SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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"California would be a good place," Pacey said.<br />

Dawson gave one nervous cough and plunged in. "California. Okay. Well, I took Joey<br />

to California with me, and I knew she wasn't really happy at first, but I really believed that<br />

she would be okay once we got out there, you know? Somehow she'd get in the sun,<br />

and she'd sort of perk up."<br />

Pacey nodded slowly. "Like a plant."<br />

Dawson shook his head and smiled ruefully. "I walked into that one, I guess." He<br />

fidgeted and looked at the ground. "Look, I was wrong to ask her to come with me to<br />

California. I knew -- I mean, I didn't consciously know, but I knew on the inside, I think --<br />

that everything with her dad had her so crazy that she wasn't exactly going to make the<br />

best possible decisions on a day-to-day basis. Just the fact that she wasn't going to go<br />

to school . . . it was crazy, you know?" Dawson searched Pacey's face for a sign, but<br />

there seemed to be nothing yet. "And I think," he continued, nodding slowly, "that I also<br />

knew that she wanted to be back here with you."<br />

Pacey looked at Dawson quizzically. "Then how could you put her on that plane with<br />

you, Dawson?"<br />

"I put her on the plane because . . . " He glanced over his shoulder at Joey, who was<br />

inside dancing with Jack. She suddenly seemed incredibly far away, unrecognizable to<br />

him in her red dress and heels, so impossibly happy. "I put her on the plane because I<br />

hoped I was wrong, I guess. And because it seemed like it was so right that it couldn't<br />

possibly be as wrong as the signs all suggested it was."<br />

"I thought you just didn't see those signs," Pacey said, staring out into the dark.<br />

"I saw them." Dawson laughed. "I ignored them, but I saw them. I sort of hoped that <strong>by</strong><br />

making it my full-time job to prove they were false, I might actually make it happen."<br />

"That's the part I've never understood." Pacey turned a little to face Dawson, leaning<br />

against an iron railing at the patio's edge. "Why you thought you could change how she<br />

felt."<br />

Dawson put his hands in his pockets and scraped the patio stones with his toe. Finally,<br />

he looked up at Pacey. "Give me a minute. I'm trying to think of something that sounds<br />

better than 'unbridled arrogance and a twisted notion of the nobility of unending<br />

pursuit.'" This, to his great relief, made Pacey chuckle. "I think," Dawson went on, "that<br />

everybody has always understood that Joey relied on me and my family for a lot, you<br />

know, because of how crazy everything was at her house when she was a kid. But I'm<br />

not sure they ever really get how much I relied on her, and how much it threw me when<br />

she walked away from me."<br />

Now, he had Pacey's attention. "Go on."<br />

"In one fell swoop," Dawson said, gesturing broadly, "you and Joey made me obsolete in<br />

each other's lives. She didn't need me as the boyfriend, because she had you. You

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