SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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pouncing on her mouth and kissing her while she laughed. Her hands in his hair. His<br />

boat -- their boat -- sinking into the water as the rain poured. The look on his face the<br />

first time she told him she loved him. His fingers pressing the inside of her elbow. Him,<br />

literally kissing tears off her face. His smile, broad and open. Her, kissing his<br />

forehead.<br />

"I'm sorry, Dawson, but I'm not going back to California with you. Not now, not<br />

tomorrow, not next week, not ever. It's not going to happen. And it isn't because I don't<br />

agree with a lot of what you said. I don't deny that I don't have Pacey's knack for total<br />

insanity. And I don't deny that there's probably a lot more risk involved with him than<br />

there would be with you. In fact," she continued, nodding half to herself and half to him,<br />

"I don't deny that probably, his being with Jen isn't a surprise or even a bad thing."<br />

"Then why aren't we reaching the same conclusion?"<br />

"Because," she said, "you seem to think that I have a choice in this, and I know that I<br />

don't."<br />

He frowned. "What do you mean?"<br />

"Dawson, I didn't choose to fall in love with him in the first place. I didn't choose to need<br />

him so much that my feet can't even find the ground when I can't be with him. I certainly<br />

didn't choose not to be in love with you, given that everything you said is true, and being<br />

in love with you would be so much easier than anything else I could do. The only thing I<br />

can choose is what I do about it, and the worst thing I could do would be to get on a<br />

plane with you and go to California just because I can't have him. That's what I did six<br />

months ago, and I haven't done anything but regret it ever since." This last bit of<br />

honesty was perhaps more than she should have said, but when you're trying to break<br />

bricks, you need a heavy hammer.<br />

Recovering from his fits of confusion, Dawson now stared back at her bitterly. "Well, I'm<br />

sorry to hear that life on the West Coast was so painful for you. Far be it from me to<br />

deny you your opportunity to throw your life into chaos. I mean, I guess I thought that<br />

after watching your father and your mother and your sister all do the same thing, you<br />

might be tempted to opt for something a little more rational, but I suppose it's just one of<br />

those things. Blood is thicker than water, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, things<br />

like that."<br />

Neither of them had seen Pacey, who had let himself in through kitchen with the key that<br />

Joey had never had the heart to take back, standing in the living room doorway. Now,<br />

they both saw him as he crossed the room, yanked Dawson up from the couch <strong>by</strong> the<br />

front of his shirt, and connected a single, clean punch to the jaw. Dawson fell backwards<br />

and landed hard on the floor. "What the fuck is the matter with you, Dawson?" Pacey<br />

shouted. "Do you hear yourself? Do you hear the things you're saying to her?"<br />

"Pacey, it's -- it's all right," Joey stammered through confused tears. "It doesn't matter."<br />

"It matters to me," Pacey insisted loudly. He turned his attention back to Dawson, who<br />

was slowly standing up. "Do you sit around all day just storing up ways to take how<br />

much people care about you and use it against them? God, I don't know anybody who

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