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118 HONDA THE SAMURAI. baby, Yoshitsune', at her breast, she faced the storm and cold until she reached shelter in a village of Yamato. But even there the He'ike' tracked her out, and she and her children were carried to the capital. Kiyomori had already seized her mother and brought her to Kyoto, expecting to use her in- fluence to win over the daughter. Yielding to the threats, persuasions, and teasing of her mother, and for the sake of her children, she entered the harem of Kiyomori, the regent of the empire. For their mother's sake he pardoned the three children. One became a priest in a monastery, one a page to the Mikado's son; but the baby, when weaned, was removed to the monastery on Mount Kurama, six miles north of Kyoto. The monks were ordered to educate the boy, and it was expected that he would in time become a priest." "Is this the same Tokiwa after whom one of oui castle gates is named ? " asked Taro. " The same, my son." " And is the evergreen-tree named after her ? " " I rather think that she was named after the tree, which existed first and long before she did," said Mr. Rai, smiling, "even as this river out here existed before the city at its side. The name means ' the unchangeable stone,' that is, always the same, and when we wish to speak of what is eternal, we use a word in which this word occurs. Certainly her name is immortal. " This boy child was Yoshitsune', the future hero. Being yet a mere child, he did not know who his

THE RED AND WHITE BANNERS. 119 ancestors were, nor did he suspect that he was of the mighty line of the Genji. He was a very short and chubby boy, with ruddy cheeks and protruding teeth. His nature was fiery and impetuous. He was so strong, active, restless, and fond of play that he gave great annoyance to the priests in the monastery. "For these old gentlemen liked to be always quiet, which this 'young ox,' as they called him, never was. His teacher wanted to shave his head so as to have him smooth-pated like the monks, but he refused, and said his two elder brothers were to be priests, and he was ashamed of it. So he kept on his fine silk clothing, such as boys of noble blood wear, and wore his hair dressed in the butterfly or ringed shocked. style, at which the bonzes were greatly " One day, when eleven years old, the boy got hold of a book of the Genji pedigree, and found out all about his ancestors. This made him more discontented than before. Keeping quiet over the matter, however, he resolved never to be a priest, but to become a warrior and redeem the Genji for- tunes. After this he became very studious at his books by day and at night practiced fencing. " One day an iron-merchant from the east visited the monastery, and the ' young ox ' persuaded the man to take him to the east. He said the priests would be only glad to get rid of him. This proved true. The 'young ox' left, and the priests never troubled their heads further about him. On the


baby, Yoshitsune', at her breast, she faced the storm<br />

and cold until she reached shelter in a village of<br />

Yamato. But even there the He'ike' tracked her<br />

out, and she and her children were carried to the<br />

capital. Kiyomori had already<br />

seized her mother<br />

and brought her to Kyoto, expecting to use her in-<br />

fluence to win over the daughter. Yielding to the<br />

threats, persuasions, and teasing of her mother, and<br />

for the sake of her children, she entered the harem<br />

of Kiyomori, the regent of the empire. For their<br />

mother's sake he pardoned the three children. One<br />

became a priest in a monastery, one a page to the<br />

Mikado's son; but the baby, when weaned, was removed<br />

to the monastery on Mount Kurama, six<br />

miles north of Kyoto. The monks were ordered<br />

to educate the boy, and it was expected that he<br />

would in time become a priest."<br />

"Is this the same Tokiwa after whom one of oui<br />

castle gates is named ? " asked Taro.<br />

" The same, my son."<br />

" And is the evergreen-tree named after her ? "<br />

" I rather think that she was named after the tree,<br />

which existed first and long before she did," said Mr.<br />

Rai, smiling, "even as this river out here existed<br />

before the city at its side. The name means ' the<br />

unchangeable stone,' that is, always the same, and<br />

when we wish to speak of what is eternal, we use a<br />

word in which this word occurs. Certainly her<br />

name is immortal.<br />

" This boy child was Yoshitsune', the future hero.<br />

Being yet a mere child, he did not know who his

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