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90 HONDA THE SAMURAI. great island between the central mountains and the sea, and between Kyoto and the wild north Echizen was civilized first. I propose to tell you the story of how the arms of the Mikado were in the early ages extended over all Hondo, as we call the main island of Japan. I shall partly read from our great historian Rai Sanyo, who has written the best history The of our country, and partly explain by talking. story will also show the origin of many of our cus- toms, the favorite subjects of our artists and ro- mancers, and also tell how the Throne and the Camp came to be separated." " And may I ask questions as we go along ? " in- quired Taro. " Certainly, my son. I want you to learn all you can, so I shall begin with the story of Yoshi-iye', who may be called the founder of the Gen family, or Genji; though the first men to whom the name of Minarnoto was given were grandsons of the Mikado Se*iwa, just as the first man named Taira was a great-grandson of the Mikado Kuammu. The Chinese sounds of Minamoto and Taira are Gen and IM." " Oh, yes ; we boys divide into two parts, those in our street and games, those in the next, when we play and call ourselves Genji and He"ikd. When we are rivals at school, and when at kite-time we play at cutting kite-strings, and the polo-players with red and white hats, and, indeed, whoever are opposed to each other, call themselves Genji and Hdike. Will you tell " ing of their names ? us about them and the mean

" Yes ; ME. RAI TALKS POLITICS. 91 but it is difficult to know just how the most ancient noble families received their names, though these were originally bestowed by the Mikado. One of the court families has a name meaning ' Orange,' another ' ' Wistaria-meadow ; but of Minamoto or Gen, and the Taira or He'i, the families which had their origin eight centuries ago, the meaning is lost. I shall now tell you the story of the campaigns of Toshi-lye*, which means ' He who raises up our house,' and you will soon see how he got his name. " Anciently the empire of Dai Nippon was con- fined to a comparatively small portion in the central part of the main island, or Hondo. The land north and east of Kyoto was comparatively unknown or unexplored, and filled with tribes of savages who gave uncertain obedience to the Mikado, and frequently broke out in rebellion. To subdue them and extend his rule, the Mikado sent out brave gen- erals from Kyoto who won great renown in conquering these tracts of northern country, and paving the way for the civil governors and the centralized system of government. These generals were almost entirely chosen from the great military families of the Gen and He'i, while the Fuji-wara and other families were noted for their civil talents. The He'i generals made conquest chiefly in the south, and the Gen in the east and north. " One of the first Gen soldiers who led a victo- rious expedition into the region north of Yedo, which was then a wild moor or prairie region, was Yoriyoshi. On his return to the capital, having won


great island between the central mountains and the<br />

sea, and between Kyoto and the wild north Echizen<br />

was civilized first. I propose to tell you the story<br />

of how the arms of the Mikado were in the early<br />

ages extended over all Hondo, as we call the main<br />

island of Japan. I shall partly read from our great<br />

historian Rai Sanyo, who has written the best history<br />

The<br />

of our country, and partly explain by talking.<br />

story will also show the origin of many of our cus-<br />

toms, the favorite subjects of our artists and ro-<br />

mancers, and also tell how the Throne and the Camp<br />

came to be separated."<br />

" And may I ask questions as we go along ? " in-<br />

quired Taro.<br />

" Certainly, my son. I want you to learn all you<br />

can, so I shall begin with the story of Yoshi-iye',<br />

who may be called the founder of the Gen family,<br />

or Genji; though the first men to whom the name<br />

of Minarnoto was given were grandsons of the Mikado<br />

Se*iwa, just as the first man named Taira was a<br />

great-grandson of the Mikado Kuammu. The Chinese<br />

sounds of Minamoto and Taira are Gen and<br />

IM."<br />

" Oh, yes ;<br />

we boys divide into two parts, those in<br />

our street and<br />

games,<br />

those in the next, when we play<br />

and call ourselves Genji and He"ikd. When<br />

we are rivals at school, and when at kite-time we<br />

play at cutting kite-strings, and the polo-players<br />

with red and white hats, and, indeed, whoever are<br />

opposed to each other, call themselves Genji and<br />

Hdike. Will you tell<br />

"<br />

ing of their names ?<br />

us about them and the mean

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