SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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Pacey narrowed his eyes. "You'd rather I hit him again?"<br />

"I, for one, would rather you got over it," Jen interjected. "As a concession to the<br />

shortness of life, can't you just shake hands and move on? I understand this thing with<br />

Joey was very hard on both of you --"<br />

"This isn't really about Joey," Pacey interrupted. "Believe me when I tell you that there<br />

were bad things going on between me and Dawson long before I got involved with her.<br />

Before either of us got involved with her, actually. He and I built our entire friendship on<br />

this idea that he was good and true and pure and dull, and I was fun and entertaining<br />

and unreliable and destined for the scrap heap. He's said plenty of things to me that<br />

have nothing to do with Joey that are just . . . too much to take back."<br />

"And what about you?" Jack asked. "Did you play no role in this ongoing feud at all?<br />

The Hatfields made trouble while the McCoys stayed inside and played gin rummy?"<br />

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that whatever I did, I'm not waiting for him to forgive<br />

me, and whatever he did, he shouldn't be waiting for me to forgive him, either." Pacey<br />

looked over at Jen, and saw that she was looking over his shoulder with a look that was<br />

an interesting mix of curiosity and concern. Turning his head to follow her stare, he saw<br />

Joey making her way toward them. He looked down and saw that his hands were<br />

shaking again. Looking up, he saw that Joey was laughing. She was ambling down the<br />

path with loose-limbed ease, carrying a bag of groceries on her hip, just behind a guy<br />

carrying what looked like a plate of brownies. Pacey smiled.<br />

And then it occurred to him. That guy isn't just walking down beside her. That guy is<br />

with her. He was tall, or at least taller than Pacey, and he was laughing, too. They were<br />

walking along together, laughing. She had brought someone to the party. She could<br />

have at least warned me.<br />

"Hey," Joey said in a cheery but slightly shaky voice. As Jack and Jen greeted her,<br />

Pacey kept his eye on her date, who was shifting back and forth a little uncomfortably.<br />

"You guys," Joey finally said, gesturing toward him, "This is my friend Chris. Chris, this<br />

is Jack, Jen, and Pacey."<br />

Chris's eyes widened a little at the mention of Pacey's name. "Oh, right, okay."<br />

Pacey hated him instantly. He looked snotty and rich and entirely too old for Joey.<br />

Bastard.<br />

Jen, on the other hand, took to him immediately, which made her a traitor, as far as<br />

Pacey was concerned. "Chris, let me show you where you can put those down." She<br />

walked off toward another table, and after shooting a glance at Joey, who gave an<br />

encouraging nod, Chris followed her. Pacey, Joey, and Jack stood in silence for what<br />

seemed to be an interminably long time, after which Jack muttered something under his<br />

breath and just walked away, defeated entirely.<br />

Joey looked sideways at Pacey with a smile. "Pace?"<br />

He cleared his throat. "Yeah?"

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