SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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clumsily. He held her hips, pulling her roughly against him, meeting her eager lips with<br />

his, matching the insistent rhythm of her tongue as she moved it in and out of his mouth.<br />

She was warm and perfect, just like always, still smelling like roses, and he put one hand<br />

on the back of her neck just to feel her hair, soft as silk on the back of his hand as she<br />

moved with him. She pushed him backward until he collided with a cheap folding table<br />

against the wall, sending a stack of books crashing to the floor. "Sorry," she mumbled<br />

into his mouth as his hands restlessly roamed across her back.<br />

Her hands crept under his shirt, one reaching around to pull him closer against her, the<br />

other pushing the fabric up and up until it bunched under his arms. He stepped back<br />

long enough for her to pull it up and over his head, and then drop it to the floor. She bit<br />

and sucked at his bare shoulder, tasting the sweat on his skin and feeling his breath at<br />

her ear. He gave a raspy groan, and lifted her face to kiss her again. "This . . . off," she<br />

pleaded, working on the top button of her shirt. He stared directly into her eyes as he<br />

clenched the fabric in his fists and ripped the shirt open, sending the buttons clattering to<br />

the floor. She laughed as he peeled it off her arms. "I can't believe you did that," she<br />

breathed. She made a soft but insistent sighing sound, percussive but airy. "God, I miss<br />

hearing that sound," he whispered in her ear.<br />

"Believe me," she said, reaching between them for the top button of his jeans, "you don't<br />

miss hearing it half as much as I miss making it."<br />

This seemed to make something in him snap, and he grabbed for her with such force<br />

that both of them stumbled and fell, knocking over the CD rack and landing on the floor<br />

in a tangle. She laughed, a good laugh, an alive laugh, a laugh like the girl she was and<br />

had always been, and he was suddenly so full of feeling that it froze him.<br />

"What . . . are . . . you . . . doing?" She stared up at him, shocked to see that in the<br />

middle of this rather desperate encounter, he was at a dead stop, staring at her like a<br />

crazy person.<br />

"I'm thinking," he said, gently touching her cheek with one finger, "that I'll just keep you<br />

like this forever."<br />

She dropped onto her back again, her fingers scraping against the cheap carpet, her<br />

breath coming in uneven gasps. "Well, I'm thinking that if you keep me like this for<br />

another thirty seconds, I'm . . . going to burst into flames and . . . ruin your carpet and<br />

you're . . . not going to get your security deposit back."<br />

"Me and you," he whispered.<br />

"Well, what do you know?" She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. As she<br />

rubbed her bare foot against one of his, she managed to kick over a halogen lamp,<br />

which tipped slowly and finally smashed spectacularly to the floor.<br />

At the sound of breaking glass, Joey jumped, driving her elbow into his abdomen. "Oh,"<br />

he groaned. "Right in the bread basket, there, Jo."<br />

She lay back down and stared up apologetically. "I'm sorry. I wasn't ready for sound<br />


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