., for advance, retreat,<br />

charge, or flank movement, as the case required. His<br />

feet were shod with bear-skin, and his knees, thighs,<br />

arms, and body were all cased in deer leather, paper<br />

lacquered until tough as tin, and chain-mail of iron<br />

held together by cords and lacings. When on a<br />

in a box which<br />

journey the armor was packed<br />

served him for a seat when in camp. Japanese<br />

armor rarely rusts, on account of the lacquer. Yo-<br />

shitsun^ remained four or five years with Lord Hide-<br />

hira and continued his military education until, hear-<br />

ing of his brother Yoritomo's march, he set out with<br />

a score of horsemen at his back to join his brother's<br />

camp at Fuji River.<br />

" When Yoritomo wished to destroy the He*ik6 in<br />

the southern campaign he made trial of his younger<br />

brothers to find which of them was fit for the business<br />

; so he heated a copper water-jar very hot, and<br />

calling his brothers one by one into a wash-room, he<br />

made them hold it for him.

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